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王子和:1942生,黑龙江人,本籍 山东文登。中国美术家协会会员,中国书法家协会会员。1961年就读哈尔滨艺术学院美术系,专攻油画。大学毕业后,醉心油画创作,对东方 古典美术及艺术理论多有研究 ,继而转向中国画创作。艺术上中西会通的经历,使其创作既有东方 美术写实之功力,又具有中国传统艺术之神韵。他喜读书,酷爱古典诗词文赋,书法音乐无不涉猎,被圈内人称之为书卷画家。文史涵养 的深厚底蕴,使其国画创作意境深远,笔力雄壮 ,极富书卷气。观他的画,仿佛 读令人击节的抒情诗,给人以美的享用 。他的人物画,多借鉴于古典诗词的名篇佳作,《观沧海》《观荷图》《松下问童子》《国破山河在》《山鬼》和 《红楼梦金陵十二钗》等,皆为其代表作。笔法细腻,神思高远,以本身 人生感悟与艺术经验诠释古人的心灵世界,堪称上乘之作。他的作品多次在欧美和东南亚展出,他多次到加拿大讲学、赴日本访问并举办个人画展,影响广泛。王子和先生不仅是一名 画家,而且是一名 不可多得的书法家。对他的书法作品,更尚神韵 ,奔突纵横,张扬个性,未见他临过帖,却常见他手捧大家书帖细心 端详,用心揣摩,熟记于心,将欧、柳、颜、赵之精华,自然相融,糅进自家。对于他的字,即或不落款,人们1 眼便可辨认出来。而对于众多求字者,子和先生从来不轻易下笔,几经考虑 以后 ,方洋洋洒洒,1 气呵成。“1 个人的名誉是别人对他的看法,他的个性才是他真实的 面目。”生于斯擅长 斯的王子和先生,就是“这样1 个”——1 个有着鲜明个性的书卷画家。
在农业展览馆工作,文明 大革命开始写大字报,为其日后研习书法打下了必然 基础;
在黑龙江省清河县5 七干校劳动;
宣扬 画《知识青年上山下乡》全国发表;
为各种杂志插图、封面1 百余幅。(达尔文、富兰克林、萨哈林旅行记、红英、黑母鸡、聪明的小兔子、仙笛、返老还童的扇子。)出版连环画有:(龙王岛伏霸记、钓鱼、夜闯冲天礁);
全国发表的宣扬 画:《毛泽东全集 》第5 卷、《走工农的路》、《欢庆十1 大召开》、《大办沼气好》;
11月应日中敌对 协会约请 同范曾首次代表国家去日本举办画展,同时在东京、大阪、奈良、富山,京都进行艺术交流。其1 幅画作《仕女》被日中敌对 协会收藏;
代表国家被派到加拿大讲学并举办《王子和书画展》。在加期间在加拿大的埃德蒙顿成立了《王子和书画研讨 会》成员150多人;
从加回国途经香港时,经朋友举荐 ,拜会旅居香港的岭南画派掌门人赵少昂先生。年近82高龄的赵老对王子和先生的书画作品大加赞美 ,并当场绘制1 幅《蝉竹图》送给王子和先生,王子和先生也画了双骏图赠与赵老,请他多提宝贵意见。赵老感慨万千,并提诗赞曰:“描尽人间百态情,诗才画意两通明,偶然写幅双飞马,笔墨清超艺苑倾。”这首诗后来收录到1991年王子和出的《王子和书画集》里,从此书信来往 至赵老辞世;
3月同黑龙江省书画院院长沈重一同 应日中敌对 协会的约请 ,历时1 个月,在日本的新泻进行艺术交流访问,并举办个人画展。后去东京办展,其中1 幅《仕女》和1 幅《书法》作品被东京美术馆收藏;
8年应加拿大温哥华UBC大学约请 ,鄙人 设的东方艺术系讲学,并受到当地媒体的广泛关注。后在UBC大学的艺术中心举办个人书画展为期三个月。其中1 幅《八大山人》以六万加币的高价被该校收藏;
应日中敌对 协会约请 同黑龙江省外办刘东元主任到熊本和福冈进行学术交流,并举办个人画展,在熊本和福冈各展出7天,受到当地媒体广泛关注。立即引发 轰动。其中1 幅《屈原》被福冈美术馆收藏;
8月应多伦多华人协会的约请 ,在多伦多作为期两个月的讲学。并在多伦多博物馆举办个人书画展,被当地媒体争相报道轰动1 时。其中1 幅《李白》被多伦多博物馆收藏;
10月由加拿大《王子和书画研讨 会》援助 出版大型画集《王子和画集》。画集中收录1980~1990期间创作的部分作品。由岭南画派掌门人赵少昂大师题写书名和提款;
被评为国家1 级美术师;
经常与著名书法家沈鹏研讨 讨论书法,并成为至交,为日常研习书法提供了新源泉。并在原本的 绘画题材重新整理的基础上,相继创作了《观沧海》、《松下问童子》、《天地1 沙鸥》、《老子出关》、《满江红》、《高山流水》等作品;
2月建国初前国务院总理方毅到黑龙江省书画院视察工作与王子和先生结识,便1 见如故,方便时常在一同 研讨 古典文学、诗词、书画,是不可多得的朋友;
8月受华人艺术基金会的约请 在加拿大温哥华作为期1 个月的讲学和学术交流活动。并在温哥华UBC大学美术馆举办《王子和中国书画作品展》展期为1 周;
7月同宣扬 部副部长赵长青去广西开会期间受到了广西省委书记曹伯纯的热情接待;
创作《红楼梦》系列组画,便萌生用本身 的艺术言语 创作《金陵十二钗》。由红学大师周汝昌先生为每幅画作诗;
5月23日在北京荣宝斋举办《王子和个人精品展》。我的老师张钦若、挚友李希凡、西游记的曲作者:许镜清和 社会各界朋友出席了开幕式并讲话。为期三天,同期出版《王子和画集》;
8月24日应世界华人联合会的约请 在美国洛杉矶举办中东方 艺术交流活动;
6月19日-26日应张家口市委宣扬 部约请 ,在张家口展览馆举办《王子和书画作品展》;
7月为地方 文献研讨 室泼墨;??

Introduction to the artist

