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 2010年11月18日,甘肃省美术家协会第四次会员代表大会在兰州召开,大会选举产生了省美协新1 届领导机构,李宝堂当选甘肃省美协主席。 

2011年9月27日,据甘肃省人民政府音讯 ,任命李宝堂为甘肃日报报业集团董事长(兼)。

2013年4月10日,甘肃省十二届人大常委会第二次会议闭会。会议审议通过了有关人事任免事项。会议任命李宝堂为甘肃省人民代表大会常务委员会教育科学文明 卫生办公室主任(兼)。

2015年6月2日,据每日甘肃网音讯 ,甘肃省政府办公厅下发《关于王智平等同志职务任免的通知》,省政府决定:免去李宝堂的甘肃日报报业集团董事长职务。

Introduction in English

 Li Baotang, a Han nationality from Jiaxiang, Shandong Province, graduated from the Department of Fine Arts of Northwest Normal University and is a national first-class artist. Oil painting "Vitality" was selected in the first amateur art calligraphy photography exhibition of workers in China, and Chinese painting "Autumn Song" was selected in the Chinese Art Exhibition.


He is currently the eighth director of China Artists Association, member of China Artists Association and chairman of Gansu Artists Association.


On November 18, 2010, the fourth member congress of Gansu Artists Association was held in Lanzhou. The congress elected a new leading body of the Provincial Association of Fine Arts, and Li Baotang was elected chairman of the Association of Fine Arts of Gansu Province.


On September 27, 2011, according to the Gansu Provincial People's Government, Li Baotang was appointed Chairman of Gansu Daily Newspaper Group.


On April 10, 2013, the second meeting of the Standing Committee of the Twelfth National People's Congress of Gansu Province was closed. The meeting deliberated and adopted matters relating to appointment and removal of personnel. Li Baotang was appointed Director of the Office of Education, Science, Culture and Health of the Standing Committee of the Gansu Provincial People's Congress.


On June 2, 2015, according to Gansu Daily News, the Gansu Provincial Government Office issued the Notice on the Appointment and Removal of Comrade Wang Zhiping. The provincial government decided to remove Li Baotang from the post of Chairman of Gansu Daily Newspaper Group.



