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张森林,中国美术家协会会员。1920年11月5日出生,河北省安平县人,1935年参加革命工作,1937年加入中国共产党,曾任天津音乐学院院长、党委书记,天津市政府征询 委员会委员(副市级待遇)。
张森林先生原任安平县贸易局中共党代表兼任贸易总行总经理,冀中银行四办党书记。1949年1月15日随军进城接管与建设天津银行,历任中国人民银行天津分行人事室主任、党委委员,中国银行天津分行副行长,天津市文明 局办公室主任、党委委员,天津工艺美术学院院长、党委书记。天津艺术学院院长、党委书记。天津音乐学院院长、党委书记、顾问。2011年12月中国美术家协会会员
1985年6月离休后,张森林先生任天津市政府征询 委员会委员,掌管 文明 工作。张森林同志革命经历与次要 事迹 1920年11月5日出生,河北省安平县人,1935年参加革命工作,1937年加入中国共产党,曾任天津音乐学院院长、党委书记,天津市政府征询 委员会委员(副市级待遇)。次要 事迹 :原任:安平县贸易局中国党代表、兼任贸易总行总经理、冀中银行四办中共党书记。1949年1月15日随军进城接管与建设天津银行,历任中国人民银行天津分行人委室主任、党委委员,中国银行天津分行副行长,天津市文明 局办公室主任、党委委员,天津工艺美术学院院长、党委书记。天津艺术学院院长、党委书记。天津音乐学院院长、党委书记、顾问。1985年6月离休后,任天津市政府征询 委员会委员,掌管 文明 工作。1942年5月参加冀中大扫荡,1947年8月参加华北北清风店战役,获战利品奖。在工作中多次受表扬,曾六次荣立二、三等功,获“优秀党员”称号。任《津门胜迹》编委,参加编写《遗憾与教训总成》大典,并任该书和《求计问策》两书顾问。参加策划大型电视系列片《中国历史文明 名城·天津》和电视专题片《周恩来与天津》及《情系海河》等,其中“名城天津”1 片,荣获中国广电学会1990年度全国文教片1 等奖。任中国管理科学院、经济论坛专家委员会特邀研讨 员,中国国际专家学者联谊会会员,香港经济管理科学研讨 院研讨 员。
本画册编撰时,张森林先生年已九十有四,仍然精神矍铄,笔耕不倦,其养生之道亦十分有见地,概括起来就是“静、随、学、思”。所谓静,就是讲究心静,不以物喜,不以己悲,保持平和的心态;所谓随,即随心所欲,随遇而安,从身体角度讲,就是该运动时运动,该静养时静养,衣食住行全部随心所欲,动是养生,静也是养生,从不拘泥于任何条框;所谓学,即保持旺盛的求知欲,“脑灵心不老”是张森林先生养生之道的精髓,要保持脑灵就要保持旺盛的求知欲,要勤学,张森林先生92岁时学会电脑打字,书写了近十万字的自传,长时间 以来,张森林先生对书画艺术保持了高度的兴味 ,不断学习和探索各种写法画法,从中汲取灵感,保持脑灵;所谓思,即思考,要短命 就要和生活的时代一同 前进,灵活的头脑是用来思考的,思考的目的是对生活的重生 事物更快的认识和更深入的理解,然后更好地生活,张森林先生说:“思考让人开朗,让人豁达,让人的生理和心思 一同 成长,最初 身体健康短命 。”

Introduction to the artist

Zhang Senlin, chinese artist academician. Was born on November 5, 1920, how does Heibei province average prefectural person, entered revolutionary job 1935, joined a Chinese Communist 1937, ever held the post of secretary of Tianjin music prexy, Party committee, committee member of advisory committee of Tianjin municipal government () of pay of deputy city level.
