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艾轩 - 艾轩:红色经典谈不上经典

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艾轩,1947年11月11日出生,浙江金华人。1967年毕业于地方 美术学院附中。1969年3月--1973年3月在河北蔚县西合营劳动四年。1973年分配至成都军区文明 部创作组任美术创作员。国家1 级美术师、中国美术家协会会员、中国油画学会常务理事。现任北京市政府高级文艺职称评审委员,北京画院油画创作室主任,中国美术家协会会员,北京画院艺术委员会委员,国家1 级美术师。1967年毕业于地方 美术学院附中。1981年作品《有志者》获第二届全国青年美展二等奖。1984年作品入选第六届全国美展。1985年作品《若尔盖冻土带》被中国美术馆收藏。1986年参加日本第二届亚洲美展,同年参加法国第十八届国际美术节。1987年赴美国俄克拉荷马城大学访问并在美国举办个人展览,作品《陌生人》等参加在美国纽约哈克尼斯中心举办的首届中国油画展。1989年作品入选摩纳哥蒙特卡罗国际美术大展。1993年赴德国、荷兰、奥地利举办画展。1994年作品《荒原往事》入选第二届中国油画展。1995年参加第1 届国际艺苑油画展。1996年由香港亚洲出版社出版画册《艾轩》,并与罗中立王怀庆王沂东曹力出访美国参加中国油画大展。1997年作品《又清又冷的空气》入选中国油画肖像艺术百年。1998年由四川美术出版社出版《艾轩西藏风情》。1999年作品入选中国美术百年。2004年作品入编《中国油画十家》。出版有《艾轩和他的艺术》、《艾轩写实主义油画技巧》、《中国当代写实派—艾轩油画艺术》等。作品被中国美术馆、日本福冈美术馆、国内外艺术机构及私人藏家广泛收藏。


艾轩风格的最大特点是“借景抒怀”。他画西藏高原景色和孤独的人物,次要 是抒发本身 内心世界的感情,
因而 ,他的作品与其说是西藏风情画,无宁 说是他内心的独白。那么,在这1 幅幅画中,都有艾轩的影子。沉默无语和静静思考,无名的孤独渗透在画中人物的抽象 和画面全部 气氛当中 。独自1 人在一马平川 的草地、雪野、荒原,他(她)们的生活和 大自然,似乎皆要避开观众的视线。在极少的情况之上面 对观众的抽象 (如《冻土带》)也用冷漠和陌生的目光 ,静观这与他(她)们有隔阂的世界。艾轩在写实的物象中寄托了本身 的思绪和感情,他用借景写情的方法,创造出1 幅幅情景交融的、成心 境的画面。
艾轩风格的另1 特点是他巧妙地把孤寂的抒情性与少许的神秘感美妙地结合了起来。本来,孤独本身即会有某种神秘性,在浩瀚的荒原中孤独,其神秘的意味就更浓。但作者始终不忽视人和自然景色的优美。即使采用奇特构图(如《说不清明天的风》)加强画面不平凡的效果,作者也不遗忘 给观众以审美的满足。所以,艾轩是用美的魅力把观众带进那有宗教情绪和神秘气氛的艺术世界里的。他的画有意味 的意念(如《或许 天还是那样蓝》《说不清明天的风》、《歌声渐远》),但应用 的是“点到为止”的含蓄手法,似弦上之箭,引而不发,其降服 力和感染力似更为强烈。
艾轩风格中还有1 点值得特别提起的,那就是他绘画言语 的沉着与精致,这类 绘画言语 的求得,既与制造 的技术有关,又不全是制造 的技术成绩 。他把粗俗的生活往雅里面精心安排,着意推敲。轮廓线的分明,外轮廓的大效果,和由此构成 的空间分割,轮廓内的奥妙 关系(质地感、色调的变化等)……这都使他迷恋和陶醉。但他处理得很谨慎和有分寸,既保有来自生活的感受,又赋予理性的次序 。当然,他尽量避免“做”的痕迹。


