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赵世杰,生于大连,毕业于鲁迅美术学院油画系,其作品多次参加全国美展并多次获奖。现为中国美术家协会会员,国家1 级美术师,中国油画学会理事,辽宁美术家协会副主席,辽宁油画艺术委员会常务副主席,盘锦市文联副主席,盘锦市美术家协会主席。多幅作品被国内外收藏家、博物馆收藏。
2013年1月,油画《大湿地NO3》、《情系额尔古纳》参加由中国油画研讨 创作中心在大连主办的“中国油画名家迎新展”;6月,参加省美协主办的辽宁省美术家协会2013年度理想 主义创作高研班暨第12届全国美展理论研讨会;8月,参加由鲁迅美术学院和美国纽约艺术中心、捷米教授、任敏教授主讲的油画、丙烯技法高研班;10月,油画《远逝的记忆NO2》、《远逝的记忆NO4》参加“黑头情”东北油画约请 展(中国美术馆);油画《远逝的记忆NO1》参加“绘画与品格”——中国油画作品展;油画《野塘系列NO.1-10》参加三经九纬八人油画精品展(沈阳);10月24日,参加中国美术家协会第八次全国代表大会;油画《远势的记忆No.1》参加“绘画的品格”——2013年中国油画作品展;
2011年出版发行《中国名家精萃——赵世杰作品集》由文物出版社出版;出版《中国近古代 油化名家——赵世杰作品集》中国传媒大学出版社出版;油画《大湿地系列NO10》参加纪念建党90周年全国大型美术作品展(历史博物馆);油画《大湿地系列船NO.8》参加化境长城外吾土吾民油画约请 展(鲁美美术馆);油画《情系额尔古纳》(5 幅)参加中国当代油画家(情系额尔古纳)油画写生约请 展(鲁美美术馆);
2009年油画《古河道系列》获辽宁省“庆国庆60周年,迎接全国十1 届美展”美术精品展金奖。油画《古河道系列》入选第十1 届全国美展;油画《家园》获辽宁省第5 届少数民族美展金奖;
2007年油画《气贯山河》获辽宁省美协成立5 十周年作品大展银奖(最高奖),发表于美术杂志;油画《气贯山河》获中国“西气东输”美术作品大展银奖;油画《黄金带——探2008井》获文明 部主办全国画院双年展优秀作品奖(湖北美术馆);油画《野塘之十八》、《新世纪探井》参加由中国美协、中国美术馆、中国国家画院主办——辽宁画院建院25周年大型美展,其中《野塘之十八》被展览艺委会选中悬挂在美术馆圆厅,与馆藏作品并列展出。此画受到中国油画艺委会专家学者的高度评价(中国美术馆);
2004年油画《黄金带-探108井》参加文明 部、中国美协主办第十届全国美展并获辽宁省美展金奖(上海美术馆);
2003年油画《今天有约》、《黄色的和谐》被《中国油画》杂志收入中国当代油画百人作品集;油画《野塘之十九》参加中国第三届油画展,并获省展金彩油画艺术奖(中国美馆);应新加坡美术总会的约请 ,在新加坡成功举办《奔放—赵世杰油画作品展》;由中国文联出版社出版发行《赵世杰油画》;
1996年油画《野塘之四》获文明 部主办“丁绍光”奖全国美术作品大展银奖;
1984年油画《合力》获中宣部主办的《5 月的风》大型美术作品展佳作奖并参加第八届全国美展;油画《野塘八月》入选中国第二届油画展;

Introduction to the artist

Zhao Shijie, be born at Dalian, be graduated from canvas of Lu Xun academy of fine arts is, its work attends countrywide beauty to exhibit for many times and for many times bear the palm. It is Chinese artist academician now, country division of one class art, chinese canvas learns director, vice-chairman of Liaoning artist association, committee of Liaoning canvas art is standing vice-chairman, vice-chairman of couplet of article of Pan Jin city, chairman of association of artist of Pan Jin city. Many work is collected by domestic and international collector, museum.
