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周瑞文 - 摇曳的乡思 周瑞文的油画作品

2022-03-11 17:36:18 3334




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周瑞文,浙江海盐人,毕业于中国美术学院油画系。曾任:美术报副总编辑。现任:浙江省国际美术交流协会常务副主席。系:中国美术家协会会员,兼任:中国美术学院浙江校友会常务副会长兼秘书长、浙江省雕塑研讨 会副会长、浙江开明画院副院长、杭州市美术家协会副主席。聘任:美术报编委会艺术顾问、中国美术学院成教学院客座教授、浙江理工大学特聘教授。
出版:《当代中国艺术家·周瑞文》、《诗意江南·周瑞文作品集》、《中国美术学院老1 辈油画家·周瑞文作品选》。作品近百次参加国内外美术展览,不少作品获奖或被学术机构、艺术馆、政府机构及个人收藏。曾在美国、日本及我国上海、杭州等地举办个人画展。

Introduction to the artist

Person of Zhejiang sea salt, be graduated from canvas of Chinese academy of fine arts is. Ceng Ren: Art signs up for deputy editor in chief. Currently hold the post of: Association of communication of art of Zhejiang province international is standing vice-chairman. Department: Chinese artist academician, part-time: Standing vice-chairman holds alumni association of Zhejiang of Chinese academy of fine arts concurrently vice-chairman of seminar of sculpture of province of secretary-general, Zhejiang, Zhejiang is enlightened vice-chairman of association of artist of city of assistant dean of imperial art academy, Hangzhou. Appoint to a position: Art newspaper is made up appoint academy of fine arts of can artistic adviser, China becomes education courtyard college of industry of grain of visiting professor, Zhejiang hires a professor especially.
Publish: " Zhou Ruiwen of contemporary China artist · " , " collect of work of Zhou Ruiwen of · of poetic flavour Changjiang Delta " , " work of Zhou Ruiwen of · of home of canvas of older generation of Chinese academy of fine arts is chosen " . Work enters exhibition of domestic and international art nearly 100 times, many work bear the palm or the individual that be reached by orgnaization of academic orgnaization, artistic house, government is collected. And other places of Ceng Zaimei country, Japan and our country Shanghai, Hangzhou holds individual art exhibition.



