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何海霞 - 周韶华:世纪艺术大匠何海霞

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 何海霞(1908—1998)  ,长安画派创始人之1 ;中国古代 著名国画家、书法家,中国画研讨 院(中国国家画院的前身)的专业画家;满族,初名何福海,字瀛,又字登瀛;1908年9月生于北京,其父母酷爱文艺,对少年时代的何海霞影响颇深。何海霞幼时即爱好 书画,青年时期曾参加中国画学研讨 会,1924年拜韩公典为师,1934年拜张大千为师,随其游历山东、四川。


1951年春,由重庆迁居西安。1956年在中国美术家协会陕西分会任专业画家。5 十年代末至六十年代初,与石鲁赵望云等一同 切磋山水画创新,受到美术界的广泛关注并成为长安画派的重要画家。

1961年,他曾应地方 美术学院之邀,在该院授课两年,培养了1 批中国画人才。

1976年后,他应邀为人民大会堂、钓鱼台国宾馆等重要场所创作许多巨幅山水画,为社会注视 。

1983年,他任陕西国画院副院长。不久后调到北京,在中国画研讨 院任专业画家,创作了大量的优秀作品。他此间兼任中国国际敌对 联络委员会顾问,以艺术为纽带,为中外文明 交流贡献了力量。


何海霞的山水画成熟于20世纪50年代,他在水墨、青绿、界画等诸多领域均有所建树,面貌多样,既有尺幅巨大的作品,也有精致的小幅作品。东南 地区的自然景观给了他不少灵感,其作品个性鲜明,立意雄奇,骨体坚凝,笔力雄壮 ,墨色浑厚华滋,蔚为大观。


 作品多次参加国内外大型展览,并被中国美术馆、北京饭店等收藏。次要 作品有《大地长春》、《天开图画》、《晴峦暖翠图》、《宝成铁路》、《西坡烟雨》、《幸福山村》、《黄河禹门口》、《春在田间》、《爱我河山》、《富春江上》、《庐山图》、《驯伏黄河》等。出版有《何海霞画辑》、《何海霞画集》、《何海霞书画集》等。曾任陕西国画院副院长、中国美术家协会会员、北京中国画研讨 院1 级美术师等。


 何海霞先生擅长山水画。他在继承传统的基础上,饱游沃看,师法自然。何海霞的山水画成熟于20世纪50年代,他在水墨、青绿、界画等诸多领域均有所建树,面貌多样,既有尺幅巨大的作品,也有精致的小幅作品。东南 地区的自然景观给了他不少灵感,其作品个性鲜明,立意雄奇,骨体坚凝,笔力雄壮 ,墨色浑厚,蔚为大观。


 20世纪末到至今,学术界已逐步 掀起了1 股“何海霞研讨 热”,如各种有关他的论文、专著和“何海霞艺术研讨会”等。据现有的材料 来看,不管是艺术界还是学术界,都对其艺术成就给予了高度的评价与肯定。上面 ,我们就来看,这1 论断是否有确实可靠的根据 。

首先,探析出何海霞的绘画已得到艺术界的认可与高度评价。原任中国国家画院院长的龙瑞先生认为“何海霞先生是中国画界的‘全能冠军’。”当代名家黄永玉先生称其为“鬼手何海霞”、著名画家周韶华称何氏是“世纪艺术大匠何海霞”和 当代著名作家贾平凹认为“真实的 中国山水画,何海霞可能是最初 的1 个大画家”等。由此,我们可见何氏高深的绘画技巧及其艺术成就已得到艺术界的高度评价与肯定。此外,从以上的这些评价中,也可反映出何氏在中国古代 画坛的重要地位。

其次,近几年来,已有学者对何海霞的绘画艺术及其成就等,做过较为详细的研讨 。周韶华先生在《金碧青绿第1 人》中写道:“‘青出于蓝而胜于蓝’,在二十世纪的中国画坛上的第1 人,非何海霞莫属。”此外,他还认为“何海霞先生对于唐宋院体画、元明清文人水墨画,对于小青绿、大青绿、金碧、泼彩、泼墨和水墨浅绛画法,众体皆能,可谓是中国画创作之全能军。

