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版画《丰收花儿》入选第十5 届全国版画展
油画《高原马术》入选第5 届全国体育展
油画《七彩祥云》入选第5 届全国体育美展
油画《5 十乡》入选第三届中国油画展
油画《玉树印象之1 》入选中韩油画约请 展2007
油画《新天堡的冬日》参加青海美术作品进京展,并发表于《美术》、《青海湖》等报刊。侯吉明作品油画《西天的红太阳》获西宁地区绘画大赛银奖,油画《七彩祥云的故乡》获省美展三等奖,发表于《青海湖》等刊,油画《天满地满》参加94年中国油画沙龙展,油画《七彩祥云》参加全国第八届美展,发表于《青海湖》等报刊,连环画《冬日七彩虹》参加全国第九届美展,发表在《青海湖》等报刊,油画《七彩虹》参加全国第九届美展,获省美展1 等奖,发表有论文及评论文章多篇,著有《水粉》1 书,被收入《中国古代 美术家大典》、《中国当代艺术家名人录》等辞典。

Introduction to the artist

Hou Jiming, was born in October 1962, heibei saves person of the city that decide a city, was graduated from art of Qinghai Normal University to fasten major of Hou Jiming canvas 1986, stay school teach up to now, instructor title, chinese artist academician.
Canvas " day full ground is full " selected salon of 94 China canvas exhibits Hou Jiming work
Canvas " wintry day 7 rainbow " selected beauty of the 8th whole nation is exhibited
Canvas " 7 rainbow " selected beauty of the 9th whole nation is exhibited
Comic " wintry day 7 rainbow " selected beauty of the 9th whole nation is exhibited
Woodcut " bumper harvest flower " selected art exhibition of edition of the 15th whole nation
Canvas " 7 colour home " selected beauty of the 10th horse and foot is exhibited
Canvas " downy horsemanship " selected sports of the 5th whole nation is exhibited
Canvas " 7 colour auspicious cloud " selected beauty of sports of the 5th whole nation is exhibited
Canvas " 7 colour are rural " selected souvenir speech publishs beauty of 60 years of whole nations to exhibit
Canvas " rainbow " selected canvas of the 3rd China is exhibited
Canvas " 50 countryside " selected canvas of the 3rd China is exhibited
Canvas " jade cultivates one of impression " canvas of selected Sino-South Korean invites exhibit 2007
Canvas " Yu Shuyin resembles " selected canvas of amorous feelings of · of scenery of the 2nd whole nation is exhibited
Canvas " Yu Shuyin resembles " selected canvas of division of name of academy of fine arts of Normal University of first whole nation is exhibited
Canvas " mountain pass of Ba Yan carat " selected oily now art exhibition obtained Shanghai big east 2009 outstanding award
Canvas " wintry day of Xin Tianbao " attend Qinghai art work to be exhibited into Beijing, publish at " art " , " Qinghai lake " wait for the press. Canvas of Hou Jiming work " the red sun of Western Paradise " win award of silver of contest of Xining area brushwork, canvas " 7 colour the birthplace of auspicious cloud " the beauty that capture a province exhibits third class award, publish at " Qinghai lake " wait for print, canvas " day full ground is full " attend Chinese canvas salon 94 years to exhibit, canvas " 7 colour auspicious cloud " attend the 8th beauty of countrywide to exhibit, publish at " Qinghai lake " wait for the press, comic " wintry day 7 rainbow " attend the 9th beauty of countrywide to exhibit, publish in " Qinghai lake " wait for the press, canvas " 7 rainbow " attend the 9th beauty of countrywide to exhibit, the beauty that capture a province exhibits first prize, publish have paper and comment implied meaning many, have " soaked noodles made from beans or sweet potatoes " one book, by income " grand ceremony of Chinese contemporary artist " , " blue book of Chinese contemporary artist " wait for a dictionary.



