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2022-03-11 17:18:54




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周若祁:男,西安交通大学教授.博士生导师,1969年毕业于西安冶金建筑学院建筑学专业(6年制),1975-2001年西安建筑科技大学工作,曾任设计院总建筑师、建筑系主任、建筑学院院长。1993年晋升教授,1995年被评为博士生导师。2002年至今任西安交通大学教授、绿色建筑研讨 所所长、建筑学系主任。中国建筑学会理事、全国高校建筑学专业教育指点 委员会委员、国家自然科学基金委评审专家、陕西省建设科技委员会委员、陕西省住宅功能 认定委员会委员等。曾获全国5 1 劳动奖章(1994)、全国优秀人民教师称号(1995)。曾任第九届全国人民代表大会代表(1997-2002)。
近10年来掌管 完成“中国北方传统聚落及民居研讨 ”(中日合作)、“整修黄帝陵规划设计”研讨 (获全国建筑优秀设计银奖)、国家自然科学基金重点项目“绿色建筑体系研讨 ”(被国家自然科学基金委评为优秀项目)、城市中心区景观规划研讨 (兰州市政府、咸阳市政府、洛阳市政府等政府项目)等1 系列研讨 成果;出版专著5部:《中国北方における传统农村集落》(日文版)、《绿色建筑》、《韩城村寨与党家村民居》、《祖陵胜地黄帝陵历史如今 将来 》、《黄帝陵区可持续发展规划研讨 》;发表论文26篇;完成规划设计项目20余项;曾获全国建筑优秀设计银奖、全国城乡规划设计1 等奖、陕西省第八届优秀工程设计1 等奖等多项奖励。曾作为建筑历史学科次要 学术带头人和建筑设计及其理论学科首席学术带头人为两个博士点的建设做过重要贡献。

Introduction to the artist

Zhou Reqi:  Ы of Gou of ù of brilliant of pace of school ? Da drips adviser of  doctoral student
Was graduated from Xi'an metallurgy to build academic architecture major 1969 (make) 6 years, 1975 Xi'an built job of college of science and technology 2001, ever held the post of designing institute total architect, building to fasten dean of director, architectural courtyard. Rising 1993 professor, was judged to be doctoral student adviser 1995. Held the post of professor of Xi'an traffic college, green to build institute director, architecture to fasten a director up to now 2002. Major of architecture of college of director of Chinese building institute, whole nation teachs guidance foundation of science of committee committee member, country appoint province of evaluation expert, Shaanxi builds council of science and technology committee member, Shaanxi saves residential property to maintain committee committee member to wait. 51 labor of Cenghuo whole nation are numismatic (1994) , name of teacher of countrywide fine people (1995) . The 9th National People's Congress represents Ceng Ren (1997-2002) .
Will nearly 10 years chair finish " Chinese northward tradition gets together fall reach civilian house to consider " (Sino-Japanese collaboration) , " rebuild Huang Diling plans to design " research (obtain the whole nation to build excellent design silver-colored award) , priority discipline of national science foundation " green architecture system studies " ; Publication monograph 5: " does market of traditional country  " (Japanese edition) , " is green built " , " are Han Cheng village and party home villager resided " , " Zuling resort  History of yellow emperor imperial tomb did not come now " , " Huang Diling division can develop a program to consider continuously " ; Publish a paper 26; The program that finish designs a project more than 20; Ceng Huoquan country builds excellent design first prize of design of urban and rural program of silver-colored award, whole nation, Shaanxi saves the 8th outstanding project to design the multinomial award such as first prize. Ever regarded building history course as course of main learning leader and building design and its theory presiding learning leader has made important contribution for the construction of two doctoral degree programs.