在长安画派中,他与石鲁赵望云成为三足鼎立,缺1 不可的领军人物。”何纪争、曹湘琴,更高度评介何氏的绘画是“世纪末的丰碑”。另外,还有学者从民族文明 、传统绘画与时代发展等视角,来谈及他的艺术成就,如孙文忠在《何海霞对民族文明 艺术的贡献》中写道:“何海霞用本身 终身 的艺术实践,为中国传统绘画的发展做出了不可磨灭的贡献。在古代 中国画坛上,在中国传统绘画艺术发展史上起着承前启后的作用。

何海霞60年代与赵望云石鲁深入生活,共同谱写了中国美术史上光辉的1 页。他的艺术唤起了中国人的民族骄傲 感。”同时,郭浩认为什么 氏的绘画是“民族色愈浓,时代彩更艳”。还有,当代学者与画家徐义生在《何海霞老师和他的山水画艺术》1 文中写道:“何氏则以深厚的传统文明 底蕴和纯正的中华品格唤起人们心头的民族自尊。”

从以上画家与学者,对何氏绘画的评价来看,我们可以看出艺术界与学术界,已对何海霞的绘画及其艺术成就等,给予了高度的评价与肯定,这势必会影响到其画作的市场拍卖价格。因此 ,笔者认为,这也是推动何氏画作拍卖市场价格较高的成因之1 。

若我们从全体 趋势上来看,自从何海霞先生去逝以后 ,他的画作市场拍卖价格就逐步 的稳步上升,可见表2与表3。在其画作全体 上升的趋势中,我们不能忽略媒体、何海霞美术馆、拍卖公司等,为此做出的贡献。在此,笔者想强调媒体、何海霞美术馆与拍卖公司之所以精心策划与力推何海霞,是由于 何氏本身已经是 名家,不是纯粹的市场操作。上面 ,笔者次要 从媒体、何海霞美术馆与拍卖公司三方面,分而述之他们对何氏画作市场拍卖价格的影响。

媒体对何海霞的宣扬 与推广,积极无力 的助涨了何氏画作的市场拍卖价格。因此 ,这也是近几年来何氏画作市场拍卖价格全体 上涨的缘由 之1 。笔者所说的媒体,次要 包括电视台、报纸与网络,如在2008年“何海霞先生诞辰100周年纪念活动”中,就推出关于何海霞从事艺术创作与艺术教育活动的电视纪录片。该活动还于2008年4月29日,在北京中国国家画院举行过旧事 发布会,较多权威媒体都有所参与。另外,在2008年9月11日,文明 部主管的权威性文明 艺术类报纸《中国文明 报》,对“纪念何海霞诞辰百年画展”也有所报道,如刊载1 篇题目为《纪念何海霞诞辰百年画展在京举行》的文章。该文章指出,“何海霞先生是中国国家画院著名的山水画家,具有广泛影响力的中国山水画大师,是20纪中国画发展进程中的一名 重要代表人物。

