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王鑫生,1949年出生于中国西安,美中艺术协会主席。美国国会颁发:国际艺术大师。美国国会颁发:国际艺术大使,美国哈佛大学毕生 艺术成就荣誉勋章,美国休斯顿荣誉市民及亲善大使,美国休士顿大学毕生 艺术成就奖,鑫生国际艺术学院院长,南京师范大学美术学院客座教授。
旅美画家王鑫生移居美国已近20年,在他的艺术创作中非常鲜明的体现了中东方 文明 的跨越性。艺术家王鑫生在国际画坛享有崇高的声誉。王鑫生展示 了通过意象手法和中国写意精髓来贯穿油画的主题作品。在表现手法上,王鑫生以东方意象表现主义风格取材人物为其表现题材,在油画表现形状 上可谓开辟先河。当中国写意元素与东方 表现主义的油画风格相结合时,他——王鑫生,创造了1 种新的绘画言语 。
艺术史学博士、中国美术杂志主编尚辉说,王鑫生的画作浑然大气、让东东方 的文明 、认识 、笔法、刀法、技巧产生碰撞,让他感到1 种具大的震动 力。他认为王鑫生不仅在技艺上炉火纯青,而且他画面中的创造力和生命力都登峰造极,他画中的震动 强度和冲击力在画坛中是少见的,他的画不用著名,1 看便知。当伴随着中国经济的腾飞和综合国力的提高而把中国文明 作为1 种价值观去影响世界的时候,王鑫生的作品正是跨文明 学艺术史的研讨 对象。
美国国国会山庄特别在2008年10月4日在美国国会山庄首次专为艺术家王鑫生升旗,表彰他作为世界著名的艺术大师和杰出的教育家所做出的贡献,作为独一 一名 华人艺术家,授予美国国家最高级别的荣誉和抽象 代言人,艺术家王鑫生说,非常感谢美国国会给于我美国国家最高级别的荣誉和肯定,我将会用我的艺术作品架起中美之间的文明 艺术桥梁。

2013年1月17日《意象跨越》——情系中原 著名旅美画家王鑫生精品展河南省美术馆;
2011年2月5日,美国德州历史博物馆展览期间作品《德州州花﹑TexasBluebonnets》被美国白宫收藏;7月具有代表性作品《禅荷》已被今日美术馆收藏;7月2日《意象 蜕变》——旅美画家王鑫生油画十大系列精品展 今日美术馆;9月11日《意象 蜕变》——旅美画家王鑫生油画精品展江苏省美术馆;9月28日,南京中国近代史遗址博物馆(南京总统府)收藏作品为《誓约》;9月29日,江苏省美术馆收藏作品为《少女》;12月4日,任命为南京师范大学美术学院客座教授;12月4日《意象 蜕变》—旅美艺术家王鑫生油画精品展 上海美术馆;
2007年4月12日,壳牌董事局主席兼首席履行 官约翰霍夫梅斯特先生收藏了本身 油画肖像;4月12日,在著名NBA球星姚明家中创作肖像,4月18日姚明正式收藏了这幅画作;11月28日,为美国现任国务卿希拉里所作肖象,由希拉里收藏;

Introduction to the artist

Wang Xinsheng, born in 1949 in Xi'an, China, chairman of the American Chinese Art Association. Congress of the United States presents: Master of international art. Presented by the U.S. Congress: International Art ambassador, honorary Medal of lifelong art achievement of Harvard University, honorary citizen and goodwill ambassador of Houston University, lifetime art achievement award of Houston University, Dean of Xinsheng International Art College, visiting professor of Art College of Nanjing Normal University.


Wang Xinsheng, a painter living in the United States, has been living in the United States for nearly 20 years. His artistic creation embodies the great leap of Chinese and Western culture. Artist Wang Xinsheng enjoys a high reputation in the international painting world. Wang Xinsheng shows the theme works that run through the oil painting through the image technique and the essence of Chinese freehand brushwork. In the way of expression, Wang Xinsheng takes the Oriental Image expressionism style as the subject matter of expression, which can be regarded as a pioneer in the form of oil painting. When the elements of Chinese freehand brushwork were combined with the style of western expressionism oil painting, Wang Xinsheng created a new painting language.


Shang Hui, a doctor of art history and editor in chief of China art magazine, said Wang Xinsheng's paintings were totally atmospheric, which made the eastern and Western cultures, consciousness, brushwork, Sabre technique and skills collide, making him feel a great shock. He thinks that Wang Xinsheng is not only highly skilled in art, but also has the highest creativity and vitality in his paintings. The shock intensity and impact force in his paintings are rare in the painting world. His paintings need not be famous, but can be seen at a glance. With the rapid development of Chinese economy and the improvement of comprehensive national strength, Wang Xinsheng's works are the research object of cross cultural chemical art history.


In particular, on October 4, 2008, the Capitol Hill of the United States raised its flag for artist Wang Xinsheng for the first time in the Capitol Hill of the United States, commending his contribution as a world-famous art master and outstanding educator. As the only Chinese artist, Wang Xinsheng awarded the highest honor and image spokesman of the United States. Artist Wang Xinsheng said, "thank you very much to the United States Congress for giving us the United States." The highest honor and affirmation of the country, I will use my works of art to build a cultural and artistic bridge between China and the United States.




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Artist chronology


On January 17, 2013, "image crossing" -- Henan Provincial Art Museum of Wang Xinsheng, a famous artist in Central China;


On February 5, 2011, Texas flowers and Texas bluebonnets were collected by the White House of the United States during the exhibition of the Museum of Texas history; in July, the representative work Zen lotus has been collected by today's Art Museum; on July 2, image transformation, ten series of fine oil paintings by Wang Xinsheng, a painter in the United States, today's Art Museum; on September 11, image transformation, Wang Xinsheng oil, a painter in the United States On September 28, the works collected by Nanjing Museum of modern Chinese history (Nanjing Presidential Palace) were vows; on September 29, the works collected by Jiangsu Museum of fine arts were maidens; on December 4, they were appointed as visiting professor of the school of fine arts of Nanjing Normal University; on December 4, they were image transformation, the fine oil painting exhibition of Wang Xinsheng, an artist from the United States, Shanghai Museum of fine arts;


In 2009, Wang Xinsheng's work "Tibetan children" was shot in Beijing Poly in autumn, with a transaction price of 1288000 yuan.


On October 31, 2008, he made a portrait of George H. W. Bush, a former president of the United States, which became a collection of George H. bush;


On April 12, 2007, Mr. John Hofmeister, chairman and chief executive officer of shell board of directors, collected his own oil painting portrait; on April 12, he created a portrait in the home of famous NBA star Yao Ming, and on April 18, Yao Ming officially collected the painting; on November 28, he made a portrait for Hillary Clinton, the current Secretary of state of the United States, which was collected by Hillary Clinton;



