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王群 - 画家王群为解困境欲拍卖名作

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王群(1944.5—)别名也夫,河北衡水人,中国美术家协会会员。擅长国画、油画。1960年考入湖南艺术学院。曾在长沙市群众艺术馆工作,如今 河南省文联作美 术编辑工作。作品有《乡思》、《人生》、《正月》引等。其中《正月》引被称为当代《清明上河图》引。
1980年湖南群众艺术馆调至河南省美协,是河南省书画院创建人之1 ,参加过第四、5 、六届全国美展。《正月》《乡思》等作品被中国美术馆收藏。
2005年秋,王群作品《枕戈待旦 》在拍卖市场以九万元成交,是河南当代画家的最高拍卖价。
大型工笔长卷《正月》[2]取材于20世纪80年代河南省浚县庙会,长25.4米,高0.83米,描绘人物1.5万余名,借助理想 主义手法和工笔长卷情势 ,以独特的视角描绘了改革开放初期中原农村的巨大变化和农民们簇新 的精神风貌。画中描绘的人物达1.7万多人,而且每个人的服装表情各有特色。该画从构思到创作完成经历了12年之久。
王群还呕心沥血创作了很多不同风格的作品,以泥玩具为绘画无素的《彩墨系列》、表现人类灵魂的《生命系列》、揭示人类生命力的《原始系列》、化有形 为无形 的《音乐系列》,5 彩斑斓的《色彩系列》等。
《正月》1 年四次画展
2004年6月13日,王群的长卷《正月》[2][4]第1 次公开展出,地点在郑州升达艺术馆;
2004年8月18日,“河南文明 周”在法国巴黎开幕,王群的《正月》也应邀赴法。当地的中文报纸《欧洲时报》进行了专题报道;[5]
2004年10月14日,“中原文明 北京行”书画展在北京中华世纪坛举行。以其博大的气势、恢弘的构图、细腻的手法,震动 了观众。有专家称,《正月》[6]是目前我国以理想 主义写实手法和工笔长卷情势 表现的最长的画卷。?

Introduction to the artist

Wang Qun (1944.5, ) alias also husband, heibei judge water person, chinese artist academician. Be good at traditional Chinese painting, canvas. Took an examination of Hunan art institute 1960. Ever was in house of art of masses of the Changsha City to work, henan saves article couplet to do art to edit the job now. Work has " nostalgia " , " life " , " the first month of the lunar year " bring etc. Among them " the first month of the lunar year " bring be called contemporary " the river on Pure Brightness pursues " bring.
Was graduated from faculty of art of institute of Hunan Province art 1965.
Mix of house of Hunan masses art saved the beauty to Henan 1980 assist, it is Henan saves courtyard of painting and calligraphy to found one of people, had attended the 4th, 5, beauty of 6 whole nations is exhibited. " the first month of the lunar year " " nostalgia " wait for work to be collected by Chinese art gallery.
2005 autumn, wang Qun work " be ready in take action " clinch a deal with 90 thousand yuan in auction market, it is Henan the highest sale price of contemporary painter.
Large traditional Chinese realistic painting characterized by fine brushwork and close attention to detail is long roll " the first month of the lunar year " [2] draw materials at 20 centuries 80 time Henan visits dredge county temple fair, 25.4 meters long, 0.83 meters tall, represent a person more than 15 thousand, realistic gimmick and traditional Chinese realistic painting characterized by fine brushwork and close attention to detail grow have the aid of a form, the tremendous change that represented country of Central Plains of initial stage of reforming and opening with distinctive perspective and farmer people brand-new mental scene. The person that represents in the picture amounts to 17 thousand much person, and the dress expression of everybody has distinguishing feature each.
Wang Qun returned exert one's utmost effort to create the work of a lot of different styles, do not have element for brushwork with slimy toy " series of colour Chinese ink " , behave human soul " life series " , announce of human vitality " original series " , change aeriform be materiality " musical series " , multicolored " colour series " wait.
" the first month of the lunar year " a year of 4 second art exhibition
On June 13, 2004, of Wang Qun long roll " the first month of the lunar year " [2][4] first time exhibits publicly, the place rises in Zhengzhou amount to artistic house;
On August 18, 2004, "Henan culture week " kick off in French Paris, of Wang Qun " the first month of the lunar year " also go to a law on invitation. Chinese newspaper of place " European times " undertook special subject reports; [5]
Came 9 days on September 7, 2004, wang Qun's traditional Chinese painting is long roll " the first month of the lunar year " returned " birthplace " , exhibit in crane wall new developed area; Be Wang Qun technically still about the branch " the first month of the lunar year " held work seminar.
On October 14, 2004, "Travel of Beijing of Central Plains culture " book art exhibition is held in altar of Beijing China century. With the gimmick with its the composition of a picture of great of big imposing manner, extensive, minute gain, shook audience. The expert says, " the first month of the lunar year " [6] is current our country with realistic realistically the longest picture scroll that gimmick and traditional Chinese realistic painting characterized by fine brushwork and close attention to detail grow a form to behave. ?



