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2022-04-28 13:34:40




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 贾绍俭,号封王,著名收藏家、鉴赏家,瀚江书画博物院毕生 院长和专家,毕生 享用 国务院特殊津贴专家,陕西省名人书画鉴定征询 中心首席鉴定专家,陕西省民间博物馆协会副会长,陕西省收藏家协会副秘书长,国家鉴定委员会委员,接触从事书画收藏5 十余年,作为成功的书画投资人,深得各界人士称赞,上个世纪画坛泰斗吴冠中大师临终前将毕生巨作数副馈赠于远在东南 的封王并亲自题诗   《古有封神榜,千年留仙名。今出封王馆,万世传芳名。》

在鼓楼北院门开办了封王画馆经营部,地方 电视台首届鉴宝陕西选区鉴定专家。中国于右任书法学会名誉主席,1998年三月受聘任为陕西中宝拍卖无限 责任公司书画鉴定顾问,1998年十月聘任为陕西省文明 经济交流协会常务理事,1999年三月聘任为西安国衡拍卖行书画鉴定顾问,1999年六月聘任为西安毅达拍卖行顾问,2000年元月聘任为陕西省翰秦拍卖无限 公司书画鉴定顾问,2000年聘任为《中华英才大典编委会》特约编委,2001年十二月聘任为西安电视台《收藏天下》书画鉴定顾问2001年聘任为陕西省丹尼尔拍卖无限 公司顾问,2005年聘为《首届民间鉴宝电视展》陕西选区鉴定专家组成员,2005年被推选为陕西省收藏家协会副秘书长编著的书刊有《贾绍俭谈书画》专辑(上下两辑)、《贾绍俭谈名人书画的收藏与投资》专辑(上下两辑)、《何海霞书画辨伪》专辑、《大家刘文西》专辑、《贾绍俭刘文西画的收藏》专题旧事 、《贾绍俭和他收藏的百米长卷》专辑等。,2015年陕西书画协会顾问,2018年受聘为陕西书画艺术协会顾问,中国传媒书画院名誉院长,2019年被受于爱心大使。


编著的书刊有《贾绍俭谈书画》专辑(上下两辑)、《贾绍俭谈名人书画的收藏与投资》专辑(上下两辑)、《何海霞书画辨伪》专辑、《大家刘文西》专辑、《贾绍俭刘文西画的收藏》专题旧事 、《贾绍俭和他收藏的百米长卷》专辑等。

       著作 有《书画辨伪》、《邮品与名人书画的投资与收藏》、《贾绍俭书画收藏答客问》、《真画假画》等见诸报刊。

由于在业内的成绩曾多次被约请 参加国务院旧事 办国庆观礼团或春节首都各界座谈会等等,毕生 享用 国务院特殊津贴专家。

出版《刘文西画的真赝对比》、《收藏》发表长篇专访《吉地淘宝8226感悟其绝——记书画收藏投资家贾绍俭》他的收藏事迹 被入编《世界华人书画篆刻家名人大字典》、《世界艺术家名人录》、《祖国万岁》、《中华英才大典》、《中国专家大辞典》、《中国各科专家大辞典》、《陕西文明 名人大辞典》等大型典籍。

English Introduction

  Jia Shaojian, who was born in the 50 year, was born in China. He was a native of the province. He was a collector and connoisseur. After 70 years, he collected and appreciated calligraphy and painting for 90 years. He founded a museum of painting and calligraphy in the north gate of the drum tower. In March 1998, he was appointed to be a limited liability company painting and calligraphy appraisal consultant. He was appointed as executive director of the provincial cultural and Economic Exchange Association in October 1998. In March 99, he was appointed consultant for painting and painting appraisal of the auction house of the Heng Heng Heng in June 1999. He was appointed advisor to the auction house in June 1999. He was appointed as a consultant for calligraphy and painting appraisal in Henan Province. He was appointed editor of the editorial board of the Chinese elite. In 2005, Mr. Jia Shaojian, a consultant of the auctioneer limited company, was appointed as the expert group of the first identification group of the "people's treasure TV show". In 2005, it was selected as the book compiled by the Deputy Secretary General of the provincial collectors association. It has the album of "talk about painting and calligraphy" by the chairman of the collection of two books, the collection and investment of Jia Shaojian's talk about celebrity books and paintings (the last two collections), and the album of He Haixia's calligraphy and painting discrimination. Liu Wenxi's album, "Jia Shaojian Talking about the Collection of Liu Wenxi's Paintings" special news, "Jia Shaojian and his collection of 100 meters long volume" album and so on.


His works include "distinguishing fake calligraphy and painting", "investing and collecting postage products and famous calligraphy and painting", "answering questions from visitors in Jia Shaojian's collection of calligraphy and painting", "true painting and false painting" and so on


Because of their achievements in the industry, they have been invited to attend the National Day Ceremony of the Press Office of the State Council or the Symposium of all walks of life in the capital of the Spring Festival, etc.


"Liu Wenxi's comparison of real fake" and "collection" published a long exclusive interview with "Ji Di 8226 comprehend its memory." Jia Shaojian, an investor in calligraphy and painting collection, has been compiled into the collection of "World Chinese calligraphy and painting seal carving family name dictionary", "world artist list", "long live the motherland", "Chinese talent", "Chinese expert dictionary" and "Chinese experts". Dictionaries, "dictionary of cultural and cultural celebrities" and other large classics.



