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范志民,1921年生。山东5 莲县范家车村人。擅美术理论。第1 届韬奋出版奖获得者。
生前就职上海人民美术出版社。1947年考入南京地方 大学艺术系学习美术。1947年考入南京地方 大学艺术系学习美术。1950-1953年在中国人民解放军华东海军《海军画报》社担任见习编辑。1954-1957年转业至上海房地产管理局前后 任教育科、宣扬 部科员。1956年加入中国共产党。1957-1988年任上海人民美术出版社美术编辑,副主任。
1987年,荣获首届韬奋出版奖。经手编辑了大量美术普及读物,并利用专业 时间从事美术创作。曾发表《水仙图》、《猪仔晒阳图》;为《沈迈士画集》写代序,题为《画要有刚劲之气.不可有媚态》;在《新美术》发表论文《周礼冬官考工记画绘.琐谈古代色彩学的萌芽》,另与人合编《中国美术全集》之《古代版画》专册,并编有百余万字的《古画汇览》1 书。其版画、国画、水粉画作品多次选入各级展览。

Introduction to the artist

Unripe 1921. 5 lotus counties of Shandong person of Fan Jiache village. Art of arrogate to oneself is academic. The first act vigorously sheathing or bow case publishs award gainer.
Assume office before one's death publishing house of Shanghai people art. Took an examination of Nanjing 1947 central university art is study art. Took an examination of Nanjing 1947 central university art is study art. 1950-1953 year in the the Chinese People's Liberation Army China army of the East China Sea " naval pictorial " the company holds the position of learn on job to edit. 1954-1957 year be transferred to civilian work allows to teach a member of an administrative section of department of division, propaganda early or late to Shanghai estate management board. Joined a Chinese Communist 1956. 1957-1988 year an editor of art of publishing house of Shanghai people art, vice director.
 1987, have the honor to win first act vigorously sheathing or bow case to publish award. Deal with edited a large number of art to popularize reader, use off hours to be engaged in art creative work. Ever published " narcissus pursues " , " pig young basks in open plan " ; For " Shen Mai person draws volume " write an artical used as a preface, the problem is " the energy of life that the picture wants to have bold. Cannot have coquetry " ; In " new art " publish a paper " Zhou Lidong's official takes an examination of labour to write down picture draw. What trivial talks about archaic chromatics is budding " , close additionally with the person make up " Chinese art complete works " " archaic woodcut " only book, make up those who have hundred word " Gu Hua is collected see " one book. Work of its woodcut, traditional Chinese painting, gouache chooses various exhibition for many times.
  Its father Fan Yusui, ever held the post of Kuomintang Shandong to visit a head, national government legislator, found a state Shandong of successor civilian change visits a head, shandong saves vice-chairman of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference.