再者,中国权威艺术网站——雅昌艺术网,也对2008年的“何海霞先生诞辰100周年纪念活动”进行专题报道,并开设专栏宣扬 。何海霞美术馆的精心策划与力推,也助推了何氏画作的市场拍卖价格。何海霞美术馆,又称“海霞天地”,成立于1992年6月,座落 在西安市书院门仿古文明 街西端西安长安画院三楼,占地面积260平方米。何海霞去逝以后 ,该馆更名为什么 海霞美术馆。何海霞美术馆的建立,无疑是对何氏绘画艺术成就的肯定,也得到官方的认可与支持,更为后人研讨 他的绘画,提供有益 的条件与资源,如该馆内长时间 陈列何海霞先生各个时期的书画精品和已出版的画集、文献材料 等,可供大家参观、学习与研讨 。自建立以来,该馆就不断 承担着教育、研讨 与宣扬 何海霞的使命,如2001年10月27日,何海霞美术馆、西安长安画派等十余家单位联办的“纪念何海霞先生诞辰93周年暨逝世三周年——何海霞书画艺术回顾展”和 “何海霞书画艺术研讨会”等。此外,该馆还于文明 部、陕西省人民政府、中国文联等11家单位,共同承办了“何海霞先生诞辰100周年纪念活动”。其次要 内容包括:举办何海霞作品展览,其中包括“何海霞百年诞辰画展”(2008年9月,中国美术馆举办)和零碎 研讨何海霞的艺术(2008年9月,在北京中国国家画院举办“何海霞艺术研讨会”)等。

从20世纪末至2009年11月的各种书画拍卖活动来看,众多拍卖公司都会上拍画家何海霞的画作,如中国嘉得、北京保利、北京翰海、北京荣宝、上海朵云轩、上海崇源与广州嘉德等。同时,从这些拍卖公司的所在地来看,何氏画作的拍卖次要 集中在以北方的北京,南方的上海为中心。其中,北京的各大拍卖公司,占据着何海霞画作拍卖市场份额的绝大部分,这可从雅昌艺术网得知。

中国嘉德在拍卖何氏的《泰山英姿 》之前,就做好1 些精心的策划与宣扬 预备 工作。首先,告知该画著录于《中国近古代 名家画集——何海霞》,人民美术出版社,2000年10月出版,说明此画为真迹。其次,对此画也进行了相干 描述,如“《泰山英姿 》当即接续了大千先生上世纪30年代中期金碧山水的传统,敷色高古,宏伟 瑰丽,气势磅礴。如是巨幅之作,岩石、松针、海水及殿宇、石蹬的细部处理却极用心,周密 谨致,是其暮年 巨幅山水极经意之作。”

从对此画的描述中,中国嘉德已明确暗示该画的艺术价值极高,如最明显的用语“是其暮年 巨幅山水极经意之作。”最初 ,中国嘉德应用 网络与相干 媒体等宣扬 此画,并附上该画与画家相干 的详细信息。


大约是1980年前后,恩师何海霞先生从陕西西安调入北京,当时老先生已60多岁,何海霞在那个年代并不怎样 出名,当时报纸上电视上很少宣扬 画家,我与他的师兄弟著名画家胡爽庵是忘年交的好朋友,经常提到何海霞,讲了很多有关他的故事,在张大千的弟子中,何海霞是山水画画得最好的,胡爽庵说;四十年代张大千的很多作品都是由何海霞代笔的,因而 可以看出何海霞先生的山水画是非常过硬的,他的字也像张大千

1980年前后,他来北京,住在双榆树华侨公寓,印象中与另两位画家秦岭云、孙瑛住在1 个小区,第1 次拜访何老大约就是80年前后,去他家时,他正在画画,那个时候除了看展览之外 ,很少能看到名家的画册,因而 第1 次见到何老画画,感觉很别致 。他的画与李可染先生截然不同,属于那种横冲直撞的画法,后来看到东南 画派的赵望云石鲁的作品,才晓得 何老的画不完全像张大千,与石鲁赵望云的画有血脉相通之气,到何老家,我带了几幅本身 的习作,请何老指导 ,他1 眼便认出我是学李可染的,他很高兴地说:“你不要光学1 个人,我也不同意 你完全学我。”那个时候何老的房子很大,有1 间5 六十米的大画室,何老很耐心的边看边讲,又拿出他本身 的作品给我看,何老的画非常的硬,说实在的话,我当时并不理解,也不喜欢。但是他那种大局、结构、章法我看着很有气魄,想吸收到本身 的画上,过了些时候我再去他家,正好赶上河北人民出版社为他出版1 本八开的画集,那个时候很少有出版社为个人出画集,何老很高兴在他保存的两百多幅画里面,铺的满屋子都是,我们1 点点的挑,1 张张的选,大概前后搞了1 个多星期,如今看这就是1 个挺普通的画集,可那个时候,就连李可染、何海霞这样的大师都很少无机 会出版画集。