1981年油画《有志者》参加第二届全国青年美展获银奖 。
1983年 和何多苓合作油画《邓小平》。
1984年 进入北京画院油画创作室。
1985年油画《若尔盖冻土带》为中国美术馆收藏 。
1987年 赴美国俄克拉荷马大学作访问学者1 年。
1987年美国主流媒体《纽约时报》、《华尔街日报》、《基督教科学箴言报》、《艺术旧事 》、《美国艺术》相继发表报道和艺评,《艺术旧事 》称之为“1 颗上升的星”。“和众国
1988年 英国苏斯比公司在北京故宫举办支援 长城-威尼斯国际艺术品义卖,油画《寂寞的沼泽》与毕加索,劳申伯格的作品共同参拍,中国日报头版报道,作者的名字刻上幕田峪长城纪念碑。
3月受美国著名画家安德鲁.怀斯德约请 在宾夕法尼亚洲和怀斯先生会见。
美术杂志发表专题并封面(1991年第四期) 。
1992年 入选《中国大陆中青代美术家百人传》并刊登封面,水中天先生撰文“中国油画的中坚和希望”。
著名美术评论家邵大箴先生为“炎黄艺术”撰写艾轩专评“1 颗上升的星”。
1993年 随中国美术家代表团访问德国、荷兰、奥地利并举办画展。
1995年 由范迪安先生主编的《中国当代10家风格与技法研讨 》(包括有靳尚谊何多苓杨飞云、刘小东、艾轩等十人。)
范迪安先生着文的首批中国油画无限 印刷作品推出(包括吴冠中靳尚谊、艾轩等六人),中国艺术研讨 院美术研讨 所参与推出。
香港出版《“中国油画”——从理想 主义到后古代 主义》两幅作品入选。
参加第1 届国际艺苑油画展。
1996年 香港亚洲出版社出版画册-《艾轩》。
7月《艺术界》杂志专题、封面-“艾轩,孤独美的追随 者”。
入选中国美术家全集(由中宣部、文明 部主办)。
王沂东被澳门市政厅约请 在澳门举办联展,并出版《乡土情怀-王沂东、艾轩油画展》。
3月油画《或许 天还是那样蓝》入选画集《二十世纪中国传世名画》。
4月六幅作品入选由水天中孙美兰先生编着的《古代 传世名画鉴赏》大型画册。
由美国著名教授迈克.苏立文编着的《中国艺术》第四稿,成为美国耶鲁大学正式教材,艾轩被列入中国近代美术史从任伯年以来的十几位代表人物之1 。
2004年 作品入编《中国油画十家》。
四川汶川大地震与中国写实画派同仁发起创作了大型油画《热血5 月.2008》为灾区义捐善款;
2009年 地方 电视台《国宝档案》节目播出专题“三军过后尽开颜”;
2010年 创作油画《圣山》;
"新疆文明 全国行--情系神州"展览 上海美术馆


1987年3月,艾轩应美国俄克拉荷马(Oklahoma City)大学的约请 ,赴美讲学1 年,其时,他在美国纽约举办个人画展,获得成功。《纽约时报》、《华尔街日报》、《基督教科学箴言报》和《艺术旧事 》等报刊杂志对他的作品前后 发表了评介文章,称之为“1 颗上升的星”。
艾轩,1947年出生,如今 是北京画院的油画家。艾轩酷爱中国的古代建筑、绘画、雕塑和民间艺术,除广泛的兴味 外,在绘画的造境上他似乎更钟情于范宽倪瓒的山水画。
范氏的作品中表达“云烟惨淡风月难雾之状“中的朦胧、宁静和浩瀚苍茫,倪氏作品的“天真幽淡“和意境的深远凝静与艾轩的经历、涵养 与气质较为接近,他从他们的山水画上有所触动和感悟,并结合本身 的艺术寻求 在油画实践中有所探索,也就是很自然的了。他的内心是孤独和凄凉的。这大概决定了他把本身 的视角投向荒凉偏僻的川西地和西藏高原。关于这1 点,他的朋友、画家兼评论家袁正阳有1 段很好的描述:“在此之前,他已数次来回 这些地方。仅仅出现于藏区风情的吸引,他画了些藏民肖像和草原风光。在1 个寒冷的冬天,当艾轩再1 次置身于冰雪皑皑的荒原时,他的内心被强烈地震慑住了。他感到寂静从四面八方向他袭来,他感到远方咄咄逼人的沉默。1 股难言的孤寂感浸透他的全身。他仿佛置身于原始之初,凛冽的寒风掀动着枯萎的野草。冰块在脚下脆裂。从此,艾轩画幅里的那些藏民抽象 和景致开始慢慢地被注入新的意味。

