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高虹,中国古代 油画家。1926年11月20日生于河北省新乐县。1935年进新乐县高小读书,1937年始自学绘画1939年参加晋察冀军区政治部抗敌剧社,入歌舞队美术队,随剧社在北岳区巡回表演 中,写标语、画宣扬 画。1941年入华北联合大学文艺学院美术系学习。1943年调抗日军政大学总校文工团美术组。
抗日和平 胜利后,随抗大总校到东北解放区。1948年秋参加筹备东北烈士纪念馆,创作油画《董存瑞炸碉堡》。翌年到武汉任中南军政大学文工团美术指点 。曾为第1届全国战役 英雄代表大会画宣扬 画、设计解放华中南纪念章。1951年调解放军画报社。1952年参加全国文联组织的文学艺术工作者代表团赴朝鲜访问。在野 鲜战场西线中国人民意愿 军画了大量战地速写。1955年考入地方 美术学院油画训练班,受业于苏联画家马克西莫夫。毕业创作《孤儿》曾参展于1957年世界青年联欢节美术博览会 。同年创作油画《毛主席在陕北》。1959年参加中国人民革命军事博物馆的筹备工作,创作油画《东渡黄河》。1964年创作的油画《决战前夕》,获第3届全军美术作品展优秀奖,并送朝鲜、罗马尼亚、法国等国家展览。1966年、1968年两次赴巴基斯坦访问,为巴基斯坦空军、陆军、国家航空公司作画。1975年去四川、甘肃、陕西等地沿红军长征路线写生。有《达维红1 、四方面军会师桥》、《两河口》《卓克基风光》等作品参加长征路写生展览1980年创作《彭总和王震司令员在东南 战场》。1984年创作的《祖国永久 怀念你们》,描绘彭德怀司令员签署朝鲜停战协议 后向意愿 军阵亡将士致敬的情景,获第6届全国美术作品展银牌奖、第2届解放军文艺奖。高虹还分别于1964、1967、1983年3次率中国美术家代表团、解放军画家代表团出访蒙古、德意志民主共和国、越南、朝鲜。
高虹是在和平 环境和部队中成长起来的军事画家。他始终坚持用画笔描绘中国人民解放军的光辉战役 历程,塑造了众多的革命领袖和人民英雄抽象 。他善于用写实主义的方法,以朴实无华的风格描绘叱咤风云的历史人物,表现他们的牺牲、奋斗、思索和欢乐。
次要 代表作:《董存瑞炸碉堡》(1948年)、《我们必然 要解放台湾》(1954年,宣扬 画)、《孤儿》(1957年)、《毛主席在陕北》(1957年,入选建军30周年美展)、《毛主席转战陕北》(1957年)、《决战前夕》(1964年,获得解放军优秀文艺作品奖)、《保卫拉合尔》(1968年)、《红星照射 中国》(1975年)、《祖国永久 怀念你们》(1984年,获得第六届全国美展银质奖和第二届解放军文艺奖)。
高虹荣获2010年第九届外型 艺术成就奖,上台领奖的高虹向台下的领导和来宾敬礼。
曾为“第1 届全国战役 英雄代表大会”画宣扬 画、设计“解放华中南纪念章”;1964年创作的油画《决战前夕》,获“第三届全军美术作品展”优秀奖,并送朝鲜、罗马尼亚、法国等国家展览;1984年《祖国永久 怀念你们》,获“第六届全国美术作品展”银奖、“第二届解放军文艺奖”。
荣获2010年第九届外型 艺术成就奖
2010年12月16日,中国文联在北京中国文艺之家举行第九届“外型 表演艺术成就奖”颁奖典礼 ,授予高虹“外型 表演艺术成就奖”。这是中国文联专门为奖励中国在外型 、表演艺术领域内取得杰出成就的艺术家和理论家而设置的重要奖项。

Introduction to the artist

Gao Hong, home of Chinese contemporary canvas. Was born at Heibei to save new happy county on November 20, 1926. Read into higher primary school of new happy county 1935, 1937 only then self-study brushwork attended ministry of politics of military region of advance examine look forward to to fight enemy opera company 1939, join group of art of team of singing and dancing, the company that follow theatrical work is in area of boreal high mountain in troupe, write poster of catchphrase, picture. Combined an university into China north 1941 literary institute art is study. Tone fought form of art of song and dance ensemble of total officer of day stratocracy university 1943.