Prince and: 1942 unripe, heilongjiang person, article of ancestral home Shandong is ascended. Chinese artist academician, chinese calligrapher academician. Read faculty of art of Harbin art institute 1961, specialize in canvas. After the university graduates, canvas of be wrapped up in is created, classic to the west art and artistic theory have more study, then changes China to picture creation. The experience that the Chinese and Western on art can connect, make its creation has western art already realistically work force, have the romantic charm with Chinese artistic tradition again. His happy event reads, love classic Shi Ciwen to endow with, dabble of calligraphy music all without exception, be by what coterie says scroll painter. The solid inside information of literary history accomplishment, make artistic conception of creation of its traditional Chinese painting far-reaching, style of writing or drawing is vigorous and firm, extremely rich scroll is angry. Watch his stroke, wan Re reads your person to attack the lyric of the section, give a person the enjoyment with the United States. His character is drawn, draw lessons from the name at classic poem word more piece an excellent work, " view the sea " " the graph that watch carry on one's shoulder " " boy asks below the pine " " national broken the land of country is in " " hill ghost " and " Jin Ling of red building dream 12 hairpin " etc, all be its masterpiece. Calligraphy or drawing is exquisite, gao Yuan of state of mind, with oneself life comprehends the interior world that explains the ancients with artistic experience, can call excellent. His work is in for many times Euramerican exhibit with southeast Asia, he discourses on an academic subject to Canada for many times, go to Japan to visit and hold individual art exhibition, the influence is extensive. Prince and gentleman are a painter not only, and the calligrapher that is a rare. To his calligraphy work, more Shang Yun flavour, run quickly dash forward freely, make public individual character, did not see he has been faced post, common however his hand holds everybody in both hands signature muse, fathom attentively, memorize at the heart, europe, willow, colour, Zhao Zhi elite, natural look be in harmony, mix enters oneself. To his word, namely or not inscribe, people can identify come out. And to numerous the person that seek a word, child with the gentleman all along not easily begin to write or paint, after many consider later, square at great length, get sth done without any letup. "The reputation of a person is others the view to him, his individual character just is his real look. " the prince that gives birth to Yusi to grow Yu Si and gentleman, namely " such " -- a scroll painter that having bright individual character.
