1955年出生于湖南长沙市.浙江人。擅长水彩画、宣扬 画、美术设计。中国美术学院硕士,现为中国美术学院视觉传达设计专业教研室主任、副教授、硕士研讨 生导师,兼任全国包装设计研讨 会常务理事,中国工业设计协会资深资历 证会员,浙江树人大学艺术学院院长。曾于1997年应法国巴黎国际艺术城主席特邀赴法国巴黎国际艺术城举办《卢少夫风景画展》,画展1 开幕,即引发 当地多家电视、广播和报纸媒体高度关注,其中巴黎1 家主流报纸作了这样的报道:“这位来自中国的画家笔下的风景既大器磅礴,又细柔多变。看得出他对大自然有1 种特殊的感情,看到这些画仿佛呼吸到东方古国被阳光暖和 后的树林的滋味 ,感觉到这些厚瓦古墙上面掠过的旧痕。”一名 曾去中国学习过美术的法国画家买下卢少夫画展中两幅杭州风景画后激动地说:“我特钦佩卢先生用笔的老辣,仿佛这两头 有东方 莫奈用笔的影子,又有东方八大山人用笔的神韵。”巴黎个展以后 的好几个月里,卢少夫开始用他那双明锐的眼睛去扫视巴黎的美景,笔触里面所包含的色彩信息也愈来愈 多,仿佛每1 笔的舞动都是1 个正文 ,似乎是塞纳河水波的节奏在诉说,枫丹白露树枝的旋律在吟唱。也能够 看出画家本身越发膨胀的生命力与激情
Was born in Hunan the Changsha City 1955. Zhejiang person. Be good at aquarelle, poster, artistic design. Master of Chinese academy of fine arts, communicate adviser of graduate student of director of design major staff room, associate professor, Master for vision of Chinese academy of fine arts now, hold the whole nation part-time to pack design seminar standing director, association of Chinese industry design is senior qualificatory card member, zhejiang cultivates National People's Congress to learn artistic prexy. Ever answered 1997 specially invite of banquet of castellan of art of French Paris international goes to city of art of French Paris international to hold " art exhibition of Lu Shaofu scenery " , art exhibition kicks off, cause height of TV of local much home, broadcast and newspaper media to pay close attention to namely, among them press of a mainstream made Paris such report: "The scenery of this painter the wording and purpose of what one writes that comes from China already big implement boundless, fine soft changeful. Look reach he has a kind of special feeling to nature, see these pictures seem breathe east ancient country by the flavour of the woods after sunshine is warm, find the old trace that flits above these large made of baked clay ancient walls. " after a French painter that ever went to China learning art buys landscape of two Hangzhou in next Lu Shaofu art exhibition, say excitedly: "What my spy admires Mr Lu to use a pen is old hot, as if the sign that there is western Mo Nai to use a pen among this, have east again the verve that person of 8 big hill uses a pen. " Paris in several months after exhibiting, lu Shaofu begins the beautiful scenery that then with him Shuang Mingrui's eye goes to fling Paris, the colour information that contains inside brush stroke in Chinese painting and calligraphy is increasing also, as if each waving is an annotate, the rhythm that is wave of water of river of accept of a place of strategic importance it seems that is in recount, the air of branch of maple red White Dew is in chant. Also can see the vitality that painter itself expands even more and passion