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1974年1月30日出生于福建南平。现为中国书画函授大学厦门分校副教授,中国美术家协会会员,厦门美术家协会理事,中国工艺美术学会雕塑委员会会员,中卫雕塑工作室负责人,厦门中卫阳光雕塑无限 公司董事长。
1994年参与母校为人民大会堂福建厅创作浮雕《锦绣八闽》。  1997年作品《1 国两制》参与45周年校庆展。  1998年作品《精卫》入选首届中国《槐花杯》环境雕塑大赛。  1999年作品《马江海战》入选第九届全国美术作品展览(中华人民共和国文明 部,中国美术家协会主办)。  2000年《护古》获首届中国国际雕刻艺术节三等奖。  2001年《1 国两制》与《建设者》分别获庆祝“建党80周年”福建美术作品展三等奖与优秀奖。  2001年作品《铁骨狂飚》入选第5 届全国体育美术展览(国家体育总局,中国美术家协会主办)。  2001年8月参加中国雕塑家赴欧洲学术考查活动。  2002年5月1日在厦门工人文明 宫举办中卫雕塑展。  2003年《班超西行》入选全国首届壁画大展(中国美术家协会主办)。  2004年《望星空》、《护古》、《秋声》参加比利时雕塑展。  2004年《武韵》参加第三届中国国际雕刻艺术节。  林家卫的作品,前后 在中国《雕塑》杂志、香港《时代华人》、山东《科技与艺术》、《美术大鉴》等文明 艺术刊物上发表。

Introduction to the artist

Was born in Fujian Na Ping on January 30, 1974. Teach by correspondence for Chinese painting and calligraphy now associate professor of school of university Xiamen cent, chinese artist academician, director of Xiamen artist association, chinese arts and crafts learns sculpture committee member, chief of halfback sculpture studio, president of limited company of sculpture of Xiamen halfback sunshine.
Editor paragraph of work
Participated in alma mater to create relief sculpture for hall of Fujian of people congress hall 1994 " beautiful 8 Fujian " . 1997 work " one nation " participate in 45 years of anniversary of the founding of a school to exhibit. 1998 work " essence of life is defended " selected first China " pagoda tree beautiful cup " environmental sculpture contest. 1999 work " Ma Jiang naval battle " selected work of art of the 9th whole nation is exhibited (ministry of culture of People's Republic of China, chinese artist association sponsors) . 2000 " protect ancient " obtain first China International to carve award of third class of artistic moral integrity. 2001 " one nation " with " builder " obtain respectively celebrate " found a party 80 years " Fujian art work exhibits third class award and outstanding award. 2001 work " iron bone mad whirlwind " selected art of sports of the 5th whole nation is exhibited (national sports total bureau, chinese artist association sponsors) . Attended Chinese sculptor to go to activity of European learning check in August 2001. Halfback sculpture was held to exhibit in palace of Xiamen worker culture on May 1, 2002. 2003 " Ban Chaoxi goes " first mural of selected whole nation is exhibited greatly (Chinese artist association sponsors) . 2004 " look at sky " , " protect ancient " , " Qiu Sheng " attend Belgian sculpture to exhibit. 2004 " Wu Yun " attend the 3rd China International to carve artistic part. Lin Jiawei's work, be in China early or late " sculpture " magazine, Hong Kong " times Chinese " , Shandong " science and technology and art " , " art big object lesson " etc culture is published on artistic journal.