English Introduction

Ai Xuan, born in November 11, 1947, Jinhua Zhejiang people. 1967 graduated from the Affiliated High School of China Central Academy of Fine Arts. In March 1969 --1973 year in March in Hebei Weixian County Xiheying labor for four years. 1973 assigned to the Chengdu military region, the Ministry of culture creative group of creative arts. The executive director of the national artist, member of China Artists Association China oil painting society. The Beijing municipal government is currently the senior Title Review Committee, director of the Beijing Academy of oil painting studio, a member of China Artists Association, Beijing painting art committee, national artist. 1967 graduated from the Affiliated High School of China Central Academy of Fine Arts. 1981 work "who" won the two prize in the second national youth art exhibition. 1984, selected works of the Sixth National Art exhibition. 1985 works "Ruoergai frozen soil zone" by the Chinese Art Museum collection. In 1986 second of Japan's Asian art exhibition, the same year to participate in the Eighteenth International Art Festival in france. 1987 visit to the United States at the University of Oklahoma City and the United States held a personal exhibition, the work of the "stranger" and so on to participate in the United States, New York, held in the center of the first Chinese oil painting exhibition. 1989 works selected Monaco Monte Carlo International Art exhibition. 1993 Went to Germany, Austria, Holland exhibition. 1994 work "waste land" was selected in the second China oil painting exhibition. 1995 to participate in the first international art painting exhibition. Published by the Hongkong Asian Press in 1996, "Ai Xuan", and with the United States and China, Wang Huaiqing, Wang Yidong, Cao Li visited the United States to participate in the Chinese oil painting exhibition. 1997 works "cold and clear air" selected Chinese oil painting portrait art for a hundred years. 1998 by the Sichuan Fine Arts Publishing House, "Ai Xuan Tibet style". 1999 works selected for the Chinese art hundred years. In 2004 ten China painting works for the "home". The publication of "Ai Xuan and his art", "Ai Xuan", "realistic painting skills Chinese contemporary realism oil painting art - AI Xuan" etc.. Works by the Chinese Art Museum, Fukuoka Art Museum, the domestic and foreign art institutions and private collectors extensive collection.

One characteristic
The biggest characteristic of Ai Xuan's style is "borrowed scenery poetry". He painted Tibet plateau scenery and lonely figure, mainly to express their inner feelings of the world,
Therefore, his works it is Tibet style painting, but his inner monologue. So, in this picture, there are Ai Xuan's shadow. Silence silent and quiet thinking, unknown loneliness infiltration in the image of the characters in the picture and the whole atmosphere of the picture. Alone in the vast expanse of grassland, snow, wasteland, he (she) lives and nature seems to avoid the attention of the audience. In the following few situations to the audience's image (such as "tundra") with cold and strange eyes, see this and he (she) have a gap in the world. Ai Xuan expressed his thoughts and feelings in the realistic images, he used the method of borrowing love, create a picture of the artistic conception of the picture, which.
Feature two
Another characteristic of Ai Xuan's style is that he skillfully combines the solitude of lyric with a little mystery. Originally, the loneliness itself, there will be some kind of mystery, in the vast wilderness of loneliness, its mysterious meaning is more concentrated. But the author never ignored the beauty of the human and natural scenery. Even if the use of unique composition (such as "can not say tomorrow's wind") to strengthen the image of the extraordinary effect, the author also does not forget to give the audience to meet the aesthetic. So, Ai Xuan is with the charm of the United States to bring the audience into the religious and mysterious atmosphere of the art world. His paintings are a symbol of ideas (such as "perhaps the sky is still blue" "tell the wind", "tomorrow", but the song gradually far) is the use of "implicit way point", like the arrow on the string, is important to conquer the appeal seems more intense.
Feature three
Ai Xuan style is also worth special mention, and that is his painting language calm and delicate, this kind of painting language, not only with the production of technology, and not all of the technical problems. He put the vulgar life to ya inside careful arrangement, to scrutiny. Contour line of the clear, the large effect of the outer contour, and thus the formation of the space division, the contour of the delicate relationship (texture, color changes, etc.)...... It all makes him infatuated and intoxicated. But he was very cautious and decent, not only has from life experience, given the rational order. Of course, he tried to avoid the "do" traces.

