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黄箫,女,1982年7月生于泉城济南。2005年毕业于中国美术学院油画系,获文学学士学位。2008年毕业于中国美术学院油画系,获艺术学硕士学位。2006年至今,中国美术学院油画系硕士研讨 生在读。
2007年《美术天地》杂志社举办的“丽人行——2007中国女画家约请 展”(杭州)
2005年中国美术学院油画系第二工作室举办的“师生下乡写生联展”,(杭州)作品收录《中国油画》——《我认识1 个叫黄箫的女孩》(陈宜明文)
《艺术天地》——《我认识1 个叫黄箫的女孩》
2003年《罗泉峪雪景之1 》、《罗泉峪雪景之二》被中国美术学院院长许江教授私人收藏
《柏树村之1 、之二》被中国美术学院收藏
《女人体系列1 至七》被中国美术学院收藏
《我们在一同 的日子》2006-11-18浙江中财拍卖无限 公司尺寸:100×80厘米成交价:30,800RMB
《红灯笼系列1 》2006-11-18浙江中财拍卖无限 公司尺寸:100×80厘米成交价:27,500RMB
《雪景之七》2008-12-26上海长城拍卖无限 公司尺寸:50*60cm成交价:15,000RMB
2006年作品《喜鹊的家之1 》,参加中国美术家协会举办的“中国百家金陵画展(油画)”(南京)
2007年作品《养马岛的夏日之1 至之七》,参加《美术天地》杂志社举办的“丽人行——2007中国女画家约请 展”(杭州)
2007年作品《地方 大街》,参加山东省美术家协会举办的“山东省第四届写生作品展”(泰安)

Introduction to the artist

Huang Xiao, female, was born at fontal city Jinan in July 1982. Was graduated from department of canvas of Chinese academy of fine arts 2005, obtain literary bachelor's degree. Was graduated from department of canvas of Chinese academy of fine arts 2008, obtain art to learn master's degree. 2006 up to now, graduate student of Master of department of canvas of Chinese academy of fine arts is being read.
Chinese artist association held 2008 " work of canvas of teachers and students of school of art of the 3rd China is exhibited " (Shenzhen)
Association of Jiangxi province artist held 2008 " contest of colour of sketch of still life of scenery of first youth of countrywide " outstanding award (Nanchang)
Chinese artist association held 2007 " scenery amorous feelings? The 2nd throughout the country is small canvas is exhibited " outstanding award (top prize) (Shanghai)
2007 " art world " magazine company holds " the beauty goes -- 2007 China paintress invites exhibit " (Hangzhou)
Association of Shandong province artist held 2007 " Shandong saves the 4th sketchy work to exhibit " (Tai'an)
Government of people of the city zone on Hangzhou held 2007 " originality river lane -- atelier work exhibits craft of cereal of west lake originality " (Hangzhou)
Chinese artist association held 2006 " art exhibition of hill of gold of Chinese a hunderd schools (canvas) " (Nanjing)
Association of Shandong province artist held 2006 " the closely question of the times -- Shandong realistically canvas is exhibited " (Jinan)
Shandong saved government of people of Qu Fu city to hold 2006 " Confucianism charm -- 2006 walk into Confucius painting and calligraphy to be exhibited greatly " cupreous award (Qu Fu)
Gallery of institute of Chinese academy of fine arts held 2006 " free individual work exhibits the scenery " (Hangzhou)
Association of communication of art of Zhejiang province international held 2006 " couplet of 12 paintress canvas exhibits the west lake " (Hangzhou)
Shanghai artist association held 2005 " visual Jing is colourful -- 2005 Shanghai art is exhibited greatly " bang millet art gallery (Shanghai)
Canvas of Chinese academy of fine arts fastened the 2nd atelier to hold 2005 " couplet of paint from life of go to the countryside of teachers and students is exhibited " , (Hangzhou) work is collected " Chinese canvas " -- " the girl that I meet to call Huang Xiao " (Chen Yiming article)
" artistic heaven and earth " -- " Huang Xiao interview " (article of Xie Hai, Huang Xiao)
" visual Jing is colourful -- 2005 Shanghai art is exhibited greatly "
" art exhibition of hill of gold of Chinese a hunderd schools (canvas) work collect "
" artistic heaven and earth " -- " the girl that I meet to call Huang Xiao "
Huang Xiao
" rambling west lake -- west lake collect of work of 12 paintress canvas "
" originality river lane -- collect of work of atelier of art of cereal of west lake originality "
" scenery amorous feelings? Collect of work of the 2nd throughout the country is small oily art exhibition "
" work of canvas of teachers and students of school of art of the 3rd China extends work market " [1]
Work is collected
2003 " one of scene of snow of Luo Quan valley " , " of scene of snow of Luo Quan valley " professor of the river that be made by dean of Chinese academy of fine arts is private collect
2004 " work of · of a region of rivers and lakes 3 " by academy of fine arts of university of German Berlin art Miluosilafu? Hu Er answers the professor is private collect
2005 " Chu Xue selects a site " be collected by Shanghai art gallery
" one of cypress villages, " be collected by Chinese academy of fine arts
2006 " east east valley " be collected by art gallery of Shanghai bang millet
2007 " the home of magpie " be collected by art gallery of Shanghai firm peaceful
" feminine body set comes 7 " be collected by Chinese academy of fine arts
Auction a record

