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2022-03-11 17:36:44




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周榕清,闽江学院美术学院副教授。1971年7月出生,福建师范大学美术学院首届硕士研讨 生毕业。清华大学优秀访问学者。中国美术家协会会员,中国工艺美术学会会员,福建省美术家协会理事。
从事油画和漆画创作研讨 ,作品多次获国家级奖项,引发 国内主流媒体和收藏界的高度关注。油画《红柜子》获首届中国油画大展优秀奖,漆画《清心》获上海世博会中国美术大展优秀奖,漆画《当代-形态 》入选第十1 届全国美展,漆画《古田会议会址》、漆画《风展红旗如画》等多幅作品由国家级、省级博物馆、纪念馆收藏;油画《夕照土楼》获第十5 届新人新作展,并在保利5 周年大型拍卖会上取得不俗成绩。
2012年周榕清创作的《福建土楼长卷》漆画获“第四届中国国际版权博览会”个人最高奖项“金慧奖.最好 创意作品奖”。
由国家旧事 出版总署(版权局)、中华人民共和国文明 部、中华人民共和国工业和信息化部、国家广播电影电视总局、中国作家协会、中国共产主义青年团、北京市人民政府政府主办的“第四届中国国际版权博览会”于6月24日下午午在中国国际贸易中心三期大饭店完善 闭幕。周榕清创作的《福建土楼长卷》漆画作品获展会个人最高奖“金慧奖.最好 创意作品奖”。周榕清创作的土楼长卷在颁奖晚会上亮相
2010年作品《风景》入选清华大学美术学院和韩国培才大学联合主办的漆艺作品交流展;  2010年作品《红柜子》入选中国版权协会主办的中国福州海峡版权(创意)产品精品博览交易会获优秀奖;
2010年漆画作品《土楼印象》入选福建省委宣扬 部、文明 厅主办的福建省艺术节美术作品展;
2009年作品《当代-形态 》入选中国美术家协会主办的第十1 届全国美展;
2007年作品《源远流长》获福建省政府主办的“福建省第5 届百花文艺奖”三等奖;
2006年作品《旭日 土楼》《风车》入选中国美术家协会网主办的画展并获优秀奖。其中油画《旭日 土楼》被收藏;
2004年作品《晒烟叶》入选福建省美术家协会主办的“庆祝中华人民共和国成立5 十5 周年”美术作品展;
2001年作品《夕照土楼》入选中国美术家协会主办的“第十5 届新人新作展”;
2001年作品《红星不灭》入选福建省美术家协会主办的“庆七1 ”美术作品展;
2000年作品《织毛线》入选新加坡文明 部、“亚洲艺术家”画廊主办的“中国油画名家百人作品展”;
97年作品《看火鸡》、《客家溪边方土楼》、《旭日 夕照》再次赴新加坡展出,并由国际性杂志《亚洲艺术家》专题介绍;  96年作品《圆的诉说》入选中国历史博物馆,徐悲鸿国际艺术研讨 会主办的全国美术、书法、摄影艺术展,并获三等奖,载入《新世纪艺术精粹》画册。编辑本段艺术活动  艺术活动  2011年作品《清心》获福建省政府主办的“福建省第六届百花文艺奖”三等奖  2011年由福建美术家协会,福建美术馆主办近《看海峡两岸之美——周榕清土楼绘画作品吴德亮台湾古厝摄影作品展》福建美术馆举办。其中周榕清漆画作品《庆丰收》福建美术馆被收藏;  2010年作品《清心》入选中国美术家协会主办上海世博会中国美术作品展览获优秀奖;  2010年作品《沉浮》入选中国工艺美术学会,福建省美术馆主办的“从河姆渡走来--2010第三届国际漆艺展”获优秀奖;  2010年作品《风景》入选清华大学美术学院和韩国培才大学联合主办的漆艺作品交流展;  2010年作品《红柜子》入选中国版权协会主办的中国福州海峡版权(创意)产品精品博览交易会获优秀奖;  2010年作品《土楼风情》入选福州美术家协会主办的“庆祝新中国60周年华诞福州市美术作品展获三等奖;  2010年漆画作品《土楼印象》入选福建省委宣扬 部、文明 厅主办的福建省艺术节美术作品展;  2009年作品《当代-形态 》入选中国美术家协会主办的第十1 届全国美展;  2008年在福州举办个人艺术展;  2008年在北京798艺术中心“中国漆”艺术中心举办漆画个展;  2007年作品《源远流长》获福建省政府主办的“福建省第5 届百花文艺奖”三等奖;  2006年作品《旭日 土楼》《风车》入选中国美术家协会网主办的画展并获优秀奖。其中油画《旭日 土楼》被收藏;  2004年作品《晒烟叶》入选福建省美术家协会主办的“庆祝中华人民共和国成立5 十5 周年”美术作品展;  2002年作品《磨茶机》入选中国美术家协会主办的纪念毛泽东同志“在延安文艺座谈会上的讲话”发表六十周年全国美术作品展览;  2001年作品《红柜子》入选中国美术家协会主办的“中国油画大展”并获优秀奖;  2001年作品《夕照土楼》入选中国美术家协会主办的“第十5 届新人新作展”;  2001年作品《红星不灭》入选福建省美术家协会主办的“庆七1 ”美术作品展;  2000年作品《织毛线》入选新加坡文明 部、“亚洲艺术家”画廊主办的“中国油画名家百人作品展”;  97年作品《老井》入选福建省美术家协会主办的“97年福建省油画大展”;  97年作品《看火鸡》、《客家溪边方土楼》、《旭日 夕照》再次赴新加坡展出,并由国际性杂志《亚洲艺术家》专题介绍;  96年作品《圆的诉说》入选中国历史博物馆,徐悲鸿国际艺术研讨 会主办的全国美术、书法、摄影艺术展,并获三等奖,载入《新世纪艺术精粹》画册。

Introduction to the artist

Zhou Rong is clear, associate professor of academy of fine arts of Fujian river institute. Was born in July 1971, academy of fine arts of Fujian Normal University first Master graduate student graduates. Tsinghua university is outstanding visit scholar. Chinese artist academician, academician of Chinese arts and crafts, director of association of Fujian Province artist.