1977 oil painting "smile after the" armed forces to participate in the 50 anniversary of founding the national art exhibition.
1978 oil painting "guard" to participate in the 30 anniversary of the founding of the national art exhibition.
1981 oil painting "who" in the second National Youth Art Exhibition won the silver medal.
In 1983 and he duoling oil painting "Deng Xiaoping".
In 1984 to enter the Beijing painting oil painting room.
And he duoling oil painting "the third generation", and participated in the Sixth National Exhibition of outstanding works.
1985 oil painting "Ruoergai frozen soil zone" for the Chinese Art Museum collection.
1986 oil painting "she went, did not say what" in France "organized by the eighteenth - cagne Beach International Art Exhibition" and won the honorary award.
Oil painting "Snow" to participate in the second Asian art exhibition, was collected by the Fukuoka Museum of art in japan.
1987 visit to the United States, University of Oklahoma as a visiting scholar for one year.
March oil painting "stranger" to participate in the exhibition of the first China paintings held in the United States Niuhake nice center.
Personal oil painting exhibition held in Manhattan, New York, October.
In 1987 the American mainstream media "New York Times", the "Wall Street journal", "Christian Science Monitor", "news", "American Art Art" published reports and art criticism, art of "news" is called "a rising star". "The United States
The international community has also been reported ".
In 1988 the British company than Susie held in Beijing the Imperial Palace aid the Great Wall - Venice international art bazaar, painting the "lonely" and Picasso marsh, rauschenbergare works together for auction, China daily front page reports, the author's name engraved on the monument of the Great Wall mutianyu.
In March by the famous American artist Andrew. Huaiside invited met in Pennsylvania and Mr. wise.
Li Xianting, a famous critic, wrote "the art of AI Xuan" from the trend of contemporary art in Ai Xuan's writing".
1989 oil painting "children" in Morocco Monte Carlo International Art exhibition.
Sichuan publishing house in 1990, "Ai Xuan and his art".
1991 oil painting "singing away from me" to participate in the British Christie company in Hongkong for the first time the Chinese oil painting auction.
Art magazine published a special subject and cover (1991 fourth).
In 1992, the younger generation of artists "Chinese hundred biography" and published a cover, "Mr. China wrote rock painting into the lake and hope".
The famous art critic Mr. Shao Dazhen as "Yanhuang Art" written specifically on "Ai Xuan a rising star".
In 1993 with the Chinese delegation to visit Germany, Holland, Austria and held exhibitions.
1994 oil painting "melting snow in March" won the 94 year Chinese Art Fair outstanding works award.
Oil painting "the waste land" was selected for the second China oil painting exhibition.
The British company Christie auction catalogue cover "waiting for the winter sun" and printed posters.
In 1995 by Mr. Fan Dian editor of "contemporary Chinese 10 style and technique research" (including Jin Shangyi, Yang Feiyun, he duoling, Liu Xiaodong, Ai Xuan etc..)
The first batch of Chinese oil painting from the text of Mr. Fan Dian launched (including Wu Guanzhong, Jin Shangyi, Ai Xuan and other six people), the Chinese Academy of Arts Institute of fine arts to participate in the introduction of.
China Guardian Spring Auction Catalog cover "very far very far from singing".
"Chinese oil painting" published in Hongkong: selected from two works from realism to post modernism.
In the first session of the international art exhibition.
Hongkong Asia publishing house in 1996: "Ai Xuan".
July "the art world" magazine special topic, cover - "Ai Xuan, the lonely beauty seeker".
With the United States and China, Wang Huaiqing, Wang Yidong, Cao Li visited the United States to participate in the Chinese oil painting exhibition.
1997 oil painting "the song" let the wind blow, "clear and cold air" selected "China portrait Centennial Exhibition".
The complete works of artists selected China (sponsored by the Central Propaganda Department, the Ministry of culture).
Sichuan Fine Arts Publishing House, 1998, "famous boutique", "Tibet style".
And Wang Yidong was invited to host the exhibition hall of Macao in Macao, and published the "homeland of Wang Yidong, the Ai Xuanyou exhibition".
1999 oil painting "Chen fog gradually dispersed" selected "China Fine Arts hundred years". The water in the selected "China oil painting hundred years".
March oil painting "perhaps the sky is still blue" selected "Twentieth Century China paintings".
In April six works selected by a day, Mr. Sun Meilan's "modern paintings appreciation" large pictures.
By the famous professor Mike. The writer Su Li "China art" in the fourth draft, the Yale University became a formal teaching, Ai Xuan was included in the China modern art history from a dozen representatives of the Ren since the.
In 2004 ten China painting works for the "home".
"Chinese realistic painting exhibition", China Art Museum, 2005.
2006 China realism oil painting exhibition
2008 "welcome to the Olympic world famous Chinese artists exhibition"
Sichuan Wenchuan earthquake and China realism Tongren initiated the creation of a large oil painting of "blood" for the disaster donations Yijuan.2008 May;
Famous critic Shao Dazhen wrote "quiet and lonely, exciting, people's Fine Arts Publishing House" China large paintings of contemporary oil painting masters of AI Xuan volume;
2009 CCTV "national treasure files" broadcast special "smile after";
2010 oil painting "the holy mountain";
Publication of personal album ten;
"Xinjiang national culture -- on China" exhibition in Shanghai Art Museum

