作者:台湾大学台大中文系 徐富昌编
In ancient times, the king of Pao Shi was the king of the world. If you look up, you will see the image in the sky, and if you look down, you will see the Dharma in the earth. The text of birds and animals is appropriate to the earth. Take all bodies near and things far away; So he began to make the eight trigrams of Yi to hang the constitutional image. And Shennong, who tied ropes for governance and unified their affairs. The common industry is numerous, and the fake is born. Cang Jie, the historian of the Yellow Emperor, saw the traces of birds and animals' hooves. He knew that the division could be different. He first made a written deed. A hundred works are used to observe, and ten thousand products are used to cover and take all kinds of goods. "Yu, Yang in the king's court", the speaker, propaganda and education, Ming in the king's court, "the gentleman therefore Shi Lu and lower, the virtue is (Ming) taboo". At the beginning of Cangjie's writing, it was also covered by hieroglyphics, so it was called Zhiwen. Later, the combination of form and sound is called Zhizi. The writer is the foundation of objects and images; Words, words breed milk and range. Written on bamboo and silk, it is called a book. Book maker, ruye. Up to the time of the five emperors and three kings, it has changed its special style and was granted Mount Tai for 70, two generations, with the same style. Zhou Li: at the age of eight, he entered primary school. Bao's family taught the children of the country. First, he learned six books. One is to tell the truth. Those who refer to things can see and see through observation, and "up and down" is also. Second, pictograph. The pictograph is painted into its object and displayed with the body, "sun and moon" is also. Third, form and sound. The figurative voice takes things as its name and takes analogy to form each other. "River and river" is also. Fourth, understanding. Understanding is more than friendship, so as to see and refer to "martial arts and faith". On the fifth day, transfer notes. Those who transfer notes, build a class, agree to accept it, and "test, old" is also true. On the sixth day, it was borrowed. If you borrow something, you have nothing to do. If you ask for something by voice, "order and long" is also true. And King Xuan taishizhen, with 15 large seal characters, which are different from ancient Chinese. To the six classics written by Confucius, Zuo Qiuming described the spring and autumn biography, all in ancient Chinese, Jue meaning can be obtained and said. Later, the princes ruled by force and did not unify with the king. Evil rites and music are harmful to oneself, and all of them go to their classics. It is divided into seven countries, with different fields, different tracks of vehicles, different laws and regulations, different systems of clothes, different voices and different characters. At the beginning of the first emperor of Qin Dynasty, the Prime Minister Li Sinai played the same, but he did not agree with the Qin literature. Si wrote Cangjie. The CRRC government ordered Zhao Gao to write the calendar. The great history made Hu Wujing erudite. They all take the large seal script of Shi Zhen, or the so-called small seal script. It was time for Qin to eliminate books and eliminate old codes. Big hair officials and soldiers, Xing garrison. There were numerous official and prison posts. At the beginning, there were clerical script, which was interesting and easy, and the ancient prose was unique. Since the Qin Dynasty, there are eight styles: one is the big seal, the other is the small seal, the third is the engraved symbol, the fourth is the insect script, the fifth is the copy, the sixth is the signature, the seventh is the Shu, and the eighth is the official script. Hanxing has cursive script. Wei LV: the test starts when the student is over seventeen. Satirize the book of nine thousand words, but get history. And eight body test. The county moved to Taishi and took classes. Most people think that Shangshu history. If the book is not correct, it is often impeached. Today, although there are Wei laws, no classes, no primary school, Mo Da Qi said for a long time. When Emperor Xiaoxuan called Cangjie readers, Zhang Chang accepted them. Du ye, an assassin of Liangzhou, was so polite that he was able to speak with Qin Jin, a lecturer. During the reign of emperor Xiaoping, more than 100 people, including Li, ordered that the text was not in the central court, and Li was the primary yuan scholar. Yang Xiong, a servant of the yellow gate, collected it for training and compilation. All the following 14 chapters of Cangjie, and all the five thousand three hundred and forty words contained in the books, are slightly saved. And the death of the new residence, so that the Department of school documents such as Da Sikong Zhen Feng. He thought he should make it, so he changed the ancient prose quite a bit. At that time, there were six books: one was ancient Chinese, and Confucius wrote in the wall. Second, strange characters, namely the official script of Qin Dynasty. It was made by Cheng Miao, an envoy of Emperor Qinshihuang. Five said Miao Zhuan, so copying is also necessary. On the sixth day, birds and insects write, so the book flag letter is also true. The