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周令钊 - 周令钊:他的画作遍天下

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周令钊,1919年5月2日出生于湖南省平江县三市镇(原爽口乡)托莲村。地方 美术学院教授、中国美术家协会会员、中国壁画协会顾问,享有国务院特殊津贴。曾担任过地方 美术学院壁画系民族画室主任、中国美术家协会理事、中国水粉画协会会长、中国邮票局艺术设计顾问等职务。擅长水粉画、美术设计、壁画。
在他几十年的美术生涯中,以铅笔、炭笔、钢笔、水彩、水粉、丙烯、彩墨、水墨写生创作了大量反映祖国山河美、人物美的画作。代表作有:新中国的第1 张海报《复活》,开国大典天安门城楼上的毛主席像、5 ·1 游行队伍的美术设计;八·1 勋章、独立自在 勋章、解放勋章设计,为国徽、团徽设计;中国人民政治协商会议会徽;为人民大会堂湖南厅设计《韶山》湘绣画屏,中国革命历史博物馆的历史油画《5 四运动》。民族宫建筑艺术设计等。参加第二、三、四套人民币的整体 设计并获多项荣誉。


1938年在国民党政府军事委员会政治部第三厅工作。曾参加漫画宣扬 队、抗敌演剧队,从事舞台美术设计。
1942年参加抗敌演剧5 队。
1948年应徐悲鸿先生聘请任教北平国立艺专,曾担任地方 美术学院壁画系民族画室主任。历任地方 美术学院副教授、教授。


中国人民政治协商会议会徽于1949年7月由新政治协商会议筹备会制定,会徽图案由周令钊张仃(时任地方 美术学院系主任)共同设计。1949年9月21日,在北平中南海怀仁堂开幕的中国人民政治协商会议第1 届全体会议上正式使用了这个会徽。与此同时,新政治协商会议筹备会还向全国征集国徽方案。
为了更好地完成设计国徽的任务,当时组织了美术学院和清华大学两个专家小组。周令钊所在的美院组有组长张仃张光宇三人;清华小组的组长则由梁启超先生的儿子、建筑系主任梁思成担任。最初 提交政务院的有三个方案,分别是美院张仃张光宇方案,周令钊方案和清华梁思成方案。
周令钊的方案终究 获得了国徽审查组的肯定,他们认为周令钊的方案有可取的地方 ,可以以此方案为基础,加以修正和完善。
作为国徽设计者之1 ,周令钊没有想过功劳与荣誉。几年前某报曾在1 篇报道中说是周令钊设计了国徽,他看到后立即给报社写信说:“国徽是集体智慧的结晶,我只是参加了部分设计工作。”几十年来,周令钊不断 这样强调着。


周令钊先生在他几十年的美术生涯中,留下了许多精典的作品--新中国的第1 张海报《复活》、 开国大典时天安门城楼上的毛主席像、5 1 游行队伍美术设计、全运会背景设计,50年代末为人大会堂湖南厅设计《韶山》湘绣画屏;设计《沅江》、《澧水》石雕壁画;中国革命历史博物馆的历史油画《5 四运动》。“文革”后为重建武汉黄鹤楼而创作的彩陶壁画, 深圳“ 锦绣中华”的整体 设计,常德诗墙石刻壁画《沅江水暖》、《澧水花繁》,岳阳市南湖宾馆丙稀壁画《春风又绿盘石洲》、《天下忧乐情满楼》, 北京饭店刻漆壁画《古都集翠》,人民大会堂石雕壁画《松竹梅》、湘绣屏风画稿《韶山冲》,金丝楠木立粉勾金重彩画《世界人民大团结》等。
第1 个5 年计划纪念邮票(1957)、国庆十周年邮票(1959)、狗年生肖(1982)、四大名楼邮票(1987)等。“文革”后担任全国邮票设计评审工作。
另外,还诸多设计,如1955年授衔的三大勋章设计(八1 勋章、 独立自在 勋章、 解放勋章)、为国徽、共青团团旗、少先队队旗设计、给印尼苏西诺总统的国礼设计、中国少数民族文明 艺术基金会会徽、中日敌对 病院 的院徽、地方 财经大学的校徽、储蓄会徽标志设计、民族宫建筑设计。