Pursue canvas and research of lacquer painting creation, work wins national level award for many times, cause domestic mainstream media and the high attention that collect a bound. Canvas " red cabinet " obtain first China canvas to exhibit outstanding award greatly, lacquer painting " clear heart " reap Shanghai world gain meeting China art exhibits outstanding award greatly, lacquer painting " contemporary - condition " selected eleventh countrywide beauty is exhibited, lacquer painting " the site of a conference or meeting of ancient cropland meeting " , lacquer painting " wind unfurls a red banner picturesque " wait for many work to be collected by national level, provincial museum, memorial hall; Canvas " afterglow ground floor " obtain the 15th new personality to be made newly exhibit, protecting interest 5 years large sale is obtained on the meeting not common achievement.
Artistic activity
Week banyan Qing Dynasty created 2012 " Fujian earth Lou Changjuan " lacquer painting is obtained " exposition of copyright of the 4th China International " the individual is highest award " Jin Hui award. Reward of optimal originality work " .
By the country news publishs total arrange (copyright bureau) , government of government of people of association of writer of total bureau of TV of film of broadcast of industry of People's Republic of China and ministry of culture of People's Republic of China, informatization ministry, country, China, the Communist Youth League of China, Beijing sponsors " the 4th. Week banyan Qing Dynasty creates " Fujian earth Lou Changjuan " lacquer painting work is obtained exhibit meeting individual top prize " Jin Hui award. Reward of optimal originality work " . The earthy Lou Changjuan that week banyan Qing Dynasty creates appears on prize-giving evening party
2011 work " clear heart " obtain Fujian Province government to sponsor " the Fujian Province the 6th 100 beautiful literary award " third class award
2011 by Fujian artist association, fujian art gallery is sponsorred close " the beauty that sees the two sides of the Taiwan Straits -- floor of Zhou Rong clear ground work of ancient laying photography exhibits Taiwan of paint Wu Deliang " Fujian art gallery is held. Among them week banyan varnish draws work " Qing Feng closes " Fujian art gallery is collected;
2010 work " clear heart " association of selected China artist sponsors Shanghai world rich exhibition of work of meeting China art wins outstanding award;
2010 work " ups and downs " society of selected China arts and crafts, fujian Province art gallery sponsors " cross from river Mu- - Qi Yi of the 3rd 2010 international is exhibited " win outstanding award;
2010 work " scenery " work communication exhibits the Qi Yi that academy of fine arts of selected Tsinghua university and Korea earth up ability university to be sponsorred jointly; 2010 work " red cabinet " the copyright of Chinese Fuzhou channel that association of selected China copyright sponsors (originality) product high-quality goods reads extensively Fair wins outstanding award;
2010 work " earthy floor amorous feelings " association of selected Fuzhou artist sponsors " celebrate work of art of the Fuzhou City of 60 weeks of time birth of new China to exhibit win third class award;
2010 lacquer painting work " earthy floor impression " section art work exhibits the Fujian Province craft that hall of department of propaganda of selected Fujian provincial Party committee, culture sponsors;
2009 work " contemporary - condition " the eleventh that association of selected China artist sponsors countrywide beauty is exhibited;
Individual art was held to exhibit in Fuzhou 2008;
Was in 798 artistic centers of Beijing 2008 " Chinese lacquer " artistic center holds lacquer painting exhibit;
2007 work " of long standing and well established " obtain Fujian Province government to sponsor " the Fujian Province the 5th 100 beautiful literary award " third class award;
2006 work " floor of ground of the setting sun " " the windmill " the art exhibition that net of association of selected China artist sponsors wins outstanding award. Among them canvas " floor of ground of the setting sun " be collected;
2004 work " tobacco leaf " association of artist of selected Fujian Province sponsors " congratulatory People's Republic of China holds water 55 years " art work is exhibited;
2002 work " the machine that grind tea " commemorative Comrade Mao Zedong that association of selected China artist sponsors " in Yan'an the speech on literary informal discussion " publish work of art of 60 years of whole nations to exhibit;
2001 work " red cabinet " association of selected China artist sponsors " Chinese canvas is exhibited greatly " win outstanding award;
2001 work " afterglow ground floor " association of selected China artist sponsors " the 15th new personality is made newly exhibit " ;
2001 work " red star is eternal " association of artist of selected Fujian Province sponsors " celebrate July 1 " art work is exhibited;
