陈志强,现次要 兼任专业职务:湖南省油画学会理事湘潭市油画学会副主席兼任书记。
次要 展览及获奖情况:作品入选全国第八届第九届美术作品展;2012鼎新华南吾土吾民油画约请 展(广东美术馆)其他艺术成就:2008艺术湖南-湖南省美术精品展-北京中国美术馆;中国水彩画写生精品大展-浙江宁波;等全国及省级各类美展,并有作品被国内外专业机构及私人收藏,有部分作品收入画集杂志及辞典。
Basically hold professional job part-time now: Hunan Province canvas learns canvas of director Xiangtan city to learn a vice-chairman to hold a secretary part-time
Main exhibition reachs situation of bear the palm: Work of the 8th the 9th art exhibits work; 2012 vessels Xin Huana? My earth I civilian canvas invites exhibit (Guangdong art gallery) other and artistic achievement: 2008 artistic Hunan - high-quality goods of Hunan Province art is exhibited - high-quality goods of paint from life of aquarelle of China of; of Beijing China art gallery is exhibited greatly - the whole nation such as Ning Bo; and provincial and of all kinds beauty exhibit Zhejiang, work is reached by domestic and international professional orgnaization private collect, partial work income draws volume records and dictionary.