king of Lu destroyed Confucius' house and got the book of rites, Shangshu, spring and autumn, Analects of Confucius and filial piety. And the biography of Zuo clan in the spring and Autumn period by Zhang Cangxian, Duke of Beiping. Prefectures and states often get Dingyi from mountains and rivers. Their inscriptions are ancient writings of previous generations, which are self similar. Although it is impossible to see the distant current again, it can be explained in detail. The people of the world are not Zi. They think that those who are curious are also curious. Therefore, they are more crafty. The walls of the country make up unknowable books and often go through disturbances to shine on the world. All the students competed to say words and understand the friendship between the classics. They called the official script of Qin Dynasty Cangjie Shishu, saying, "it's handed down from father to son, how can it be changed!" Nai lewd said, "a horse's head is long, a man holds ten for fighting, and a worm is bent in the middle." Ting Wei said that the law was to judge the law by words: "the harsh person receives money, and the harsh word ends with a sentence." If there are many of them, they are not in line with Confucius' ancient prose and are fallacious in history. I'm a vulgar scholar. I love what I've learned and hide what I want to hear. There is no general knowledge, and there is no rule of the word. Strange and good at wild words, take what they know as the secret and wonderful, and study the tiny words of the saints in the cave. See also Cangjie's "young son accepts the imperial edict", because it says: "what the ancient emperor did, his words have the skill of immortals." Is it not contrary to its mistakes! The book said, "I want to see the image of the ancients." Words must follow the old text without chiseling. Confucius said, "I am still in the absence of history. Now my husband is dead." Gaifei didn't know and didn't ask. People use their own private, right and wrong, and skillfully say evil words, which makes scholars all over the world doubt. Those who cover words are the foundation of classics and art and the beginning of Wang Zheng. Forefathers fall behind, and posterity knows the ancient. Therefore, he said, "the foundation is established and the Tao is born." Know the essence of the world and don't mess it up. Today's narrative seal characters are combined with ancient Chinese characters. As for the small and the big, we should be knowledgeable. If you believe and have evidence, write your story. Will be able to reason groups, solve fallacies, know scholars and reach God. Separate from each other, not mixed toilets. All things are salty to see, but not to carry. Jue friendship is not clear, so it is clear to use metaphor. They are called Yi Meng, Shu Kong, Shi Mao, Li Zhou official, Zuo in the spring and Autumn period, the Analects of Confucius and the filial piety Sutra, all of which are also ancient. It is unknown, and there is no cover& lt; Shuo Wen Jie Zi Xu & gt; Author: Xu Fuchang, Department of Chinese, National Taiwan University source: http://ceiba.cc.ntu.edu.tw/------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In ancient times, the Fuqi family ruled the world. He looked up at the sky, looked down at the geography, observed the image of birds and animals and the pulse of the earth, and took the method from himself near and from other things far. On this basis, he created the book of changes and eight trigrams to show good and bad luck. In the era of Shennong, the method of tying rope and recording events was used to govern the society and manage the affairs at that time. There were more and more industries and chores in the society, and the concealment and falsification also happened. (in the era of the Yellow Emperor,) Cang Jie, the historian of the Yellow Emperor, saw the footprints of birds and animals, realized that the texture was different and birds and animals could be distinguished, so he began to create words. (after the words are used in society), there are rules for all kinds of work, and ten thousand kinds are clear. The original intention of Cangjie's writing is probably derived from the "Gua", which says that ministers should assist the king and make the king's government run smoothly. That is to say, Cang Jie created words to publicize religious orders, advocate style and contribute to the governance of kings. The use of written tools by kings is more convenient to give grace to their subjects, and their subjects should be based on morality. They must not rely on the work of writing to get knights and salaries. Cangjie first created characters by drawing shapes according to objects, so they were called "characters". Then he created integrated ideographic characters and pictophonetic characters to expand the number of characters. These characters are called "characters". Calling it "character" means that it comes from the breeding of "text", which increases the number of characters. Writing words on bamboo slips and silk is called "book". "Book" means writing things like them. (text) through the long years of "Five Emperors" and "three kings", some have changed their strokes: some have created variants, so the stone carvings left by the 72 generation monarchs who granted