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2022-03-11 17:16:44




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王树山,生于山东莱州,就读于清华大学美术学院雕塑系。现任海军政治部文艺创作室专职雕塑家、中国美术家协会会员。作品《钢铁结构》参加“庆祝中国人民解放军建军80周年全国美术作品展”荣获雕塑银奖(最高奖);《西柏坡》参加“庆祝中国人民解放军建军85周年全国美术作品展暨第十二届全军美术作品展”荣获雕塑优秀奖;《延安鲁艺的1 天》参加“‘中国梦,强军梦’军事题材美术作品展”荣获雕塑优秀奖。多幅作品被中国美术馆、朱德纪念馆、卢沟桥抗日纪念馆、西柏坡革命纪念馆等机构收藏。
2014年,作品《延安鲁艺的1 天》入选“第十二届全国美展暨中国美术奖·创作奖、获奖提名作品展”并获银奖,收入《中国美术奖‘创作奖、获奖提名作品集》。

Introduction to the artist

Be born at Shandong Lai city, read sculpture of academy of fine arts of Yu Qinghua university to fasten. Currently hold the post ofnaval politics ministry academician of artist of sculptor of full-time of literary creation room, China. Work " steely structure " attend " congratulatory the Chinese People's Liberation Army founds an army 80 years countrywide art work is exhibited " have the honor to win sculpture silver-colored award (top prize) ; " Xi Baipo " attend " congratulatory the Chinese People's Liberation Army founds an army 85 years countrywide art work is exhibited and dozenth work exhibits a painting of horse and foot " have the honor to win sculpture outstanding award; " a day of Yan'an Lu Yi " attend " ' Chinese dream, jiang Junmeng ' work of art of martial subject matter is exhibited " have the honor to win sculpture outstanding award. Many work is fought by bridge of channel of memorial hall of Chinese art gallery, bright red heart, Lu the orgnaization such as memorial hall of revolution of day of memorial hall, Xi Baipo is collected.
2014, work " a day of Yan'an Lu Yi " selected " dozenth the United States exhibits a whole nation and work of nomination of award of creation of · of Chinese art award, bear the palm is exhibited " win silver-colored award, income " Chinese art award ' collect of work of nomination of creation award, bear the palm " .



