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杨思陶,中国美术家协会会员。1 九八二年1 月毕业于中国美术学院,1 九八四年至1 九八5 年进修于地方 美术学院。1 九九八年结业于巴黎美术学院宾卡斯教授在天津美术学院举办的油画材料技法研讨 班。现为福建师范大学美术学院教授,油画硕士生导师,福建省画院特聘画家。

作品《丰年》获第六届全国美展铜奖,并被中国美术馆收藏,文明 部艺术司,中国美协主办。《瑞雪》入选第七届全国美展,并获得第七届全国版展优秀奖,中国美术馆收藏,中国美协主办。《希望》入选全国写生画展,中国美协主办。《西域金秋》入选2001年全国建党八十周年油画大展并获福建省美术作品展览银奖,中国美协主办。《老手 》获2002年纪念毛泽东5.23讲话发表60周年全国美术作品展览优秀作品奖,中国美协主办。《祖孙》2001年入选全国油画大展,中国美协主办。《老夫老妻》2003年入选中国油画大展,中国美协主办。许多作品被选送美国、日本、秘鲁、德国、印尼、新加坡、台湾、香港等地展出并被收藏。2004年应邀参加德国国际艺术博览会,并对法国,意大利,奥地利,荷兰,比利时,德国等国家艺术馆进行认真考察。

出版了《素描石膏像写生图解》,湖北美术出版社出版。《素描头像疑问 图解》,湖北美术出版社出版。《素描头像解码》,福建美术出版社出版。《速写人物特写》福建美术出版社出版。《美术高考速写疑问 图解》,湖北美术出版社出版。《静物素描指南》,福建美术出版社出版。《人体美——人体素描180》福建美术出版社出版。《名师范画——杨思陶素描头像》湖北美术出版社出版,《名家名作——杨思陶画室人物速写》等画册专著。许多作品和论文发表于《美术观察》,《新美术》《中国油画》等全国重要刊物。

Introduction to the artist

Yang Saitao, chinese artist academician. Was graduated from Chinese academy of fine arts in January 1982, came 1984 1985 attend in a advanced studies at central academy of fine arts. Complete a course taught the way of canvas material ability that runs in Tianjin academy of fine arts to study a class at Bin Kasi of Parisian academy of fine arts 1998. It is professor of academy of fine arts of Fujian Normal University now, canvas Master lays a teacher, fujian Province imperial art academy hires an artist especially.

Work " good year " obtain beauty of the 6th whole nation to exhibit cupreous award, be collected by Chinese art gallery, culture ministry art manages, china is beautiful assist sponsor. " auspicious snow " selected beauty of the 7th whole nation is exhibited, obtain edition of the 7th whole nation to exhibit outstanding award, chinese art gallery is collected, china is beautiful assist sponsor. " hope " drawing from nature of selected whole nation is exhibited, china is beautiful assist sponsor. " the Western Regions fall " selected 80 years of canvas exhibited countrywide found a party greatly 2001 and obtain work of Fujian Province art to show silver-colored reward, china is beautiful assist sponsor. " novice " obtain commemorated 5.23 speeches publish Mao Zedong 60 years 2002 countrywide art work shows outstanding work reward, china is beautiful assist sponsor. " grandparent and grandchild " canvas of selected 2001 whole nation is exhibited greatly, china is beautiful assist sponsor. " old couple " canvas of selected 2003 China is exhibited greatly, china is beautiful assist sponsor. A lot of work are chosen to send the United States, Japan, Peruvian, Germany, Indonesian, Singapore, Taiwan, Hong Kong to and other places exhibits and be collected. Played fair of German international art on invitation 2004, right France, italy, austria, holand, belgian, the national art house such as Germany undertakes making an on-the-spot investigation seriously.

Published " sketch gesso is graphic like paint from life " , hubei art publishing house is published. " difficulty of sketch head portrait is graphic " , hubei art publishing house is published. " decipher of sketch head portrait " , fujian art publishing house is published. " close-up of literary sketch character " Fujian art publishing house is published. " difficulty of literary sketch of art the university entrance exam is graphic " , hubei art publishing house is published. " guideline of still life sketch " , fujian art publishing house is published. " human body is beautiful -- human body sketch 180 " Fujian art publishing house is published. " renown normal school is drawn -- head portrait of Yang Saitao sketch " Hubei art publishing house is published, " master of a person of academic or artistic distinction -- literary sketch of character of Yang Saitao atelier " wait for monograph of an album of paintings. A lot of work and paper are published at " art observes " , " new art " " Chinese canvas " wait for countrywide important journal.



