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梁益强,别名桦林,山东烟台人。1977年被济南军区特征入伍。国家1 级舞美设计师、中国美术家协会会员、中国戏剧家协会会员、中国书画研讨 院理事、中国舞台美术学会理事、全军高级技术职称评审委员会委员。从事影视、舞台设计、绘景及油画创作四十余年。曾参加全国京剧古代 戏《奇袭白虎团》的舞美设计执笔创作。其绘画作品多次参加国内外展览并多次获奖。油画《无声》获全国美展1 等奖。1986年《同龄人》、《理解万岁》等多幅作品被中国美术馆收藏。
他酷爱书法创作,近年尤勤。其作品博采众长,又不步他人后尘,潜心研究 、刻苦练习,构成 瘦劲、古拙而飘逸的风格,深受各界好评。两次参加“洗笔泉海内外书法约请 赛”均获精品奖并录入《今古墨缘书法撷英》、《洗笔泉书法精品墨存》及《翰墨丹心》大型书画作品集。两件书法作品被银川美术馆收藏。为纪念毛泽东诞辰110周年而创作的书法作品《数风流人物还看今朝》获全国1 等奖。创作的“有容德乃大,无欺心自安”获和谐杯全国1 等奖,并被授予“全国首批文明 和谐使者”荣誉称号。应邀为影视、戏剧作品题写片名、剧名数十部。全国获奖剧目如:电视连续剧《DA师》、《追日》、《沙场点兵》、京剧《春秋霸主》、吕剧《补天》、《梨花雨》等。
1967年——1968年出访亚非四国;1986年举办个人书画展;1995年赴台湾进行文明 交流;2006年山东文博会期间举办《大哉孔子梁益强书画作品展》。梁益强的艺术成就曾三次被山东电视台专题报道,被国内外几十部名人大辞典录入辞条。近期《中国书画研讨 》整版介绍其书画作品。各界人士出名 而邀题写的书法被镌刻成石、木牌匾数百幅,深受众人爱好 。

Introduction to the artist

Alias birch forest, shandong Yantai person.
1977 by enrollment of feature of Jinan military region. The country is academician of artist of beautiful stylist of one class dance, China, Chinese dramatist academician, medium advanced technology title evaluates director of director of credential picture academy, institute of Chinese arena art, horse and foot committee committee member. Be engaged in scene of design of movie and TV, arena, draw and canvas creation more than 40 years. Ceng Can adds countrywide Beijing opera modern play " incursion Bai Hu is round " dance beauty designs write to create. Its paint enters domestic and international exhibition for many times and for many times bear the palm. Canvas " breathed " obtain countrywide beauty to exhibit first prize. 1986 " with age person " , " understanding banzai " wait for many work to be collected by Chinese art gallery.
He loves calligraphy creative work, in recent years You Qin. Its work rich is collected numerous long, not follow of stage other people, with great concentration is studied, assiduous exercise, form thin interest, Gu Zhuo and elegant style, get all circles reputably. Attend twice " the spring that wash a pen global calligraphy invitational tournament " all win high-quality goods award and type " today Gu Mo picks along calligraphy flower " , " Chinese ink of high-quality goods of calligraphy of the spring that wash a pen is put " reach " a loyal heart of brush and ink " collect of work of large painting and calligraphy. Two calligraphy work is collected by Yinchuan art gallery. Creates to mark Mao Zedong birthday 110 years calligraphy work " several talented people still see today " win countrywide first prize. Of creation " De Naida having a look, the heart that do not have bully is installed oneself " win first prize of harmonious cup whole nation, be awarded " first countrywide culture is harmonious emissary " honorary title. Write name of title, drama to count 10 for problem of movie and TV, Thespian work on invitation. A list of plays of countrywide bear the palm if: TV series " DA division " , " recall day " , " battlefield place arms " , Beijing opera " age overlord " , Lv opera " filling day " , " pear Hua Yu " etc.
1967 -- visited afro-asian Shikoku 1968; Held individual book art exhibition 1986; Went to Taiwan to have culture communication 1995; During Shandong article rich was met 2006, hold " big work of Liang Yijiang painting and calligraphy exhibits Confucius " . Liang Yijiang's art accomplishs Ceng San second be reported by special subject of Shandong TV station, by domestic and international dictionaries of a few renown National People's Congress type demit. The near future " Chinese painting and calligraphy studies " full page introduces work of its painting and calligraphy. All circles public figure is well-known and the calligraphy that invites inscribe is engraved hundreds into board of stone, wood, love by everybody.
Was in Shandong 1985 artistic institute attend in a advanced studies. Artistic design of arena of troupe of word of avant-courier of Jinan military region. Work has oil painting " understanding banzai " , " with age person " , " breathed " etc.