2000 work " knit wool " ministry of selected Singapore culture, " Asian artist " gallery sponsors " 100 people work exhibits Chinese canvas a person of academic or artistic distinction " ;
97 years of work " old well " association of artist of selected Fujian Province sponsors " 97 years Fujian Province canvas is exhibited greatly " ;
97 years of work " see turkey " , " floor of square ground of edge of the Hakkas brook " , " afterglow of the setting sun " go to Singapore to exhibit again, and by internationally magazine " Asian artist " special subject introduction; 96 years of work " recount roundly " museum of selected China history, art of the countrywide art that seminar of art of Xu Beihong international sponsors, calligraphy, photography is exhibited, win third class award, load " new century art is pithy " an album of paintings. Edit art of this activity of Duan Yi art mobile   2011 work " clear heart " obtain Fujian Province government to sponsor " the Fujian Province literary award of the 6th 100 flowers "   of third class award 2011 by Fujian artist association, fujian art gallery is sponsorred close " the beauty that sees the two sides of the Taiwan Straits -- floor of Zhou Rong clear ground work of ancient laying photography exhibits Taiwan of paint Wu Deliang " Fujian art gallery is held. Among them week banyan varnish draws work " Qing Feng closes " Fujian art gallery is collected; 2010 work " clear heart " association of selected China artist sponsors Shanghai world rich exhibition of work of meeting China art wins outstanding award; 2010 work " ups and downs " society of selected China arts and crafts, fujian Province art gallery sponsors " cross from river Mu- - Qi Yi of the 3rd 2010 international is exhibited " win outstanding award; 2010 work " scenery " work communication exhibits the Qi Yi that academy of fine arts of selected Tsinghua university and Korea earth up ability university to be sponsorred jointly; 2010 work " red cabinet " the copyright of Chinese Fuzhou channel that association of selected China copyright sponsors (originality) product high-quality goods reads extensively Fair wins outstanding award; 2010 work " earthy floor amorous feelings " association of selected Fuzhou artist sponsors " celebrate work of art of the Fuzhou City of 60 weeks of time birth of new China to exhibit win third class award; 2010 lacquer painting work " earthy floor impression " section art work exhibits the Fujian Province craft that hall of department of propaganda of selected Fujian provincial Party committee, culture sponsors; 2009 work " contemporary - condition " the eleventh that association of selected China artist sponsors countrywide beauty is exhibited; Individual art was held to exhibit in Fuzhou 2008; Was in 798 artistic centers of Beijing 2008 " Chinese lacquer " artistic center holds lacquer painting exhibit; 2007 work " of long standing and well established " obtain Fujian Province government to sponsor " the Fujian Province the 5th 100 beautiful literary award " third class award; 2006 work " floor of ground of the setting sun " " the windmill " the art exhibition that net of association of selected China artist sponsors wins outstanding award. Among them canvas " floor of ground of the setting sun " be collected; 2004 work " tobacco leaf " association of artist of selected Fujian Province sponsors " congratulatory People's Republic of China holds water 55 years " art work is exhibited; 2002 work " the machine that grind tea " commemorative Comrade Mao Zedong that association of selected China artist sponsors " in Yan'an the speech on literary informal discussion " publish work of art of 60 years of whole nations to exhibit; 2001 work " red cabinet " association of selected China artist sponsors " Chinese canvas is exhibited greatly " win outstanding award; 2001 work " afterglow ground floor " association of selected China artist sponsors " the 15th new personality is made newly exhibit " ; 2001 work " red star is eternal " association of artist of selected Fujian Province sponsors " celebrate July 1 " art work is exhibited; 2000 work " knit wool " ministry of selected Singapore culture, " Asian artist " gallery sponsors " 100 people work exhibits Chinese canvas a person of academic or artistic distinction " ; 97 years of work " old well " association of artist of selected Fujian Province sponsors " 97 years Fujian Province canvas is exhibited greatly " ; 97 years of work " see turkey " , " floor of square ground of edge of the Hakkas brook " , " afterglow of the setting sun " go to Singapore to exhibit again, and by internationally magazine " Asian artist " special subject introduction; 96 years of work " recount roundly " museum of selected China history, art of the countrywide art that seminar of art of Xu Beihong international sponsors, calligraphy, photography is exhibited, win third class award, load " new century art is pithy " an album of paintings.