Was born in Heilongjiang to visit town of Great Harmony of cause city county on April 22;
1961-1965 year
Take an examination of on academic canvas is Harbin art, read to graduation;
1965-1966 year
Company teaching is done in the country;
1966-1967 year
Work in agricultural exhibition, the Great Cultural Revolution begins to write dazibao, studied calligraphy to lay certain foundation in the future for its;
1968-1970 year
In county of Heilongjiang province clear river 57 dry school work;
1970-1972 year
To go and settle in the countryside of rural production team;
Canvas " send grain busy " showpiece, control market of suitable for a painting;
1973~1978 year
Tone Heilongjiang saves agricultural exhibition;
Poster " school leavers go and work in the countryside and mountain areas " the whole nation is published;
1975-1978 year
For all sorts of magazine illustration, cover more than 100. (the journey writes down Darwinian, rich Lan Kelin, Sahalin, flute of Gong Ying, black hen, clever small bunny, celestial being, rejuvenescent fan. ) publication comic has: (bend over of island of the Dragon King bully write down, fishing, night enters towering reef) ;
The poster that the whole nation publishs: " Mao Zedong anthology " the 5th, " the route that takes workers and peasants " , " joyful 11 hold greatly " , " it is good to handle marsh gas greatly " ;
Allocate Heilongjiang to save irrigation works hall to draw blackboard newspaper;
Will noon in November the friendship association invites with model ever went to Japan holding art exhibition on behalf of the country first, be in at the same time fine of Tokyo, Osaka, Nai, rich hill, kyoto has art communication. Firstly the picture is made " traditional Chinese painting of beautiful women " friendship association be nooninged is collected;
Be transferred into by Chen Lei of governor of province of Yuan Heilong river Heilongjiang saves courtyard of painting and calligraphy, hold the post of full-time painter;
1984-1985 year
Be discoursed on an academic subject to Canada by the clique on behalf of the country and hold " prince and book art exhibition " . The Aidemengdu that is in Canada during add held water " prince and seminar of painting and calligraphy " member 150 much people;
From add go back to the motherland when Hong Kong of by way of, via friend recommend, visit the picture austral the mountain of reside abroad Hong Kong sends Zhao of palm door person to hold a gentleman high less. Year the Zhao of nearly 82 advanced age often is mixed to prince work of painting and calligraphy admires substantially, and on the spot scale " cicada Zhu Tu " give prince and gentleman, prince and gentleman also drew Shuang Jun to pursue donative Zhao is old, ask him to raise precious opinion more. Myriad of Zhao Laogan deeply touched, carry poetic assist to say: "Draw uses up the world 100 condition affection, poesy picture meaning two brightly lit, write a double flying horse accidentally, writing Qing Dynasty exceeds bend of art and literary circles. " this poem is collected later prince was mixed 1991 go out " prince and collect of painting and calligraphy " in, from now on exchange of letters comes Zhao Laoci world;
Saved Shen Chong of dean of courtyard of painting and calligraphy to should noon together with Heilongjiang in March of the friendship association invite, last a period of time a month, the new have diarrhoea that is in Japan undertakes art communication is visited, hold individual art exhibition. Tokyo goes doing after exhibit, among them one " traditional Chinese painting of beautiful women " mix " calligraphy " work is collected by Tokyo art gallery;
Answer 8 years Canada UBC university invites Wengehua, in set Oriental art the department discourses on an academic subject, get the wide attention of local media. The artistic center that UBC university is in after holds by a definite date of individual book art exhibition 3 months. Among them " person of 8 big hill " be collected by this school with the 60 thousand high price that increase money;
1988-2002 year
By provincial Party committee battle ministry recommends all to be chosen to be Heilongjiang to visit committee member of the 7th the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, after this be reappointed consecutively comes 3 times 2002;
Should noon the friendship association invites Director Liu Dongyuan does to ridge of Xiong Benhe blessing to have academic communication outside be being saved with Heilongjiang, hold individual art exhibition, in Xiong Benhe Fu Gang exhibits 7 days each, be paid close attention to extensively by local media. Cause sensation instantly. Among them " Qu Yuan " be collected by Fu Gang art gallery;