English Introduction

 He Haixia (1908 - 1998), founder of the Changan school; Chinese modern famous painter, calligrapher, Institute of China painting (Chinese National Academy's predecessor) professional painter; Manchu, the beginning of a word and the word Ying, He Fuhai, Deng Ying; was born in Beijing in September 1908, his father mother loves art, has a deep influence on youth He Haixia. He Haixia childhood like calligraphy and painting, youth had participated in the study will Chinese painting in 1924, Han Gongdian worship as a teacher, in 1934 to worship Zhang Daqian as a teacher, with a tour of Shandong, Sichuan.

He Haixia with Zhang Daqian during the painting, enjoy the Chinese ancient paintings and a large number of copying the song, yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties painting authentic; in 1936, he and Qi Baishi, Zhang Daqian, in the dark, Changchun in Dalian held exhibition.

The spring of 1951, from Chongqing to Xi'an. 1956 in the Chinese Artists Association Shaanxi branch of any professional painter. At the end of 50s to early 60s, and Shi Lu and Zhao Wangyun from the landscape painting innovation, attention to art and become an important painter of the Changan school.

In 1961, he was invited to China Central Academy of Fine Arts, in the school for two years, training a group of Chinese painting talent.

After 1976, he was invited to an important place for the Great Hall of the people, such as the Diaoyutai State Guest House created many huge landscape paintings, as the social attention.

In 1983, he was appointed Vice President of Shaanxi Chinese painting academy. Soon transferred to Beijing, in the Chinese Painting Research Institute as a professional painter, created a large number of outstanding works. He serves as a consultant to the China Council for international friendship and contacts, as a link to the arts, and contributes to the cultural exchange between China and foreign countries.

Mr. He Haixia is good at landscape painting, he is on the basis of inheriting the traditional full tour Wo, nature.

He Haixia's landscape painting mature in 1950s, he in ink, green, painting and many other fields have the achievements, features diversity, both big size paintings works also have exquisite works slightly. The northwest region's natural landscape gave him a lot of inspiration in his works and personality conception Xiongqi, bone solidified, vigorous, black Wordsworth, splendid.

Works many times to participate in large-scale exhibitions at home and abroad, and by the Chinese Art Museum, Beijing Hotel, etc.. The main works include "the earth", "Changchun picture", "sunny days", "Cui Luan warm", "on the west slope of Baoji Chengdu Railway", "Happy Village" misty rain, "the Yellow River", in the "spring in the field", "love me", and "the Fuchun River", "Mount Lu" "tame", the Yellow River etc.. The publication of "He Haixia painting series", "He Haixia album", "He Haixia" and other books. Former vice president of Shaanxi Painting Institute, member of Beijing Artists Association Chinese Chinese painting research institute an artist.

Mr. He Haixia is good at landscape painting. He is on the basis of inheriting the tradition, full tour Wo, nature. He Haixia's landscape painting mature in 1950s, he in ink, green, painting and many other fields have the achievements, features diversity, both big size paintings works also have exquisite works slightly. The northwest region's natural landscape gave him a lot of inspiration in his works and personality conception Xiongqi, bone solidified, vigorous, color rich, magnificent.

From the end of twentieth Century to the present, the academic circles have gradually set off a "He Haixia research hot", such as a variety of his papers, monographs and "He Haixia art seminar" and so on. According to the available information, whether it is art or academia, it gives a high degree of evaluation and affirmation to its artistic achievement. Below, we will see, this thesis whether there is a reliable basis for.

