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吴云华 - 吴云华专访:创作动力就是一种责任

2022-03-11 17:34:47




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吴云华,本籍 辽阳,出生于黑龙江省。1956年考入东北美术专科学校附属中学,1963年考入鲁迅美术学院工艺美术系。1968年毕业后开始从事艺术创作至今(辽宁画院)。1985年曾在地方 美术学院油画系进修。1991、1997年两度随法国、俄罗斯专家学习。
中国油画学会理事,辽宁省美术家协会副主席,辽宁画院副院长,国家1 级美术师,辽宁省政协委员。
自1972年,前后 三十余次参加全国及国家级美术展览,作品多次出国展出,曾在新加坡举办个展。代表作品油画《采铜尖兵》、《钻透万山寻藏》、《粮官奶奶》、《乌金滚滚》、《多雪的冬天》、《虎口夺钢》、《1976年唐山》等。国画《我该是中国的1 部分·斯诺》等。曾获得第九届全国美展银牌、第八届全国美展大奖、第六届全国美展优秀作品奖,全国首届体育美展铜奖、全国纪念反法西斯抗克服 利5 十周年美展铜奖等。有八件作品被中国美术馆、中国奥委会收藏,并有多种辞书、画集、画册出版。
其中《萌》获首届体育美展铜奖并被中国奥委会收藏;《粮官奶奶》获第八届全国美展大奖;《青铜子孙》获第六届全国美展优秀奖;《乌金滚滚》等被中国美术馆收藏。出版有《吴云华油画自全集 》。??

Introduction to the artist

Ancestral home distant is in relief, be born in Heilongjiang province. Checked northeast art training school 1956 accessary middle school, took an examination of department of arts and crafts of Lu Xun academy of fine arts 1963. After graduating 1968, begin to be engaged in artistic creation up to now (Liaoning imperial art academy) . Ceng Zaizhong ended canvas of academy of fine arts ties take a refresher course 1985. 1991, learned along with expert of France, Russia for two times 1997.
Does Chinese canvas learn director Does Liaoning save artist association vice-chairman  Assistant dean of Liaoning imperial art academy  Country division of one class art 
From 1972, enter the whole nation and exhibition of national level art more than 30 times early or late, work goes abroad for many times showpiece, ever held in Singapore exhibit. Delegate work canvas " the pioneer that collect copper " , " auger appear 10 thousand hill to search Tibet " , " food officer grandma " , " Wu Jingun boils " , " snowy winter " , " tiger's mouth-jaws of death seizes steel " , " 1976 Tang Shan " etc. Traditional Chinese painting " the Si Nuo of one part · that I should be China " wait. Ceng Huo gets beauty of the 9th whole nation to exhibit beauty of the 8th silver medal, whole nation to exhibit beauty of the 6th large award, whole nation to exhibit outstanding work reward, beauty of first sports of countrywide exhibits souvenir of cupreous award, whole nation to turn over fascist war of resistance against aggression to win 50 years the beautiful award that exhibit copper. 8 work are collected by Olympic committee of Chinese art gallery, China, collect of a variety of dictionary, picture, an album of paintings is published.
Among them " bud " obtain first sports to the United States exhibits cupreous award and be collected by Chinese Olympic committee; " food officer grandma " obtain beauty of the 8th whole nation to exhibit large award;   " bronze descendants " obtain beauty of the 6th whole nation to exhibit outstanding award; " Wu Jingun boils " wait to be collected by Chinese art gallery. Publish have " Wu Yunhua canvas is free collect "  