English Introduction

Zhou Lingzhao, born in May 2, 1919 three in Pingjiang County, Hunan Province town (formerly and township) Tuolian village. China Central Academy of Fine Arts Professor, member of Chinese Artists Association, Chinese mural Association consultant, enjoy special allowance of the state council. Served as director of the mural painting department of China Central Academy of Fine Arts, China national studio artists association, President of Chinese gouache Association China stamp Bureau of art design consultant positions. Good at gouache, art design, mural.
In the decades of his art career, with pencil, charcoal, pen, watercolor, gouache, acrylic, color ink, ink painting creating a large number of mountains and rivers of the motherland beauty, figure beauty paintings. Representative: new China first poster "Resurrection", the art design of the founding ceremony of the Tiananmen rostrum like Chairman Mao, May Day parade; August 17 medal, an independent Medal of freedom, Liberation Medal design for national emblem, emblem design; China people's Political Consultative Conference emblem; for the design of the "Hunan Hall of the Great Hall of the people of Shaoshan" Hunan Huaping, Chinese Museum of revolutionary history historical paintings "the May 4th Movement". National Palace architectural art design. Participate in second, three or four sets of RMB overall design and a number of honors.
1932 -1936, studying in Huazhong Art College and Wuchang art college.
In 1938, the Political Department of the Kuomintang government military committee of the third department. Has participated in the comic publicity team, the enemy drama team, engaged in the stage art design.
In 1942 five the enemy drama team.
In 1947 at the Shanghai Yucai School of fine arts group (Tao Xingzhi hired).
In 1948 Mr Xu Beihong hired at the Beijing National Art College, served as the national director of the mural painting department of China Central Academy of Fine Arts studio. Former professor, associate professor at the China Central Academy of Fine Arts.
1949 joined the Communist Party of china.

Chinese people's Political Consultative Conference emblem on July 1949 by the New Political Consultative Conference preparatory meeting formulated by Zhou Zhao and Zhang Ding logo (when he was director of the common design department of China Central Academy of Fine Arts). In September 21, 1949, the official use of the emblem in the first plenary session of the opening of the China Peking Zhongnanhai Huairen people's Political Consultative conference. At the same time, the New Political Consultative Conference preparatory meeting for the national emblem to the country.
In order to complete the design of the national emblem of the task, then the organization of Academy of Fine Arts and the Tsinghua University two expert group. Zhou Lingzhao's Academy of fine arts group leader Zhang Ding, Zhang Guangyu three; Tsinghua team leader served by Mr Liang Qichao's son Liang Sicheng, Dean of Department of architecture. The final submission of the Government Administration Council has three programs, namely Zhang Ding, Zhang Guangyu Academy of fine arts, Zhou Lingzhao scheme and Tsinghua Liang Sicheng scheme.
The Zhou Lingzhao plan won the national emblem review team confirmed that they think Zhou Lingzhao's plan is desirable, can use this as a basis, revise and perfect.
As one of the national emblem of the designer, Zhou Lingzhao did not want credit and honor. A few years ago a newspaper had said in a report in Zhou Lingzhao design of the national emblem, he saw immediately after the write to newspapers said: "the national emblem is the crystallization of collective wisdom, I just took part in the design work." Zhou Lingzhao has been emphasizing this for decades.
Mr. Zhou Lingzhao in his decades of art career, leaving many classic works -- the new Chinese the first poster "Resurrection", the founding ceremony of the Tiananmen rostrum like Chairman Mao, 51 parade games art design, background design, at the end of 50s for the design of "Hunan hall hall" Shaoshan embroidery screen design; "Yuanjiang", "the" stone murals; China Museum of revolutionary history historical paintings "the May 4th Movement". After the "Cultural Revolution" for the reconstruction of Yellow Crane Tower in Wuhan and the creation of murals painted pottery, Shenzhen "Splendid China" design, Changde Poetry Wall Stone mural "Yuanjiang", "flower" plumbing Lishui, Yueyang city South Lake Hotel jubingxi "mural green spring and Rock Island", "the world is full of love, sorrow and joy", Beijing Hotel carved lacquer fresco painting "ancient capital" Ji Cui, the Great Hall of the people "," stone murals Songjukmae embroidery screen drawings "Shaoshan Chong", Phoebe arborescens powder hooks gold heavy color painting "unity of the people of the world" etc..
The first five year plan commemorative stamps (1957), national day ten anniversary stamps (1959), (1982), four year Zodiac stamps (1987) and other famous buildings. After the Cultural Revolution as the national stamp design review.
Participated in second sets of China, the design of the third sets, the fourth sets of rmb.
Other works
In addition, many design, such as the big three medal design in 1955. (eighty-one medal, an independent Medal of freedom, Liberation Medal), the national emblem and flag, the flag of the young pioneers, to design country gift design, Indonesia susino President China minority culture and arts foundation emblem, emblem, China-Japan Friendship Hospital, School of Central University of Finance and Economics savings, emblem logo design, National Palace architectural design.



