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2022-03-11 17:16:00




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何富成,男,1962年12月生于宁夏固原县。现为宁夏日报主任编辑、小龙人报副总编辑,系宁夏美术家协会理事、宁夏漫画艺委会常务副主任兼秘书长、中国旧事 漫画研讨 会常务理事。
在国内外报刊发表漫画、插图作品3000余幅,获不同等次奖项50余次,其中获宁夏美术书法大展金奖,4次获宁夏漫画竞赛1 等奖,15次获宁夏旧事 奖,2次获人民日报社“讽刺与幽默”优秀作品奖,中国旧事 奖漫画作品银奖,台湾勇气网第四届国际漫画大赛优秀奖,意大利第5 届国际幽默节第4名,塞浦路斯国际漫画展览特别奖、韩国大田第十二回国际漫画大赛第5名等。作品人选第九届全国美展,第二、三、四届中国漫画大展,及日本、比利时、土耳其、意大利、南斯拉夫、克罗地亚、葡萄牙、罗马尼亚、瑞典、阿根廷等国举办的国际漫画展赛或幽默艺术节。曾获固原县“5 1 ”劳动奖章、“宁夏自学成才者”、“宁夏十大杰出青年”、“宁夏杰出美术家”等称号。

Introduction to the artist

He Fucheng, male, was born at Ningxia solid former county in December 1962. It is editor of Ningxia daily chairman, small Long Ren to sign up for deputy editor in chief now, caricature of director of association of department Ningxia artist, Ningxia art appoint can standing vice director holds seminar of caricature of news of secretary-general, China concurrently standing director.
Work of caricature, illustration is published in domestic and international the press 3 more than 000, win award of different place in a series more than 50, obtain Ningxia art calligraphy to exhibit a gold prize greatly among them, win first prize of Ningxia caricature contest 4 times, win Ningxia news award 15 times, win People's Daily company 2 times " satirize and humour " outstanding work reward, silver-colored reward of work of cartoon of Chinese news award, taiwan courage net contest of caricature of the 4th international is outstanding award, section of humour of the 5th international of Italian the 4th, exhibition of Cyprus international caricature is special land for growing field crops of award, Korea is dozenth an international caricature contest wait the 5th times. Beauty of the 9th whole nation exhibits work person selected, the 2nd, 3, 4 China caricature is exhibited greatly, the international caricature that reachs the country such as Japan, Belgian, Turkey, Italy, Yugoslavia, Keluodeya, Portuguese, Romania, Sweden, Argentina to hold postpones game or humorous and artistic moral integrity. Ever obtained solid former county " 51 " labor medal, " the person that Ningxia teachs oneself a grow into useful timber " , " Ningxia 10 old prominent young people " , " Ningxia is crackajack artist " wait for a title.