After the War of Resistance Against Japan wins, along with the Chinese People's Anti-Japanese Military and Political College total school arrives northeast liberated area. 1948 autumn enter memorial hall of preparatory northeast martyr, create canvas " blockhouse of Dong Cunrui blast " . Next year to Wuhan art of song and dance ensemble of university of Ren Zhongna stratocracy coachs. Ever drew poster, design to liberate Hua Zhongna souvenir badge for congress of combat hero of the 1st whole nation. Moved company of liberation army pictorial 1951. The delegation of literary art worker that joined organization of countrywide article couplet 1952 goes to Korea visit. People who volunteer to fight in another country of line China people drew little ground of hold office at court on the west many battleground literary sketch. Took an examination of training class of canvas of central academy of fine arts 1955, suffer Xi Mofu of mark of painter of couplet of Yu Su of course of study. Graduation is created " orphan " Ceng Can is exhibited 1957 exhibition of art of world youth festival. Of the same age creates canvas " Chairman Mao is in North Shaanxi " . Entered the preparatory job of museum of war of Chinese people revolution 1959, creation canvas " take the sea-voyage eastward the Yellow River " . The canvas that created 1964 " decisive battle eve " , obtain work of art of the 3rd horse and foot to exhibit outstanding award, send the country such as Korea, Romania, France the exhibition. 1966, went to Pakistan visit twice 1968, make a picture for airline of Pakistan air force, army, nation. Went 1975 course of long march of Red Army of edge of and other places of Sichuan, Gansu Province, Shaanxi is sketchy. Have " Da Weigong, bridge of join forces of four front army " , " two bayou " " Zhuo Keji scene " wait for work to attend exhibition of paint from life of long march road to was created 1980 " Peng Zong and king. Created 1984 " the motherland yearns for you forever " , depict Peng Dehuai's commander to sign Korea truce agreement backward the scene that officers and soldiers of be killed in battle of people who volunteer to fight in another country greets, obtain work of art of the 6th whole nation to exhibit the 2nd silver medal award, liberation army literary award. Gao Hong still parts at 1964, 1967, led delegacy of Chinese artist delegacy, liberation army painter 3 times to visit republic of democracy of will of Mongolia, heart, Vietnam, Korea 1983.
Gao Hong is to be in the martial painter that rise grows in warlike environment and army. He insists to describe the brilliant battle course of the the Chinese People's Liberation Army with paintbrush from beginning to end, shaped numerous revolutionary cacique and people hero image. He is good at using the method of realism, represent the historical person of all-powerful with simple and unadorned style, the sacrifice that behaves them, struggle, thinking and joy.
Main masterpiece: " blockhouse of Dong Cunrui blast " (1948) , " we must liberate Taiwan " (1954, poster) , " orphan " (1957) , " Chairman Mao is in North Shaanxi " (1957, selected found an army 30 years the United States is exhibited) , " North Shaanxi of Chairman Mao fight in some places one by one " (1957) , " decisive battle eve " (1964, obtain the liberation army reward of outstanding and literary work) , " guard Lageer " (1968) , " red star is beamed China " (1975) , " the motherland yearns for you forever " (1984, obtain beauty of the 6th whole nation to exhibit silver medal and the 2nd liberation army literary award) .
Gao Hong is had the honor to win the 9th plastic arts made award 2010, appear on the stage to get the guidance that the Gao Hong of award issues to the stage and guest with high respect.
Ceng Wei " congress of combat hero of the first whole nation " picture poster, design " souvenir badge of emancipatory Hua Zhongna " ; The canvas that created 1964 " decisive battle eve " , obtain " work of art of the 3rd horse and foot is exhibited " outstanding award, send the country such as Korea, Romania, France the exhibition; 1984 " the motherland yearns for you forever " , obtain " work of art of the 6th whole nation is exhibited " silver-colored award, " the 2nd liberation army is literary award " .
Have the honor to win the 9th plastic arts made award 2010
On December 16, 2010, chinese article couplet holds the 9th in Beijing China's literary home " modelling performance art makes award " prize-giving ceremony, award Gao Hong " modelling performance art makes award " . This is Chinese article couplet be in technically to reward China the important award that the artist that modelling, performance gains remarkable success inside artistic domain sets with egghead.



