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美术创作有漫画《赤日炎炎似火烧》、《斩妖图》,油画《除却巫山不是云》,水粉画《梨花》,粉画《卿云烂兮》等。研讨 文章有《黄宾虹先生的人品学养及其山水画的师承源渊和风格特色》、《论潘天寿的艺术》《刘海粟的艺术事业与美学思想》、《纪念杰出的爱国主义画家沈逸千》等。朱金楼(1913.11-1992.7)上海人。擅长油画、美术理论。早年毕业于上海美术专科学校。1935年在上海任《中国漫画》月刊编辑,又与顾逢昌合办《电影漫画》。抗战期间,为《救亡漫画》编委,并在广西和 武汉、重庆等地绘制抗日宣扬 画等。1949年后,从事美术教育和美术理论工作,任地方 美术学院华东分院教务主任兼彩墨画系主任,该校改名浙江美术学院任教授。为中国美术家协会第1 、二届理事。美术创作有漫画《赤日炎炎似火烧》、《斩妖图》,油画《除却巫山不是云》,水粉画《梨花》,粉画《卿云烂兮》等。研讨 文章有《黄宾虹先生的人品学养及其山水画的师承源渊和风格特色》、《论潘天寿的艺术》《刘海粟的艺术事业与美学思想》、《纪念杰出的爱国主义画家沈逸千》等。

English Introduction

 Zhu Jinlou (1913.11-1992.7) was born in Shanghai. He is good at oil painting and art theory. He graduated from Shanghai Academy of Fine Arts in his early years.

Artistic creations include cartoons such as "Red Sun burning like fire", "Chopping demon pictures", "Eliminating Wushan is not cloud", "Pear Flower" and "Qingyun Rotten" etc. The research articles include "Mr. Huang Binhong's Personality Education and the Origin and Style Characteristics of His Landscape Painting", "On Pan Tianshou's Art", "Liu Haisu's Art Career and Aesthetic Thought", "In Memory of the Outstanding Patriotic Painter Shen Yiqian" and so on. Zhu Jinlou (1913.11-1992.7) was born in Shanghai. He is good at oil painting and art theory. He graduated from Shanghai Academy of Fine Arts in his early years. In 1935, he edited the monthly Chinese Comics magazine in Shanghai, and co-sponsored the movie Comics with Gu Fengchang. During the War of Resistance Against Japan, he worked as the editorial board of "Salvation Cartoon" and drew anti-Japanese propaganda pictures in Guangxi, Wuhan and Chongqing. After 1949, he was engaged in art education and art theory. He was the dean of the East China Branch of the Central Academy of Fine Arts and the dean of the Department of Colored Ink Painting. The school was renamed Professor of Zhejiang Academy of Fine Arts. He is the first and second member of the Chinese Artists Association. Artistic creations include cartoons such as "Red Sun burning like fire", "Chopping demon pictures", "Eliminating Wushan is not cloud", "Pear Flower" and "Qingyun Rotten" etc. The research articles include "Mr. Huang Binhong's Personality Education and the Origin and Style Characteristics of His Landscape Painting", "On Pan Tianshou's Art", "Liu Haisu's Art Career and Aesthetic Thought", "In Memory of the Outstanding Patriotic Painter Shen Yiqian" and so on.