First of all, He Haixia's paintings have been recognized and highly valued by the art world. The former president of the National Academy of Chinese LONGDUAN that Mr. Mr. He Haixia is Chinese painting "champion"." Contemporary artists Huang Yongyu called "ghost of He Haixia", the famous painter Zhou Shaohua said he's "century art master He Haixia" and the famous contemporary writer Jia Pingwa believes that the "real Chinese landscape painting, He Haixia is perhaps the last great painter" etc.. From this, we can see that he advanced painting techniques and artistic achievements have been highly praised and affirmed by the art world. In addition, from the above evaluation, but also reflects the important position in the ho China modern painting.

Secondly, in recent years, some scholars have done a more detailed study of He Haixia's art of painting and its achievements. Mr Zhou Shaohua wrote in the first "green" layered: "master, the first The students surpass the teacher." in the twentieth Century China painting, none other than He Haixia." In addition, he also said that "Mr. He Haixia for painting in Tang and Song Dynasties, Ming and Qing Dynasties literati painting, for green, green, blue green, Jin Bi, splash of color ink and ink painting and the light purple, can, can be described as Chinese painting in the creation of the almighty.

In the Changan school, Shi Lu Zhao Wangyun, and he became a situation of tripartite confrontation, the leader of the indispensable." He Jizheng, Cao Xiangqin, what's more highly of the painting is at the end of the century monument". In addition, there are scholars from the perspective of national culture, the traditional painting and the development of the times, to talk about his artistic achievements, such as Sun Wenzhong in "He Haixia" on the contribution of the national culture and arts wrote: "the artistic practice of his life He Haixia, made an indelible contribution to the development of China traditional painting. In the modern Chinese painting, plays an important role in the history of the development of Chinese traditional painting art.

He Haixia in 60s with Zhao Wangyun, Shi Lu in-depth life, together to write a glorious page in the history of Chinese art. His art evokes the sense of national pride of the Chinese people." At the same time, Guo Hao think he's painting is "the national color is more concentrated, the color of the times more colourful". Also, contemporary scholars and painters Xu Yisheng wrote in "teacher He Haixia and his landscape painting art" in an article: "what to Shi then a profound traditional culture and pure Chinese character to arouse people's national pride heart."

From the above artists and scholars on the evaluation of he's painting, we can see that the art and academia, has been on He Haixia's painting and its artistic achievements, and certainly gave a high evaluation, which is bound to affect the market price of the auction of paintings. Therefore, the author believes that this is the cause of the auction market price of the auction market is one of the reasons.

If we are from the overall trend, since Mr. He Haixia died, his paintings market auction prices will gradually rise steadily, see Table 2 and table 3. In the overall upward trend in their paintings, we can not ignore the media, He Haixia Art Museum, auction companies, etc., to contribute to this. Here, I want to emphasize the media, He Haixia Art Museum and the reason why the auction companies is carefully planned and He Haixia, is because he is a famous, not purely market operations. Below, the author mainly from three aspects of the media, He Haixia Art Museum and auction companies, and their impact on the market auction price of Ho paintings.

