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陈忠强,笔名陈忠村,美学博士研讨 生、中国美院艺术景象 学研讨 所研讨 员、同济大学诗学研讨 中心研讨 员、国家1 级美术师、安徽省青年美协副主席、安徽油画学会理事、安徽省美协水彩、粉画艺术委员会委员、上海工程技术大学当代艺术研讨 所所长和艺术设计学院兼职教授,美术作品多次入选中国美术家协会举办的全国美展并两次获最高奖,诗歌入选《大学语文》教材等,系中国作家协会会员、中国美术家协会会员。
 出版诗画集:《红信封》、《蓝港湾》、《黄月亮》、《1 株站着开放的花》、《壁画中流淌的河》、《城市的暂居者》、《短夜》和《城中村》等。主编或合编《墨香——当代中国画家作品集》、《同济大学通识教育教材-诗歌读本<1 江春水>》、《安徽古代 诗选》、《同济十年诗选(2002-2012)》、《中国网络诗歌年鉴》、《波涛下的花园——中外名家古代 诗技法鉴赏》、《诗·城》和《中外古代 诗结构·意象》等。


1.2010年,《乡音》入选安徽省第三届美术大展,安徽合肥;2.2011年,《在浦东》入选“辉煌浦东”全国中国画展并获优秀奖,上海;3.2011年,《牌楼人家》入选第二届全国小幅水彩展,安徽合肥;4.2012年《高山祈福》入选第十届全国水彩·粉画作品展并获优秀作品奖,广东北 宁;5.2012年《非具象系列·龙》入选全国中国画作品展并获优秀作品奖,上海;6.2012年《存在系列·玉米田》第四届安徽美术大展并获铜奖,安徽蚌埠;7.2013年《存在·生肖系列--龙》入选全国油画作品展,上海;8.2013年《存在·我们》入选《2013安徽省青年美术大展》并荣获优秀奖。

Introduction to the artist

Chen Zhongjiang, village of pseudonym Chen Zhong, is art of beautiful courtyard of aesthetic doctor graduate student, China phenomenological researcher of research center of poetics of the institute researcher, university that be the same as aid, country is youth of division of one class art, the Anhui province beautiful assist does canvas of vice-chairman, Anhui learn director, the Anhui province beautiful assist watercolour  University of technology of project of committee member of committee of powdery painting art, Shanghai is artistic now professor of institute director and part-time job of artistic design college, art work enters pitch on country to the countrywide beauty that artist association holds is exhibited and win top award twice for many times, poetry is selected " university Chinese " teaching material, fasten Chinese writer academician, Chinese artist academician.
  Publication poem draws volume: " red envelope " , " blue harbour " , " Huang Yueliang " , " the flower that one individual plant is standing to open " , " the river that mural midstream drips " , " urban tabernacle person " , " short evening " with " the village in the city " . Chief editor or close make up " Mo Xiang -- collect of work of contemporary China artist " , " the university that be the same as aid connects knowledge education teaching material - poetry chrestomathy < Jiang Chunshui > " , " Anhui contemporary anthology " , " be the same as aid 10 years anthology.



