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许十明(1911—1998)出生于苏州城内平江路胡相思巷1 个普通百姓家庭,少年时,即喜欢画画,正儿八经的学画是1926年进苏州顾仲华国画学社学习中国画,后又考取了上海新华艺专学习。毕业后,前后 在苏州、上海学校任教,期间结识了漫画家叶浅予,对漫画艺术产生浓厚兴味 。抗日和平 爆发后,举日为艰,许十明以笔做刀、以漫画为兵器 ,在《上海漫画》《漫画界》《申报》等发表了几十幅抗日漫画,成为我国初期 颇具声誉的漫画家之1 。
新中国成立后,许十明前后 在上海华东建筑工程公司、江湾建筑技术学校任职,回到苏州当前 ,在1 个建筑工程公司任职。而他绘画创作则始终坚持,笔耕不掇。曾任苏州美协主席和苏州国画院院长的孙君良年轻时由于 同事和同行介绍说许十明是苏州最好的画家而很早与之结识,为其渊博的知识和惊人的记忆力所深深折服,也为其交谈中对历史典故、轶闻别史 、巧对趣联甚至民间行业行话的切口无不稔熟且贯穿始终的幽默感而常常忍俊不禁。
1956年,中国美术家协会会刊《美术》杂志5月号发表了许十明的中国画《江南的春天》:桃花林下刺绣的江南农村妇女和拎着菜叶喂鸡的小女孩,抽象 生动,富无情 趣,境界深远,而且构图奇妙,引发 了美术界的强烈反响与剧烈争辩 。那是个令人记忆犹新的敏感年份,就是连鸡零狗碎牛溲马勃鸡毛蒜皮这类薄物细故细枝末节都被无穷 上纲上线,而且是屡见不鲜司空见惯的岌岌可危,事实上登载的来信批评中口吻已 临近底线,画中不管 构图色彩笔墨还是抽象 比例姿势 都被拿来以政治教育思想观点逐一 细说,即使今天读来还让人1 身冷汗提心吊胆惊心动魄,好在是非自有公论,几个月以后 《美术》杂志编辑部总结争议1 语定音,此作被誉为歌颂江南农村欣欣向荣幸福生活的好作品。
1958年,许十明调入苏州工艺美术专科学校任教,从此获得1 个良好的绘画创作环境。中国画《水乡》入选中华人民共和国近代中国画展,和齐白石徐悲鸿等大师的作品一同 赴欧洲展出,作品刊登在《人民日报》上,诗人邓拓曾为之赋诗赞叹 。50年代末,许十明还应中国历史博物馆和中国革命军事博物馆之邀,赴京三个月创作巨幅历史画和军史画。不管 政治层面还是艺术水准,这应当 说是对他的双重肯定。
而后1960年,49岁的许十明出席了全国文教群英会,获江苏省人民委员会颁发的“教育和文明 、卫生、教育等方面社会主义建设先进工作者称号”奖状。1962年,作品参加中华人民共和国文明 部、中国美术家协会主办的“纪念毛泽东同志《延安文艺座谈会上的讲话》发表20周年全国美术博览会 ”。
行万里路是1 种理论,作为1 个画家不在于走了多少地方,而在于目击心传,在于对大自然的感悟而构成 本身 的胸中丘壑。许十明没有去过的很多地方,1963年,他参加了文明 局组织谢孝思先生带队为时1 个来月的浙江之行,游历了绍兴、金华、新安江水库、淳安新城、温州雁荡山等地,画了不少写生。这是许十明艺术人生的1 个转机 ,冥冥当中 好像是个分水岭,以后 的许十明就以山水画为主了。
1963年,与吴?木一同 为苏州火车站候车厅创作江南四季巨幅山水画,吴?木创作的是《虎丘春晓》《天平秋艳》2幅。许十明创作的是《太湖夏熟》《灵岩冬雪》2幅,独特的构图和精彩的用笔表现,令人印象深刻,称赞不绝。

Introduction to the artist

Xu Shiming (1911, 1998) be born in Suzhou Chengneiping alley of Jiang Lu introduced from the northern and western nationalities or from abroad lovesickness family of an ordinary common people, when the teenager, like a painting namely, of 8 classics learning a picture was 1926 into Suzhou Gu Zhonghua traditional Chinese painting learns the traditional Chinese painting in company study, hind pass an entrance examination Shanghai Xin Huayi learns only. After graduation, teach in school of Suzhou, Shanghai early or late, caricaturist Xie Jian was gotten acquainted with to grant during, generate strong interest to caricature art. After the War of Resistance Against Japan erupts, lift day to be difficult, xu Shiming does a knife with the pen, it is a weapon with caricature, in " Shanghai caricature " " caricature bound " " declare " etc published a few cartoon that fight day, become our country inchoate one of cartoonist that have reputation quite.