Foreign evaluation
In March 1987, AI Xuan Oklahoma (Oklahoma City) of the University of the United States invited lectures a year, at that time, he held a personal exhibition in New York, the success of. "New York Times", the "Wall Street journal", "Christian Science Monitor" and "Art News" and other newspapers and magazines of his works published a review article, called "a rising star".
Media recommendation
Ai Xuan, born in 1947, is now the Beijing painting painters. Ai Xuan loves Chinese ancient architecture, painting, sculpture and folk art, in addition to the extensive interest in the built environment, painting he seems to prefer the wide range and Nizan landscape painting.
Fan's works express "clouds" in the fog like pretty bleak to the dim, quiet and vast boundless, Ni's works of "innocent and simple" profound artistic conception and static condensation and Ai Xuan's experience, accomplishment and temperament is close to him from their landscape painting touches and sentiment, combined with his own the pursuit of art has been explored in the painting practice, it is very natural. His heart is lonely and desolate. This probably decided that he put his own perspective to invest in the desolate and remote areas of Western Sichuan and the Tibet plateau. On this point, his friend, painter and critic Yuan Zhengyang had a good description: "before this, he had several times to and from these places. Attract only in Tibetan style, he painted some portraits and Tibetan Grassland scenery. In a cold winter, when Ai Xuan again in the snow covered wilderness, his heart was a strong earthquake outfaced. He felt the silence coming from all directions, he felt far from the aggressive silence. An unspeakable loneliness with his body. He seemed to be in the original at the beginning of the cold wind ruffles the withered grass. Ice at the foot of the brittle crack. Since then, the Tibetan image and scenery in the picture Ai Xuan began to slowly injected new meaning.



