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 贵州省“四个1 批”人才,长时间 从事水彩画、中国画创作和组织工作。

作品《晨曲》入选贵州省庆祝中华人民共和国建国5 十周年美术作品展。《万木丛中1 点绿》入选全国水彩画艺术展,并被徐悲鸿纪念馆收藏。《期盼》香港回归约请 展获优秀奖。《农舍的阳光》评为纪念毛泽东同志在延安文艺座谈会上的讲话发表60周年全国美术作品展览优秀作品。《红军战役 过的地方——小尖山》入选贵州省纪念遵义会议召开70周年美术作品展。《农舍情怀》入选贵州省庆祝中华人民共和国成立5 十5 周年暨第十届全国美展提拔 展。《阿妮朵》入选第七届全国水彩、粉画作品展。《千户苗寨》发表于“美术观察”,中国画《溪山秋韵》被上海东方美术馆收藏,《山歌悠远》被河南美术馆收藏,并有大量作品被东南亚友人和企业家收藏,作品《胜利之路》入选“纪念中国共产党建党90周年美术作品展”。

Introduction in English

 Peng Zhili (formerly named Peng Zili), male, born on October 1, 1963. Director of China Artists Association, Director of China Oil Painting Society, Vice Chairman and Secretary-General of Guizhou Artists Association. Guizhou Province has been engaged in the creation and organization of watercolor and Chinese painting for a long time.


Guizhou Province has been engaged in the creation and organization of watercolor and Chinese painting for a long time.


The work "Morning Song" was selected as an exhibition of Fine Arts in Guizhou Province to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China. "A little green among ten thousand trees" was selected into the National Watercolor Art Exhibition and collected by Xu Beihong Memorial Museum. "Hope" Hong Kong Return Invitation Exhibition won the Excellence Award. The Sunshine of the Cottage was awarded as the outstanding works of the National Art Exhibition in commemoration of Comrade Mao Zedong's speech at the Yan'an Literature and Art Symposium on the 60th anniversary of his speech. Xiaojianshan, a place where the Red Army fought, was selected for the 70th anniversary art exhibition of Zunyi Conference in Guizhou Province. "Farmhouse Feelings" was selected in Guizhou Province to celebrate the 55th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China and the 10th National Art Exhibition Selection Exhibition. Annido was selected in the 7th National Watercolor and Painting Exhibition. "Qianhu Miaozhai" was published in "Art Observation". Chinese painting "Autumn Rhyme of Xishan" was collected by Shanghai Oriental Art Museum, and "Mountain Song Long" was collected by Henan Art Museum. A large number of works were collected by Southeast Asian friends and entrepreneurs. The work "Road to Victory" was selected as "Art Works Exhibition to commemorate the 90th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China".



