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李鼎元,甘肃省兰州市人,字日村。1944年11月生。兰州画院高级美术师,中国美术家协会会员,甘肃省美术家协会理事,甘肃漫画家协会副会长,国家1 级美术师,香港国际画院漫画艺术委员会主席。早年曾从事油画、国画、少儿插图、漫画创作。后调入兰州画院从事油画、国画、漫画等的创作。水墨漫画曾在土耳其伊斯坦布尔获15届国际漫画展大奖;韩国韩城七届国际漫画展;韩国大田第三届国际漫画展优秀奖;日本北海道国际漫画展优秀奖。水墨漫画曾在罗马尼亚、巴西、南斯拉夫、波兰、以色列、比利时等国参展并入编画册。油画入选建党八十周年全国美展;第三届全国油画展。国画入选文明 部主办中国西部风情国际书画摄影展。作品曾三次获甘肃省委、省政府颁发的敦煌文艺奖。并获甘肃省美术家协会颁发的1 等奖三次。国家1 级美术师,在兰州画院次要 从事油画、水墨漫画、国画的创作。1959年至1962年兰州专业 艺术大学绘画结业,1963年至1964年兰州西国工人俱乐部美术工作者,1965年至1989年兰州市玉泉山公园美术工作者,1990年至2002年兰州画院美术创作者。

Introduction to the artist

Person of city of Lanzhou of the Gansu Province, word day village. Unripe in November 1944. Lanzhou imperial art academy is advanced art division, chinese artist academician, director of association of artist of the Gansu Province, vice-chairman of association of Gansu Province caricaturist, country division of one class art, chairman of committee of art of caricature of imperial art academy of Hong Kong international. One's early years ever was engaged in canvas, traditional Chinese painting, little creative work of illustration, cartoon. The creation that transfers into Lanzhou imperial art academy is engaged in canvas, traditional Chinese painting, caricature waiting after. Caricature of water Chinese ink ever obtained 15 international caricature to exhibit large award in Turkey Istanbul; 7 international caricature exhibits Korea Han city; Caricature of the 3rd international exhibits Korea land for growing field crops outstanding award; Caricature of Japanese Hokkaido international exhibits outstanding award. Ceng Zailuo of caricature of water Chinese ink is Maniya, Brazil, Yugoslavia, polish, Israel, Belgian ginseng waiting for a country is exhibited merge into make up an album of paintings. Canvas is selected beauty of 80 years of whole nations exhibits found a party; Canvas of the 3rd whole nation is exhibited. Traditional Chinese painting changes a ministry to sponsor China into selection western photography of painting and calligraphy of amorous feelings international is exhibited. Work ever won the Dunhuang literary award that government of Gansu Province provincial Party committee, province issues 3 times. Win the first prize that association of artist of the Gansu Province awards 3 times. Country division of one class art, basically be engaged in the creation of caricature of Chinese ink of canvas, water, traditional Chinese painting in Lanzhou imperial art academy. Came 1959 Lanzhou amateur is artistic 1962 university brushwork complete a course, came 1963 1964 Lanzhou on the west country worker of worker club art, came 1965 1989 worker of art of park of hill of spring of Lanzhou city jade, came 1990 the person that art of Lanzhou imperial art academy was created 2002.