" the day that we are together " the money in 2006-11-18 Zhejiang auctions limited company dimension: 100 × clinch a deal 80 centimeters valence: 30, 800RMB
" red lantern series one " the money in 2006-11-18 Zhejiang auctions limited company dimension: 100 × clinch a deal 80 centimeters valence: 27, 500RMB
" of snow scene " 2008-12-26 Shanghai Great Wall auctions limited company dimension: 50*60cm clinchs a deal valence: 15, 000RMB
" the collect of home of teach eldest brother child 2 " 2008 attend Chinese academy of fine arts " aseismatic beautiful the real situation of country providing disaster relief -- painting and calligraphy of Chinese academy of fine arts donates activity of sale of work "
Academic activity
2005 work " Chu Xue selects a site " , those who attend Shanghai artist association to hold " visual Jing is colourful -- 2005 Shanghai art is exhibited greatly " bang millet art gallery (Shanghai)
2005 work " sketchy 1-17 " attend canvas of Chinese academy of fine arts to fasten the 2nd atelier to hold " couplet of paint from life of go to the countryside of teachers and students is exhibited " , (Hangzhou)
2006 work " one of homes of magpie " , those who attend Chinese artist association to hold " art exhibition of hill of gold of Chinese a hunderd schools (canvas) " (Nanjing)
2006 work " of Zhong Gong's fruiter " , attend Shandong to save artist association to hold " the closely question of the times -- Shandong realistically canvas is exhibited " (Jinan)
2006 work " Ni Shanfeng rain " , attend Shandong to save government of people of Qu Fu city to hold " Confucianism charm -- 2006 walk into Confucius painting and calligraphy to be exhibited greatly " cupreous award (Qu Fu)
Held in gallery of institute of Chinese academy of fine arts 2006 " free individual work exhibits the scenery " (Hangzhou)
2006 work " Ming Huchun is lubricious " wait, those who attend Zhejiang to save international art to communicate association to hold " couplet of 12 paintress canvas exhibits the west lake " (Hangzhou)
2007 work " of the home of magpie " , attend Chinese artist association to hold " the 2nd throughout the country is small canvas exhibits · of scenery amorous feelings " win outstanding award (top prize) (Shanghai)
2007 work " one of summer that raise Ma Dao come " , attend " art world " magazine company holds " the beauty goes -- 2007 China paintress invites exhibit " (Hangzhou)
2007 work " central ave " , those who attend Shandong to save artist association to hold " Shandong saves the 4th sketchy work to exhibit " (Tai'an)
2007 work " the tree that Laochen taps " , " downy cloud " , attend government of people of the city zone on Hangzhou to hold " originality river lane -- atelier work exhibits craft of cereal of west lake originality " (Hangzhou)
2008 work " the collect of home of teach eldest brother child " , attend Chinese artist association to hold " work of canvas of teachers and students of school of art of the 3rd China is exhibited " (Shenzhen)
2008 work " big depression cloud " , attend Jiangxi to save artist association to hold " contest of colour of sketch of still life of scenery of first youth of countrywide " win outstanding award (Nanchang)
2008 work " morning glow series " , attend " we are 80 hind oily art exhibition " (Shanghai)
2008 work " noonday " , attend Shandong to save artist association to hold " Shandong saves first youth art to be exhibited greatly " (Zi rich)
2008 work " remote mountains snow ceases raining or snowing " , attend " artist of the youth in the 4th whole nation is recommended exhibit " (Shanghai)
2008 work " holiday " , attend Chinese artist association to hold " canvas of character of the 3rd whole nation exhibits · of scenery amorous feelings " win outstanding work award (top prize) (Shanghai)
2008 work " the green of life " , attend Chinese academy of fine arts to hold " art exhibition of artistic China whole nation " (Beijing)
2009 work " holiday 2 " , the commemoration day that enters Chinese artist association to hold founds a state 60 years large Oriental canvas exhibits Shanghai (Shanghai)



