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林春宇,广东清远人。众多作品获得省级及国家级奖项。现为中国美术家协会会员、广东省美术家协会会员。初期 师承著名画家林墉林丰俗方楚雄周彦生老师。林春宇先生多年来不断 潜心油画、水彩画和国画的研讨 ,侧重 记实,成就 不俗。其创作坚持以“开创、开拓”为理念,深入自然发掘灵感的源泉,揉合东东方 艺术,逐步 构成 本身 独具匠心的艺术风格。
林春宇先生的山水花鸟,意境幽远,动静得宜。闹的1 面,茂盛、蓬勃、奔放、朦胧,浓墨重彩,铺陈淋漓,但是你又总能在这热闹的当中,找到幽邃 清远的静,找到画龙点睛的静。方寸之间,闹静融和,冲突中实现绝妙的和谐,这山水也就活了。或许 这正是“蝉噪林愈静,鸟鸣山更幽”的艺术境界吧。林春宇先生居于闹市,在这浮躁喧嚣的环境当中,却能平心静气。天长日久 坚持去粤北山区写生、创作。他让本身 融入自然,发现精彩,记录生动,勾勒涂抹,让自然之美跃然于纸。喧嚣中实现了平静淡泊,足致使 远。人常说“文如其人”,其实画何尝不是?
“学无尽头 ,艺术无尽头 ”。这是林春宇先生执着的探索与寻求 。在他的认识 里,1 个艺术家开创、塑造构成 本身 的艺术风格以后 ,仅仅走了不到1 半的路程。更远的路,是在这个基础上不断去完善,去提升。从而真正呈现出艺术家独特的艺术个性。正是林春宇先生的这类 平静与寻求 ,让我们看到他走在更高更远的路上。
◆中国美术家协会2002.全国第5 届工笔画大展《南国敦日》《丛林的凌晨 》—同时入选、同时获奖—收藏奖、铜奖。
◆中国美术家协会2003.全国当代花鸟画艺术大展《丛林的凌晨 》—优秀奖。
◆中国美术家协会2007.全国第三届中国画大展《丛林的凌晨 》—入选。
◆中国美术家协会2011.辉煌浦东全国中国画展《丛林的凌晨 》—优秀奖。

Introduction to the artist

Lin Chunyu, guangdong Qing Yuanren. Numerous work is obtained provincial reach national level award. Save artist academician for Chinese artist academician, Guangdong now. Common of renown painter Lin Yong, Lin Feng, Fang Chuxiong, Zhou Yan gives birth to inchoate Shi Chengzhu teacher. Mr Lin Chunyu comes for years all the time the research of canvas of with great concentration, aquarelle and traditional Chinese painting, emphasize write down solid, attainment not common. Its creation holds to with " initiate, develop " for the concept, thorough nature disentombs Castaly, knead combine thing square art, form the artistic style that oneself show originality gradually.
The landscape painting of flowers and birds in traditional Chinese style of Mr Lin Chunyu, artistic conception is deep and remote far, activity appropriate. The one side that do, flourish, flourishingly, bold and unrestrained, hazy, thick Mo Chongcai, elaborate dripping wet, but you always can be in again this is lively in the center, find deep and serene Qing Dynasty far static, find those who make the finishing point is static. Between heart, be troubled by static be in harmony and, excellent harmony comes true in conflict, this landscape also lived. Perhaps this is " Lin Yujing of cicada a confusion of voices, twitter hill is more deep and remote " artistic state. Mr Lin Chunyu is on busy streets, between this blundering and blatant environment, however can calmly. Year in year out insists to go north of another name for Guangdong Province is a mountainous area sketchy, creation. He lets himself blend in nature, discovery is wonderful, the record is live, draw the outline of daub, the beautiful appear vividly that lets nature at paper. Blatant in realized quiet not seek fame and wealth, full as a result is far. The person often says " article if person " , is actually picture why?
"Knowledge is infinite, art is everlasting " . This is the exploration of persistence of Mr Lin Chunyu and pursuit. In his consciousness, an artist is initiated, after portraying the artistic style that forms oneself, went to be less than the distance of the half merely. Farther road, it is ceaseless on this foundation go perfecting, go promoting. Present an artist's unique artistic individual character truly thereby. Be this kind of calm of Mr Lin Chunyu and pursuit, let us see he goes in taller on farther road.
Selected catalog (national level beauty is exhibited)
Association of ◆ China artist 2002. The 5th labour strokes of countrywide is exhibited greatly " austral honest day " " jungly morning " , at the same time selected, at the same time bear the palm, collect award, copper award.
Association of ◆ China artist 2003. Art of painting of countrywide contemporary painting of flowers and birds in traditional Chinese style is exhibited greatly " jungly morning " , outstanding award.
Association of ◆ China artist 2006. The 6th labour strokes of countrywide is exhibited greatly " fruit of the fruit of large Chinese hawthorn " , selected.
Association of ◆ China artist 2007. Picture of the 3rd China of countrywide is exhibited greatly " jungly morning " , selected.
Association of ◆ China artist 2011. Art exhibition of China of brilliant Pudong whole nation " jungly morning " , outstanding award.



