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王盈,现兼任教育书画协会理事,1999年10月,获地方 国家机关庆祝建国50周年书画联展优秀奖2012年1月,组织策划并参加了在纽约联合国总部举行的中国书画家5 人联展,时任联合国秘书长潘基文夫妇、中国常驻联合国代表团李保东大使夫妇、中国驻纽约总领事馆董晓军代总领事共同出席此次书画联展揭幕式并致辞,潘基文秘书长特为此次画展用中文题写“和平”二字并参展。2015年9月和2018年3月,分别在利兹大学、曼彻斯特大学与诺贝尔物理学奖获得者康斯坦丁爵士举办题为《中国外交官画笔下的不列颠与英国诺奖科学家的中国水墨竹韵》双人画展。2016年至2017年,分别在英国温德米尔凯西克美术馆、谢菲尔德大学孔子学院、卡莱尔市图丽美术馆、兰卡斯特斯托利美术馆举办个人画展。2018年7月,在英国哈德斯菲尔德大学举办个人画展,英国约克公爵安德王子和驻英国使馆刘晓明大使共同为画展揭幕。本人向该校捐赠了12幅描绘英国风光的绘画作品,刘晓明大使将本人描绘哈德斯菲尔德大学风光的画作分别赠送给安德王子和该校校长。其中被安德鲁王子收藏的《霞光照射 哈德斯菲尔德》被翻印成哈德斯菲尔德大学外宣礼品。自1999年至2018年,在驻外使领馆工作期间,为芝加哥外交关系委员会、纽约联合国总部的外交使节宣讲中国绘画艺术。所在使领馆多次将本人作品作为外交国礼赠送给当地政要。

Introduction to the artist

Teach director of association of painting and calligraphy part-time now in October 1999, obtain central state office to celebrate found a state 50 years couplet of painting and calligraphy exhibits outstanding award in January 2012, 5 people couplet exhibits the Chinese book painter that the organization is engineered and attended to be held in headquarters of new York U.N. , u.N. secretary-general holds the post of when husband and wife of Li Baodong of delegacy of U.N. of permanent of Pan Jiwen's couple, China's ambassador, China is stationed in new York consulate general Dong Xiaojun's acting consul general attends couplet of this painting and calligraphy to exhibit jointly begin type makes a speech, secretary-general of Pan radical article uses Chinese inscribe for this art exhibition especially " peace " 2 words are joined exhibit. Mixed in September 2015 in March 2018, this in benefit respectively award gainer Sir Kang Sitan fourth holds university, Mancunian university and Nobel physics the problem is " the does not list scientist of bump and British Nuo award China below Chinese diplomat paintbrush Shui Mozhu. Came 2016 2017, be in England respectively city of institute of Confucius of university of heart of art gallery of gram of Kathy of Er of lukewarm heart rice, Er thanking phenanthrene, Er blocking Lai pursues beautiful art gallery, Lankasitesituoli. In July 2018, in England university of heart of Er of Ha Desi humble holds individual art exhibition, prince of Andrew of British York duke and be stationed in Xiao Ming of Liu of British diplomatic mission's ambassador to begin for art exhibition jointly. Oneself donated 12 paint that represent British view to this school, liu Xiaoming's ambassador depicts him the picture of university scene makes Hadesifeierde give president of Andrew prince and this officer respectively. Be collected by Andrew prince among them " rays of morning or evening sunshine shines Hadesifeierde " Cheng Hade be piratinged Sifeierde university. Come from 1999 2018, during the diplomatic and consular missions outside be stationed in works, the envoy that is headquarters of U.N. of committee of Chicago foreign relations, new York explains to public Chinese brushwork is artistic. Be in diplomatic and consular missions for many times to give him work local high official as diplomatic country ceremony.