After new China holds water, xu Shiming builds engineering company, Jiang Wan to build technical school to hold a post in Shanghai Huadong early or late, after returning Suzhou, in construction engineering company holds a post. And he draws creation holds to from beginning to end, the pen is agrarian not pick up. Ceng Rensu city is beautiful assist say because of colleague and person of the same trade Xu Shiming is the painter with best Suzhou when the Mr Sun good people of chairman and dean of courtyard of Suzhou traditional Chinese painting is young and early is gotten acquainted with to it, for its broad and profound knowledge and breathtaking memory place are convinced deeply, in also chatting for its, hear to historical literary quotation, Yi unofficial history, artful to interesting couplet even the cut all without exception of civilian industry cant harvests ripe and perforative from beginning to end sense of humor and often cannot help laughing.
1956, the journal of an association of Chinese artist institute " art " date published the magazine in May Xu Shiming's China draws " the spring of Changjiang Delta " : The woman of inwrought Changjiang Delta country below peach blossom forest and the little girl that carrying dish leaf to feed chicken, image is dramatic, be full of appeal, the state is far-reaching, and composition of a picture is fantastic, caused the intense echo of art group and fierce debate. That is the sensitive a particular year of a remain fresh in one's memory making a person, connect trifles of sth cheap but useful of in bits and pieces namely minor details of trivial matter of this kind of poor other people be gotten on by infinite raise to the higher plane of principle line, and it is common occurance common be between the beetle and the block, the snout in the incoming letter criticism that publishs in fact has drawn near bottom line, in the picture no matter writing of colour of composition of a picture or figure scale attitude are taken,teach an idea with politics one by one dilatancy, although be read today,will still let soul-stirring of be nervous of cold sweat of person a single person, fortunately dispute has public opinion oneself, after a few months " art " one language decides dispute of summary of magazine editorial office sound, this is made be known as eulogize the good work that happiness of flourishing of Changjiang Delta country lives.
1958, xu Shiming transfers into schools of Suzhou arts and crafts teachs, obtain a good brushwork to create an environment from now on. China is drawn " a region of rivers and lakes " selected People's Republic of China is latter-day Chinese art exhibition, the work that waits for a Great Master with Qi Baishi, Xu Beihong goes to Europe to exhibit together, work is published in " People's Daily " on, poetic Deng develop ever endowed with a poem to gasp in admiration for it. 50 time end, xu Shiming is returned should of Chinese history museum and museum of Chinese revolution war invite, go to Beijing 3 months creation is gigantic a historical picture and army Shi Hua. No matter political level still is artistic level, this should say is double to his affirmation.
After that 1960, xu Shiming of 49 years old attended gathering of heroes of countrywide culture and education, obtain Jiangsu to save people committee to issue " the respect socialism such as education and culture, wholesome, education builds advanced worker name " certificate of merit. 1962, work attends association of artist of ministry of culture of People's Republic of China, China to sponsor " commemorate Comrade Mao Zedong " Yan'an is literary the speech on the informal discussion " publish exhibition of art of 20 years of whole nations " .
Row 10 thousand lis of roads are a kind of theory, did not depend on how many place as a painter, and passing at witnessing a heart, comprehend and form the Qiu He in oneself bosom what depend on pair of nature. Xu Shiming does not have a lot of places that have been to, 1963, the travel of the Zhejiang of a forthcoming month when he attended culture bureau to organize Mr Xie Xiaosai to take a team to be, itinerary carry on is promoted, reservoir of Jin Hua, Xin Anjiang, Chun Anxin city, Wen Zhouyan swings hill and other places, painted many paint from life. This is a turn of life of Xu Shiming art, dim in seeming is a watershed, the Xu Shiming later was given priority to with the landscape painting.
1963, with? Wood waits for Suzhou railway station together the four seasons of Changjiang Delta of office creative work is gigantic a landscape painting, ? What wood creates is " Hu Qiuchun dawn " " balance Qiu Yan " 2. What Xu Shiming creates is " too lake summer is ripe " " Ling Yandong snow " 2, distinctive composition of a picture and the wonderful performance that use a pen, make a person impressive, praise incessant.
1973, with? Fine of wood, Mr Sun show in lion forest Bai Xuan makes a picture, scale " clumsy politics garden is panoramic graph " , allegedly Xu Shiming is silent actually draw and become, hind by screen of carve of make it lacquer, display in clumsy politics garden Lan Xuetang, also be clumsy politics garden " with water be good at, court unbalanced, flowers and trees is become forest " the wind with individual character and Changjiang Delta peculiar gardens is sent depict wonderfully unsurpassed.



