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2022-03-11 17:16:53




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张祖平(1959—)湖南长沙人。专业雕塑家。1985年毕业于景德镇陶瓷学院美术系雕塑专业。现为湖南省美协副秘书长、湖南省雕塑艺术委员会主任、国家1 级美术师。
次要 作品:《滑雪》、《横空出世》、《奋进》、《毁灭》、《桩--98抗洪纪念》等入选第二、四届中国体育美展、第八、九届全国美展、第十1 届中国美协新人新作展等美展并获奖,《文诗溢延河》入选纪念建军70周年全国美展并获奖。次要 大型城市雕塑作品:建成于湖南祁阳浯溪公园的《陶铸铜像》、湖南长沙黄兴路步行街广场北的《诚信》、湖南长沙太平街北入口的《月亮粑粑......》。艺术成就录入《中国当代美术家名人录》等画册、辞书。

Introduction to the artist

Zhang Zuping (1959, ) Hunan Changsha person. Professional sculptor. Was graduated from art of institute of Jingdezhen pottery and porcelain to fasten sculpture major 1985. It is Hunan Province beauty now assist chairman of committee of sculptural of deputy secretary-general, Hunan Province, country division of one class art.
Main work: ? Funny Zheng of ⅰ of two of blain ? ? sticks ⅰ of two of Mou make a present of to fight ⅰ of two of Zhen of Ti of blain of ⅰ of Fu ? two to crouch?-98 fight a flood to commemorate " etc selected the 2nd, beauty of 4 China sports is exhibited, the 8th, beauty of 9 whole nations is exhibited, eleventh, " Wen Shiyi delays a river " selected souvenir founds an army 70 years countrywide beauty is exhibited and bear the palm. : of work of sculpture of main and large city? ? of admonish of ǔ take along sth to sb lifts dark copy of ? of titanium Fei acute hearing ? every of temple of Pu of Chen of ど of mill of ? of ⒑ of two of Chi of the short ? that overspread ? calls firewood to stop angry " ? of Cheng of ど of mill of ? of ⒑ of pigheaded two of idle of baric copy aspic irrigates copy of the straight closely question that compare oxime to leave former times? to aluminium. . . . . " . Artistic achievement is typed " blue book of Chinese contemporary artist " wait for an album of paintings, dictionary.



