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2022-03-11 17:16:24




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尚荣,男,汉族,1978年生,哲学博士。副教授。现任职于南京大学哲学与宗教学系、南京大学中华文明 研讨 院,为南京大学美术研讨 院特聘教师,南京大学雕塑艺术研讨 所理论部主任,兼任中国艺术研讨 院中国雕塑院青年雕塑家创作中心雕塑家、理论家。江苏省儒释道与传统文明 研讨 基地研讨 人员。为《中国佛教艺术》编辑部主任。《禅学研讨 》履行 编辑.
现任职于南京大学哲学与宗教学系、南京大学中华文明 研讨 院,为南京大学美术研讨 院特聘教师,南京大学雕塑艺术研讨 所理论部主任,兼任中国艺术研讨 院中国雕塑院青年雕塑家创作中心雕塑家、理论家。江苏省儒释道与传统文明 研讨 基地研讨 人员。为《中国佛教艺术》编辑部主任。《禅学研讨 》履行 编辑。 
2000年毕业于南京师范大学美术学院美术教育专业,获文学学士学位,2004年毕业于南京大学哲学系宗教艺术专业,获宗教学硕士学位,师从吴为山教授。2011年毕业于南京大学哲学系中国哲学专业,获哲学博士学位,师从赖永海教授。近年来不断 从事中国佛教书法史、中国古代宗教雕刻史研讨 ,次要 研讨 领域为佛教造像、佛教书法,兼涉当代雕塑的理论批评和实践创作。在国内外发表论文、散文、评论报导六十余篇,目前为国家严重 出版工程《中华大藏经·续编》(任继愈)之《金石部》负责人。独立掌管 教育部人文社会科学青年基金《汉传佛教与书法——类型、成因、价值影响及其美学意蕴》。参与全国艺术科学规划国家年度课题及省课题多项,曾独立掌管 并完成校级项目。曾荣获南京大学“国家优秀奖”、“华藏奖”、“赵安中奖”、南京大学美术研讨 院“弘1 奖”等奖项。
在校担任硕士及本科《佛学概论》、《中国哲学史专题——宋明理学》、《汉传佛教与艺术》、《中国古代雕塑史》的授课任务。独著1 本,参编及译著多本,合著多本。
参于撰写大型佛学学术丛书《中国佛教通史》之佛教书法部分(合著)(江苏人民出版社,2010);《影响中国文明 十大经典》(江苏人民出版社,2008);《问吧—关于佛教文明 101问》(中华书局,2009)等。承担并掌管 由中国艺术研讨 院中国雕塑院、南京大学美术研讨 院、南京毗卢寺主办的《中国佛教艺术》编辑工作。承担《禅学研讨 》(CSSCI来源集刊)(江苏人民出版社版)编辑工作。雕塑作品《蝶爱》曾荣获住建部、文明 部主办的“徐悲鸿杯·2009宜兴中国城市雕塑大赛”优秀奖并永世 陈列,雕塑作品《航空之父——冯如》、《大地母爱》分别入选广州科学城科学家雕塑园和“滑田友杯”淮安母爱公园雕塑大赛并永世 陈列,雕塑作品《生公说法》入选“2012苏州金鸡湖·首届中国青年雕塑大展”并被收藏,永世 陈列于金鸡湖李公堤。近年探索佛教造像题材色彩画,研习佛教白描造像及佛道禅意人物。作品多次入选省级展览并荣获优秀奖,佛教题材作品《会心》、《流光》为南京大学美术研讨 院永世 收藏。博士论文为《中国佛教书法研讨 》并不断 从事佛教书法实践。

