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2022-03-11 17:37:11




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张正刚,男,汉族,1953生于上海。现为上海油画雕塑院专职画家,院艺术委员会副主任,1 级美术师,中国油画学会理事,中国美术家协会会员。
1980年荣获“第二届全国青年美展”二等奖。1982年浙江美术学院油画系教师研讨 班。1986年获“军事题材专题展”优秀作品奖。1987年毕业于解放军艺术学院美术系。1987年获“第三届全国连环画大展”银奖和“建军六十周年全国美展”佳作奖,1989年获“第七届全国美展”铜奖。1994年获“第二届中国油画展”中国油画艺术奖。1996年作品参加“上海双年展”。1999年获“第九届全国美展”银奖。2000年参加“20世纪中国百年油画展”。2001年获“研讨 与超越——中国小幅油画展”艺术奖。作品前后 被中国美术馆、上海美术馆、江苏省美术馆、淮海战役纪念馆等机构收藏。代表作有《很远的风景》、《洛顿堡的傍晚》、《空间习作》等。

Introduction to the artist

Zhang Zhenggang, male, the Han nationality, 1953 be born at Shanghai. It is painter of full-time of courtyard of Shanghai canvas sculpture now, vice director of courtyard art council, division of one class art, chinese canvas learns director, chinese artist academician.
? ? ? ? Had the honor to win 1980 " beauty of youth of the 2nd whole nation is exhibited " second-class award. Canvas of Zhejiang academy of fine arts fastened a teacher to study a class 1982. 1986? Obtain " special subject of martial subject matter is exhibited " outstanding work reward. ? 1987? Be graduated from art of institute of liberation army art is. ? 1987? Obtain " comic of the 3rd whole nation is exhibited greatly " silver-colored award and " found an army 60 years countrywide beauty is exhibited " award of an excellent work, ? 1989? Obtain " beauty of the 7th whole nation is exhibited " cupreous award. ? 1994? Obtain " canvas of the 2nd China is exhibited " award of Chinese canvas art. ? 1996? Work attends " Shanghai double year exhibit " . ? 1999? Obtain " beauty of the 9th whole nation is exhibited " silver-colored award. ? 2000? Attend " hundred years canvas of 20 centuries China is exhibited " . ? 2001? Obtain " research and surmount -- China is small oily art exhibition " artistic award. Work is collected by the orgnaization such as memorial hall of Chinese art gallery, Shanghai art gallery, Jiangsu province art gallery, the Huai-Hai Campaign early or late. Masterpiece has " very far scenery " , " Luodubao's dusk " , " dimensional do exercises in composition " etc.



