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1938年生,江苏无锡人。1962年毕业于同济大学建筑系,毕业后曾在中国建筑科学研讨 院及湖南省建筑设计院从事设计和研讨 工作。现为地方 美术学院建筑学院教授,第三工作室主任,博士生导师,国家1 级注册建筑师,地方 美术学院学术委员会委员,地方 美术学院设计学科组主任,地方 美术学院当代艺术中心主任。

1980年赴西班牙,前后 就职于西班牙建筑设计大师米盖尔·费萨克(MIGUEL FISAC)建筑设计事务所和URBAMED西班牙地中海银行地产开发公司地产策划及设计事务所。

1993年回国创立地方 美术学院设计系,任系主任,并受聘于国内多所著名大学担任客座教授。

曾掌管 长沙湘江大桥建筑设计、长沙火车站、URBAMED办公楼、圣·胡安生活区(西班牙圣·胡安市)、慕西亚山区别墅区(西班牙慕西亚市)规划设计和 巴比拉尔教堂设计(西班牙马德里市),还有北京建都850周年纪念碑、呼和浩特匈奴博物馆、昭君纪念馆、烟台长城君顶葡萄酒厂俱乐部等建筑群、北京蓟城纪念柱。

English Introduction

 Person Profile: Born in 1938, Wuxi, Jiangsu Province. He graduated from the Department of Architecture, Tongji University in 1962. After graduation, he worked in the Chinese Academy of Architectural Sciences and Hunan Institute of Architectural Design for design and research. He is currently a professor of the Architecture College of the Central Academy of Fine Arts, director of the third studio, doctoral supervisor, national registered architect, member of the Academic Committee of the Central Academy of Fine Arts, director of the design discipline group of the Central Academy of Fine Arts, and director of the Contemporary Art Center of the Central Academy of Fine Arts.

In 1980, he went to Spain and worked in MIGUEL FISAC Architectural Design Firm and URBAMED Real Estate Development Company, Mediterranean Bank of Spain, Real Estate Planning and Design Firm.

In 1993, he returned to China to establish the Department of Design of the Central Academy of Fine Arts. He served as the dean of the Department and was employed as a visiting professor in many famous universities in China.

He has presided over the architectural design of Xiangjiang Bridge in Changsha, Changsha Railway Station, URBAMED Office Building, San Juan Living Area (San Juan City, Spain), Villa District in the Mountainous Areas of Musia (Musia City, Spain) and Babylar Church Design (Madrid City, Spain), as well as Beijing's 850th Anniversary Monument, Hohhot Hunu Museum, Zhaojun Memorial Hall, Yantai. Great Wall Junding Winery Club and other buildings, Beijing Jicheng Memorial Column.