Introduction to the artist

Shang Rong, male, the Han nationality, unripe 1978, philosophical doctor. Associate professor. Hold a post to learn academy of culture of China of university of department, Nanjing at Nanjing university philosophy and religion now, hire a teacher especially for academy of Nanjing university art, head of department of theory of institute of Nanjing university sculptural, hold sculptor of youth of courtyard of sculpture of China of Chinese artistic academy part-time to create central sculptor, egghead. Jiangsu is saved Confucianism commentate path and researcher of base of traditional culture research. For " Chinese buddhism is artistic " editorial office director. " zen studies " executive editor.
Hold a post to learn academy of culture of China of university of department, Nanjing at Nanjing university philosophy and religion now, hire a teacher especially for academy of Nanjing university art, head of department of theory of institute of Nanjing university sculptural, hold sculptor of youth of courtyard of sculpture of China of Chinese artistic academy part-time to create central sculptor, egghead. Jiangsu is saved Confucianism commentate path and researcher of base of traditional culture research. For " Chinese buddhism is artistic " editorial office director. " zen studies " executive editor. [1]
Was graduated from art of academy of fine arts of Nanjing Normal University to teach major 2000, obtain literary bachelor's degree, was graduated from Nanjing university philosophy to fasten religious art major 2004, obtain religion to learn master's degree, division is taught from Wu Weishan. Was graduated from Nanjing university philosophy to fasten Chinese philosophy major 2011, obtain philosophical doctor's degree, division is taught from Lai Yonghai. Be engaged in Chinese Buddha teaching religion of ancient time of calligraphy history, China sculpture history research all the time in recent years, basically study the domain is Buddhist statue, Buddhist calligraphy, hold experience concurrently to the theory of contemporary sculpture is criticized and carry out creation. Publishing paper, essay, comment domestic and internationally to cover more than 60, it is a country at present major publication project " China hides classics · continuation greatly " (Ren Jiyu) " inscriptions ministry " chief. Chair Ministry of Education independently fund of youth of humanitarian society science " Han Chuanfo teachs with calligraphy -- influence of type, cause of formation, value and its aesthetic meaning accumulate " . Share countrywide skill task of year of scientific program state and province task are multinomial, ever was chaired independently and complete school level project. Ceng Rong obtains Nanjing university " the country is outstanding award " , " China Tibet award " , " Zhao An win a prize in a lottery " , academy of Nanjing university art " great one award " wait for award [1] .
What suffer curricular editor
In school hold the position of Master and undergraduate course " Buddhism generality " , " Chinese philosophy history special subject -- Song Ming a Confucian school of idealist philosophy of the Song and Ming Dynasties " , " Han Chuanfo teachs with art " , " sculpture of Chinese ancient time history " schoolteaching task. Write alone, ginseng make up reach interpret to write many, write in collaboration with is much this.
Join at compose a series of books of large Buddhism learning " Chinese Buddhist general history " Buddhist calligraphy part (write in collaboration with) (Jiangsu people press, 2010) ; " influence China culture 10 big classical " (Jiangsu people press, 2008) ; " ask, about Buddhist culture 101 ask " (China press, 2009) wait. Assume and chair what by adjoin of academy of art of university of courtyard of sculpture of China of Chinese artistic academy, Nanjing, Nanjing Lu Si sponsors " Chinese buddhism is artistic " the editor works. Assume " zen studies " (CSSCI origin collected papers) (Jiangsu people press edition) the editor works. Sculpture work " butterfly love " Ceng Rong obtains those who build ministry, culture ministry to sponsor " 2009 appropriate promote · of Xu Beihong cup contest of Chinese city sculpture " outstanding award is permanent display, sculpture work " the father of aviation -- Feng if " , " earth mother love " respectively garden of sculpture of scientist of selected Guangzhou scientific city and " Hua Tianyou cup " the Huaihe River installs contest of sculpture of mother love park permanent display, sculpture work " unripe public statement " selected " sculpture of first China youth exhibits · of lake of 2012 Suzhou golden pheasant greatly " be collected, permanent Li Gongdi of lake of old rank golden pheasant. Explore picture of color of Buddhist statue subject matter in recent years, study statue of Buddhist line drawing and character of meaning of Buddha path buddhist. Work for many times selected and provincial exhibition has the honor to win outstanding award, work of Buddhist subject matter " understanding " , " time " for academy of Nanjing university art permanent collect. Doctoral paper is " Chinese Buddhist calligraphy studies " be engaged in Buddhist calligraphy carrying out all the time.



