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安明阳(1927.4—)河北定县人。擅长油画。1941年参加八路军,在延安参加八路军冀中军区火线剧社少年队,几年后他随部队来到解放区,参加陕甘宁边区的大生产运动。这期间他发现有人绘制的版画特别生动,因而 他也拿起了刻刀,他的人生轨道也由此改变。1943年学习于抗日军政大学七分校文工队美术组。1947年,他创作的《女英雄刘胡兰》木刻组画出版,从那时起他正式开始美术创作。解放后,他到地方 美术学院调干班学习,其间他创作了大量分量很重的油画。1951年学习于地方 美术学院调干班。历任军委政治学院副处长、天津人民美术出版社副社长、天津市出版局副处长,中国美术家协会会员。1977年为了创作的真实,以安明阳为组长的创作小组深入西柏坡采风,翻阅了大量历史材料 ,并观看了原始的纪录片。他与画友合作《伟大的战略决策》、《建设1 个新中国》这两幅作品从艺术的角度表现了中国革命的历程,让更多的人对新中国的成立有了更深入的了解。此两幅作品参加全国美展,全国各大刊物也都在显要地位 发表了这两幅作品。作品有《炉火纯青》、《瑶族姑娘》等

Introduction to the artist

An Mingyang (1927.4, ) Heibei decides prefectural person. Be good at canvas. Attended the Eight Route Army 1941, group of youth of company of opera of front line of the military region in look forward to of the Eight Route Army joins in Yan'an, he comes to a liberated area along with army after a few years, attend the big production of the area side Shan Ganning to move. He discovers the woodcut of person scale is particularly vivid during this, then he also took burin, his life orbit also is changed from this. Learned university of stratocracy of Yu Kang day 7 minutes 1943 form of art of group of school language industry. 1947, he creates " heroine Liu Hu Lan " woodcarving group picture is published, thenceforth removes him to begin art creative work formally. After liberating, he does class study to attune of central academy of fine arts, he created meantime the canvas with a large number of very heavy weight. Study moved dry class at central academy of fine arts 1951. Have successively held the posts of city of assistant president of publishing house of art of people of deputy director general of institute of politics of the Central Military Commission, Tianjin, Tianjin to publish bureau deputy director general, chinese artist academician. 1977 for creation true, the creation group that is a group leader in order to install Ming Yang is thorough Xi Baipo collect folk songs, browsed many history data, watched primitive newsreel. He and picture friend cooperate " great strategy is decision-making " , " build a new China " the course that these two work behaved Chinese revolution from artistic angle, make more people right of new China hold water had more thorough knowledge. These two work attend countrywide beauty to exhibit, the whole nation each are big the journal also published these two work in important niche. Work has " high degree of professional proficiency " , " girl of the Yao nationality " etc