Zen worship in Mount Tai have different fonts. Zhou Li stipulates that eight year old children of the taxi nationality enter the primary school, and the school officials teach them the "six books" first. "Six books" The first is "pointing to things". The meaning of pointing to things is: the shape and structure seem to be recognized, but the meaning of the word can be known only after investigation. The upper and lower words are examples. The second is called hieroglyphic. The meaning of hieroglyphic is: draw the object by drawing. The twists and turns of the wave potential of the stroke are consistent with the situation of natural objects. The word sun and moon is an example. The third is called Pictophonetic. The meaning of pictophonetic is to select sound symbols and meaning symbols that can be compared to form words according to the nature and name of things. The word Jiang River is an example. The fourth is called understanding. The meaning of understanding is: compare and combine the word elements related to reason to form words; The meaning or purport of new characters can be known by blending the meaning of morphemes. The word Wuxin is an example. The fifth is called Zhuanzhu. The meaning of Zhuanzhu is: establish a word as the head and root, and create generic words. Generic words inherit the shape, sound and meaning of the root word and are connected with the meaning of the root word. This is an example of Kaolao two words. The sixth is called borrowing. The meaning of borrowing is that you don't make words for something, but according to the name of something, find a homonym to represent it, and make the long two words belong to this example. At the time of King Xuan's Taishi Zhen of Zhou Dynasty, 15 large seal characters were sorted out, and the Zhen text was different from the ancient text. (however, ancient prose is still in use.) ancient prose was still used until Confucius wrote the "Six Classics" and Zuo Qiuming wrote Zuo Zhuan; The shape and meaning of ancient prose are still well known by scholars. Later (in the Warring States period), the princes relied on violence to govern and disobeyed the son of Zhou; They abhor rites and music, which harm themselves, and abandon the classics (go their own way). Each Abbot has different sizes, and each Abbot has different rules and regulations. Each Abbot has different sizes and different hats. When Qin Shihuang first destroyed the six kingdoms, Prime Minister Lisi asked to unify the system and abolish those words that were not consistent with the characters of Qin. (Li Si et al. Negative Jia standardized the text.) Li Si wrote Cangjie, Zhao Gao, the order of Zhongche government, wrote Yuanli, and Hu Wujing, the order of Taishi, wrote erudition. They all use the font of Shi Zhen big seal, and some characters have been simplified and changed. This font is what people call "small seal". At this time, Qin Shihuang burned the Scriptures, eliminated ancient books, collected and issued officials and soldiers, vigorously promoted Garrison and corvee service, and there were many affairs in government offices and prisons. Therefore, official script was produced to make the writing easier, and the ancient font stopped from now on. From this time on, the calligraphy of the Qin Dynasty has eight forms. The first is called the big seal, the second is called the small seal, the third is called the engraved symbol, the fourth is called the insect script, the fifth is called the copy, that is, the sixth is called the signature script, the seventh is called the Shu, and the eighth is called the official script. After the founding of the Han Dynasty, there was cursive script. According to the laws of the Han Dynasty, only those who can recite, read and write 9000 Chinese characters can become clerical officials; Further, they were tested with calligraphy "eight body". After passing the county examination, he was transferred to the central Taishi order for further examination. The person with the best score was used as the Secretary of the pivot Secretariat. If the official documents and memorials of the officials were not written correctly, "Shangshu history" reported and impeached them. Now, although the rules and regulations exist, the examination has been stopped, the work of writing has not been taught, and the scholars have been unable to learn Chinese characters for a long time. During the reign of Emperor Xuan of the Han Dynasty, he recruited a person who could read the ancient text Cangjie, and Emperor Xuan sent Zhang Chang to follow him. (after that) Du ye, a local official in Liangzhou, and Peidi people were so polite that Qin Jin, a lecturer, could also read ancient characters. During the reign of emperor Hanping, more than 100 people, such as Yuan Li, were summoned to speak at Weiyang officials and to honor Yuan Li as a "primary school scholar". Yang Xiong, a servant of the yellow gate, collected everyone's explanations and wrote the "training and compilation chapter". "Xun Zhuan Pian" summarizes the 14 character books since "Cangjie Pian", with a total of 5340 characters. Most of the characters used in ancient books are included in the book. When Wang Mang was in power to take pictures of the king, he asked Da Sikong Zhen Feng and others to check the books to mark them