Artist chronological table
In January 2013, canvas " NO3 of big wet ground " , " affection is Eerguna " attend to be considered to create a center to be sponsorred in Dalian by Chinese canvas " Chinese canvas a person of academic or artistic distinction sees the New Year in exhibit " ; In June, attend province beauty assist association of sponsorred Liaoning province artist 2013 year are realistic creation grinds high class and beauty of the 12nd whole nation exhibit academic seminar; In August, attend to be mixed by Lu Xun academy of fine arts law of ability of the canvas of give a lecture of professor of rice of center of art of American new York, nimble, Professor Ren Min, propylene grinds high class; In October, canvas " far the memorial NO2 that die " , " far the memorial NO4 that die " attend " black head affection " northeast canvas invites exhibit (Chinese art gallery) ; Canvas " far the memorial NO1 that die " attend " brushwork and character and morals " -- Chinese canvas work is exhibited; Canvas " NO.1-10 of wild pond series " play 3 classics high-quality goods of 8 people canvas exhibits 9 abb (Shenyang) ; On October 24, join Chinese artist consortium the 8th times countrywide congress; Canvas " the memorial No.1 of far situation " attend " painterly character and morals " -- Chinese canvas work was exhibited 2013;
2012 canvas " does affection fasten Eerguna  NO1 " attend paint from life of the 2nd canvas of Chinese to exhibit (Chinese art gallery) ;
Published 2011 " Chinese a person of academic or artistic distinction is quintessential -- collect of Zhao Shijie work " publish by cultural relic press; Publish " China is modern oily alias home -- collect of Zhao Shijie work " press of Chinese medium university is published; Canvas " series of big wet ground  NO10 " attend commemorative found a party 90 years work of countrywide large painting is exhibited (historical museum) ; Canvas " series of big wet ground   Boat NO.8 " outside attending sublimity Great Wall my earth I civilian canvas invites exhibit (house of Lu Meimei art) ; Canvas " affection is Eerguna " (5) enter home of Chinese contemporary canvas (affection is Eerguna) canvas paint from life invites exhibit (house of Lu Meimei art) ;
2010 canvas " series of big wet ground  NO8 " attend canvas art and canvas of contemporary society China to exhibit 〔 China art gallery 〕 greatly; Publish " 2010 Chinese art memorabilia -- Zhao Shijie canvas " publish by press of Chinese literary history; Canvas " series of big wet ground  NO10 " obtain Liaoning to save Party building 90 years outstanding work exhibits a gold prize (Liaoning art gallery) ;
2009 canvas " series of ancient river course " obtain Liaoning to save " celebrate National Day 60 years, receive 11 beauty of countrywide to exhibit " art high-quality goods exhibits a gold prize. Canvas " series of ancient river course " selected eleventh countrywide beauty is exhibited; Canvas " home " obtain Liaoning to save beauty of the 5th minority to exhibit a gold prize;
2008 canvas " gold is taken, explore 2006 wells " attend by Chinese beauty assist sponsor " reforming and opening 30 years " countrywide art work is exhibited greatly (Guangdong art gallery) ; Canvas " gold is taken, explore 2005 wells " attend by Chinese beauty assist sponsor " several talented people " , canvas of 2008 China Jin Ling a hunderd schools is exhibited (Jiangsu art gallery) ;
2007 canvas " the land of country of gas be linked together " obtain Liaoning to save the United States assist establish work 50 years to exhibit silver-colored award greatly (top prize) , publish at art magazine; Canvas " the land of country of gas be linked together " obtain China " enrage on the west east be defeated " art work exhibits silver-colored award greatly; Canvas " gold is taken -- explore 2008 wells " obtain culture ministry to sponsor countrywide imperial art academy double year exhibit outstanding work reward (Hubei art gallery) ; Canvas " of wild pond " , " new century prospect pit " attend by Chinese beauty assist, imperial art academy of country of Chinese art gallery, China is sponsorred -- Liaoning imperial art academy builds a courtyard 25 years large beauty is exhibited, among them " of wild pond " be exhibited art appoint suspension of meeting pitch on is in art gallery round hall, stand side by side with holding work showpiece. This picture gets Chinese canvas art appoint the height that meets expert learned man is evaluated (Chinese art gallery) ;
Was awarded by couplet of Chinese oil article 2005 " award of De Yishuang strong and pervasive fragrance " ;
2004 canvas " gold is taken - explore 108 wells " attend beauty of culture ministry, China assist sponsor the 10th whole nation to the United States is exhibited and obtain Liaoning to save the United States to exhibit a gold prize (Shanghai art gallery) ;
2003 canvas " have today about " , " maize harmony " by " Chinese canvas " contemporary canvas of magazine income China collect of 100 people work; Canvas " of wild pond " enter the 3rd oily art exhibition of Chinese, obtain a province to exhibit award of art of golden color canvas (Chinese beautiful house) ; Should the invitation that Singapore art always meets, hold successfully in Singapore " bold and unrestrained, work of Zhao Shijie canvas is exhibited " ; Publish by press of Chinese article couplet " Zhao Shijie canvas " ;
2000 canvas " beach of the Red Sea " obtain " commemorative speech publishs work of art of 60 years of whole nations to exhibit " outstanding work reward, obtain Liaoning to save high-quality goods of the art that exhibit an area to exhibit a gold prize greatly; Canvas " the flower that brings green background " obtain Chinese beauty assist sponsor Dalian rich of first international art will be outstanding work reward (top prize) ;
1999 canvas " century the sources of energy " attend the 9th beauty of countrywide to exhibit win outstanding work award;
1998 canvas " the flower that brings green background " attend still life of the 2nd canvas of Chinese to be exhibited greatly,
1997 canvas " century the sources of energy " obtain beauty of the 9th whole nation to exhibit outstanding work reward;
1996 canvas " of wild pond " obtain culture ministry to sponsor " Ding Shaoguang " work of art of award whole nation exhibits silver-colored award greatly;
Was judged to be the outstanding painter title that couplet of Chinese oil article grants 1995;
1994 canvas " wild pond in August " attend Chinese beauty assist sponsor the 2nd canvas of Chinese to be exhibited greatly; " the flower that brings green background " attend still life of the 2nd canvas of Chinese to be exhibited greatly; Publish by Liaoning art publishing house " collect of work of Zhao Shijie canvas " ;
1992 canvas " join forces " attend beauty of the 8th whole nation to exhibit;
1984 canvas " join forces " obtain a China Communist News Ministry to sponsor " the wind May " large painting work exhibits award of an excellent work and attend beauty of the 8th whole nation to exhibit; Canvas " wild pond in August " the 2nd oily art exhibition of selected China;



