何自立?男,四川成都人。现任成都市武侯文明 宫主任、武侯书画院常务副院长兼秘书长。1983年到四川美术学院绘画系进修,后师随朱常棣老师研修中国山水画,师从谢季筠先生学习中国书法,作品入选2000年全国中国画作品展,获世界华人艺术展铜奖、“千禧杯”中国书画大赛金奖等
《巴山秋色图》2005年获第十六届国际外型 艺术家协会???????????????????????????美术特展?优秀奖
Why free-standing? Male, sichuan Chengdu person. Currently hold the post ofcourtyard of painting and calligraphy of director of recreation of culture of Hou of fierce of the Chengdu City, Wu Hou standing assistant dean holds secretary-general concurrently. To Sichuan academy of fine arts brushwork tied take a refresher course 1983, division grinds along with Mr. Zhu Changdi after long China landscape painting, division learns Chinese calligraphy from Mr Xie Jijun, work is selected work of the traditional Chinese painting in the whole nation was exhibited 2000, obtain world Chinese art to exhibit cupreous award, " millennium cup " gold prize of contest of Chinese painting and calligraphy