Be judged to be an associate professor;
Ying Duolun is much in August of Chinese association invite, by a definite date is made in Toronto of two months discourse on an academic subject. Hold individual book art exhibition in Toronto museum, be contended for by local media photograph report is resounding temporarily. Among them " Li Bai " be collected by Toronto museum;
In October by Canada " prince and seminar of painting and calligraphy " assistance publishs large picture volume " prince and picture collect " . The picture collects the partial work that creates during 1980~1990 centrally. By the picture austral mountain Zhao of person of the door that send a palm holds title of Great Master inscribe and drawing high less;
Via examine and verify of Chinese artist association, join Chinese artist academician permissibly;
Be judged to be a country division of one class art;
Will be in Canada in October of Wengehua " prince and art exhibition " Jiang Kun and big hill attend an opening ceremony intercurrent character;
1995-2002 year
Often consider to discuss calligraphy with famous calligrapher Shen Peng, become best friend, provided new source to study calligraphy daily. It is on the foundation of rearrange of original painterly subject matter, created in succession " view the sea " , " boy asks below the pine " , " heaven and earth one sanded gull " , " father goes out close " , " Man Jianggong " , " high mountain running water " wait for work;
Join Chinese calligrapher academician;
Founded a state in Feburary first before Fang Yi of premier of the State Council inspects the job and prince and gentleman to get acquainted with to courtyard of Heilongjiang province painting and calligraphy, feel like old friends at the first meeting, often study word of classic literature, poem, painting and calligraphy together at some convenience, it is the friend of rare;
In June with before Yue Qifeng of secretary of Heilongjiang province provincial Party committee becomes a good friend, often discuss classic literature in Home Yue Qifeng;
The invitation that sufferred Chinese art foundation in August is in Canada Wengehua serves as period of a month discourse on an academic subject to communicate an activity with learning. And in Wengehua UBC university art gallery is held " prince and work of Chinese painting and calligraphy are exhibited " exhibition period is a week;
With conduct propaganda ministry undersecretary Zhao Changqing went in July during Guangxi attends a meeting, got the enthusiasm of Cao Baichun of secretary of Guangxi provincial Party committee is recieved;
Organized jointly by Heilongjiang province the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and stage couplet in March [artist delegacy] art communication has in Taiwan and Hong Kong;
2003-2005 year
Create " red Lou Meng " series series picture, produce the artistic language that uses oneself to create " Jin Ling 12 hairpin " . You Gongxue's Great Master Mr Zhou Ruchang draws a poem for every;
Will publish in November cursive " Teng Wangge foreword " carry preface of word, Xue Yongnian by Wen Huaisha, meng Lie makes postscript;
The office building proposition that saves military region new completion for Heilongjiang creates two giant landscape painting;
Famous in June red learn Great Master Li Xifan to write comment article for prince and gentleman;
Will publish in November " prince and postcard of red building dream " ;
Held in fast of Beijing flourish treasure on May 23 " prince and individual high-quality goods are exhibited " . My teacher Zhang Qin if, bosom friend Li Xifan, on the west the music writer of travel notes: Xu Jingqing and friend of social all circles attended an opening ceremony and speak. By a definite date 3 days, the corresponding period is published " prince and picture collect " ;
Answered on August 24 the invitation of world Chinese federation holds square art of Chinese and Western to communicate an activity in American los angeles;
Will visit Taiwan for Chen Yunlin of sea association chairman in December, wield one's writing brush splash-ink, the gift that regards a delegate as the country takes Taiwan;
Published in April prince and " a person of academic or artistic distinction " picture collect;
Saved governor Wang Rulin to cut art of consult painting and calligraphy with Jilin in May;
On June 19 - 26 days answer municipal Party committee of Zhang Jia mouth publicizes a ministry to invite, in Home Zhang buccal exhibition is held " prince and work of painting and calligraphy are exhibited " ;
Was splash-ink of central document lab in July; ? ?