Mr Zhang Senlin allows how to make the same score party representative of the Communist Party of China of prefectural Board of Trade to hold general manager of trade head office part-time formerly, ji Zhongyin goes 4 secretaries doing a party. Followed on January 15, 1949 army go into town take-over with construction Tianjin bank, have successively held the posts of committee member of director of room of human affairs of branch of Tianjin of Chinese people bank, Party committee, assistant president of branch of Tianjin of Bank of China, committee member of director of office of bureau of Tianjin city culture, Party committee, secretary of prexy of Tianjin arts and crafts, Party committee. Secretary of Tianjin art prexy, Party committee. Secretary of Tianjin music prexy, Party committee, advisory. In December 2011 Chinese artist academician
After retiring in June 1985, mr Zhang Senlin holds the post of committee member of advisory committee of Tianjin municipal government, chair culture to work. Experience of revolution of Comrade Zhang Senlin and main outstanding achievement were born on November 5, 1920, how does Heibei province average prefectural person, entered revolutionary job 1935, joined a Chinese Communist 1937, ever held the post of secretary of Tianjin music prexy, Party committee, committee member of advisory committee of Tianjin municipal government (pay of deputy city level) . Main outstanding achievement: Hold the post of formerly: The party representative of China of Board of Trade of An Ping county, bank in holding general manager of trade head office, look forward to part-time 4 do secretary of party of the Communist Party of China. Followed on January 15, 1949 army go into town take-over with construction Tianjin bank, have successively held the posts of person of branch of Tianjin of Chinese people bank appoint committee member of room director, Party committee, assistant president of branch of Tianjin of Bank of China, committee member of director of office of bureau of Tianjin city culture, Party committee, secretary of prexy of Tianjin arts and crafts, Party committee. Secretary of Tianjin art prexy, Party committee. Secretary of Tianjin music prexy, Party committee, advisory. After retiring in June 1985, hold the post of committee member of advisory committee of Tianjin municipal government, chair culture to work. Attended Ji Zhong to mop up greatly in May 1942, joined campaign of inn of cool breeze of China north north in August 1947, win booty award. Suffer for many times in the job praise, second flourish establishs Ceng Liu 2, third class result, obtain " outstanding Party member " title. " ferry door famous historical site " make up appoint, attend write " regret and homiletic assembly " grand ceremony, hold the post of this book and " beg plan ask plan " two books are advisory. Join a plan large TV serial " Tianjin of · of famous city of Chinese history culture " with TV special subject piece " Zhou En comes with Tianjin " reach " affection is the Haihe River " etc, among them " famous city Tianjin " , have the honor to win Chinese wide report to learn culture and education of 1990 year whole nation piece first prize. Hold the post of researcher of specially invite of committee of experts of forum of Chinese management academy of sciences, economy, member of party of scholar of China International expert, hong Kong economy manages scientific academy researcher.
Mr Zhang Senlin undertakes arranging to accumulated experience, drew some of picture to write some of word, undertook some of painting and calligraphy creation, among them ginseng of work of some painting and calligraphy is exhibited and bear the palm, for example: 1986 its work " shrimp · annals is far " enter exhibition of work of painting and calligraphy of veteran cadre of Tianjin municipal Party committee, be collected by Tianjin city; 1986 its work " calligraphy · flying sound " enter exhibition of work of painting and calligraphy of veteran cadre of Tianjin municipal Party committee, be collected by Tianjin city; 1987 its work " accipitral · male wind " enter exhibition of work of painting and calligraphy of veteran cadre of Tianjin municipal Party committee; 1988 its work " shrimp · has a good swim " enter exhibition of work of painting and calligraphy of veteran cadre of Tianjin municipal Party committee; 1988 its work " calligraphy · alarm heaven and earth " enter exhibition of work of painting and calligraphy of veteran cadre of Tianjin municipal Party committee, be collected by Tianjin municipal Party committee 
This an album of paintings is made up when writing, mr Zhang Senlin year already 90 have 4, still spirit is hale and hearty, pen agrarian tireless, its the way to keep in good health also has insight very, wraparound rise even if " static, along with, learn, think of " . Alleged static, pay attention to calm namely, do not be fond of with content, not with personal Bei, maintain gentle state of mind; Alleged along with, namely follow one's inclinations, happy-go-lucky, tell from body angle, it is the motion when this motion, this sanatorium Shi Jing is raised, basic necessities of life is whole follow one's inclinations, moving is preserve one's health, static also be preserve one's health, never constrained at any casing; Alleged learn, what keep exuberant namely is curious desire, "Cerebral clever heart is not old " the marrow that is the way to keep in good health of Mr Zhang Senlin, what should maintain cerebral spirit to be about to keep exuberant is curious desire, want to learn frequently, computer of the society when Mr Zhang Senlin is 92 years old types, wrote the autobiography of nearly 100 thousand words, long-term since, mr Zhang Senlin held high interest to art of painting and calligraphy, learn ceaselessly and explore all sorts of brushwork that write a law, from which derive is inspirational, maintain cerebral spirit; Alleged think of, think namely, the times that long life is about and should live advances together, quick mind is to use those who think, reflection purpose is quicker to the newly emerging things of the life recognition and more thorough understanding, live better next, mr Zhang Senlin says: "Think make a person optimistic, make a person open-minded, the physiology that lets a person and psychology grow together, healthy finally long life . Healthy finally long life  



