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杨成寅,1926年生,名西岗、予西、马南驰,河南省南阳市镇平人,美术理论家、雕塑家。中国美术家协会会员,中国美术学院教授,浙江省美学学会原会长。1954年毕业于地方 美术学院华东分院雕塑系,1956年毕业于该院研讨 生班并留校任教。曾任《美术理论材料 》、《新美术》、《美术译丛》等学术刊物编辑。20世纪50年代,杨成寅曾翻译前苏联、法国和英国的美学著作和美术理论文章,引进和介绍国外优秀文艺作品和美学理论。80年代后,积极投入当代美术评论和美学理论的研讨 活动,撰写数十篇在全国美术界具有影响的评论文章,为推动美术界美学理论研讨 、促进美术创作的健康发展作出了贡献。
杨成寅先生创作的优秀雕塑作品有《晨读》、《经亨颐像》、《谢文锦像》、《汤显祖像》、《冲浪》,《群马争跃》等。次要 理论著作有《石涛画学本义》、《艺术概论教程》、《美学范畴概论》、《古代 汉语句型概论》、《太极哲学》及译著《艺术概论》、《马克思列宁主义美学概论》(前苏联)、《美学概论》(法国),《美的分析》(英国)等。主编《中国历代书画理论评注丛书》。2000年,曾在法国巴黎国际艺术城举行画展。
1992年杨成寅获国务院颁发的在文明 艺术上有突出贡献的专家证书并获政府特殊津贴,2000年获法国巴黎市政府和中国驻法大使馆联合颁发的法中文明 交流特别荣誉奖,2002年获浙江省有突出贡献的老文艺家金质奖章和证书,2004获中国美术家协会授予的“卓有成就的美术史论家”称号。同年,所著《太极哲学》获浙江省社会科学第十二届优秀成果著作1 等奖。

Introduction to the artist

Yang Chengyin, unripe 1926, renown Xi Gang, grant on the west, Ma Nachi, henan saves Nanyang small towns to average a person, art egghead, sculptor. Chinese artist academician, chinese academy of fine arts is taught, zhejiang saves aesthetic to learn former chairman. Was graduated from sculpture of branch department of Hua Dong of central academy of fine arts to fasten 1954, was graduated from this courtyard graduate student 1956 the class stays school teach. Ceng Ren " art theory data " , " new art " , " art interpret clump " wait for academic journal to edit. 20 centuries 50 time, the aesthetic composing of the Russia before Yang Chengyin ever was translated, France and England and art theory article, introduce and introduce abroad outstanding and literary work and aesthetic theory. After 80 time, comment of active devoted and contemporary art and aesthetic and academic research activity, compose tens of piece the comment implied meaning that has an effect in countrywide art group, the healthy progress that to drive art group aesthetic academic research, stimulative art produces made contribution.
The outstanding sculpture work that Mr Yang Chengyin creates has " morning is read " , " Jing Hengyi resembles " , " Xie Wenjin resembles " , " Shang Xianzu resembles " , " surf " , " group Ma Zhengyue " wait. Main reason has by composing " Shi Tao picture learns original meaning " , " artistic generality tutorial " , " aesthetic category generality " , " generality of sentence pattern of contemporary Chinese language " , " too pole philosophy " reach interpret to write " artistic generality " , " Marxism-Lininism is aesthetic generality " , " beautiful analysis " (England) wait. Chief editor " a series of books of annotation of theory of painting and calligraphy of Chinese past dynasties " . 2000, ever held art exhibition in city of art of French Paris international.
The there is outstanding contribution on culture art expert letter that Yang Chengyin obtained the State Council to issue 1992 captures a government special allowance, the culture in obtaining French Paris municipal government and China to be stationed in the standard that law embassy issues jointly 2000 communicates particularly honorary award, the qualitative medal of gold of old literary home that won Zhejiang province to have outstanding contribution 2002 and certificate, 2004 those who obtain Chinese artist association to award " eminent art history consider the home " title. Of the same age, be written " too extremely philosophy " obtain Zhejiang to save social science dozenth a first prize of outstanding achievement book.