Media to He Haixia's publicity and promotion, positive and powerful help up Ho's paintings of the market auction price. Thus, this is one of the reasons for the overall rise in the market auction prices in the past few years. The author says the media, including television, newspapers and the Internet, in 2008 as the "100 anniversary of Mr. He Haixia's birthday celebration", launched on He Haixia engaged in art creation and art education activities of the TV documentary. The event in April 29, 2008, held a press conference in Beijing Chinese National Academy, has participated in many authoritative media. In addition, in September 11, 2008, the authority of the cultural and art director of the Ministry of culture newspaper "Chinese cultural newspaper", have also been reported to commemorate He Haixia's 100th birthday Exhibition ", as published a study entitled" the memorial of He Haixia's 100th birthday exhibition held in Beijing "article. The article points out, "Mr. He Haixia is a famous landscape painter of the National Academy of Chinese, influential China landscape painting master, was an important representative figure of the 20 century Chinese painting in the development process.Furthermore, Chinese authority -- artron.net art website, in 2008 the "100 anniversary of He Haixia's birthday anniversary" special reports and publicity column. He Haixia Art Museum of careful planning and force push, but also boost the market auction price of Ho's paintings. He Haixia Art Museum, also known as the "Hai Xia world", was founded in June 1992, is located in the Xi'an City College Gate Street West Xi'an Changan antique Culture Academy on the second floor, covers an area of 260 square meters. After He Haixia died, the museum was renamed the Hai Xia Museum why. The establishment of the He Haixia Museum, is undoubtedly the ho painting artistic achievements, but also get recognition and support, more generations of his paintings, to provide favorable conditions and resources, such as the museum for exhibition of Mr. He Haixia in different periods of painting and calligraphy and has published art and literature, for we visit, study and research. Since the establishment, the museum has been responsible for education, research and propaganda of the mission of He Haixia, as of October 27, 2001, He Haixia Art Museum, Xi'an Liaison Office of the school of Changan more than a dozen units "to commemorate the three anniversary of He Haixia's death and the 93 anniversary of the birth of He Haixia painting and calligraphy art exhibition" and "He Haixia Calligraphy Seminar" etc.. In addition, the museum also in the Ministry of culture, the Shaanxi Provincial People's government, Chinese Federation and other 11 units, CO hosted the "100 anniversary of Mr. He Haixia's birthday celebration". The main contents include: He Haixia held exhibitions, including the "He Haixia centenary Exhibition" (September 2008, China Art Museum and He Haixia art research system) (September 2008, He Haixia art seminar "held in Beijing National Academy of China) etc..

From the end of twentieth Century to November 2009 of a variety of painting and calligraphy auction activities, many auction companies will take painter He Haixia's paintings, such as Chinese, Ka Beijing poly, Beijing Hanhai, Beijing Rong Bao, Shanghai duoyunxuan, Shanghai Chong source and the Guangzhou guardian etc.. At the same time, from the location of these auction companies, Ho's paintings are mainly concentrated in the auction to the north of Beijing, the south of Shanghai as the center. Among them, the major auction companies in Beijing, occupy most of the He Haixia painting auction market share, it can be learned from artron.net.

The China before auction Ho's "Taishan majestic", to do some careful planning and propaganda work. First of all, the album was recorded in the "painting told Chinese modern masters -- He Haixia", people's fine arts publishing house, published in October 2000, that it is authentic. Secondly, this painting was also described as "majestic", "Taishan immediately succeeded Mr. Daqian in mid 30s last century Jinbi landscape tradition, the colors high ancient, magnificent, of great momentum. As for the huge, detailed treatment of rocks, pine needles, water and stone house, pedal is very hard, so careful, is the very day of the huge landscape in old age."

From this picture description, Chinese guardian has clearly hinted that the paintings of high artistic value, such as the most obvious term "is the old age of the huge landscape very day." Finally, the use of China network and related media publicity painting, and attach the detailed information related with the painter painting.

Professor Zang Boliang mentor

About 1980, mentor Mr. He Haixia from Shaanxi Xi'an in Beijing, then the old man was more than and 60 years old at the time, He Haixia was not well-known at the time, the newspaper TV propaganda little painter, I am a good friend of friendship between generations of famous painter Hu Shuangan and his brothers, often referred to He Haixia, told many stories about him in. A disciple of Zhang Daqian, He Haixia is the best of the landscape painting, Hu Shuangan said; many 40s Zhang Daqian's works are by He Haixia who, it can be seen that Mr. He Haixia's landscape painting is very strong, his words like Zhang Daqian.

After 1980, he came to Beijing, live in Shuangyushu overseas apartments, and the other two artists Qin Lingyun and Sun Ying live in a village in the impression, first visit he is about 80 years ago, he went home, he was painting at that time, in addition to see the exhibition outside, rarely see the famous album, so the first time to see what the old painting, feeling very strange. Mr. Li Keran and his paintings are quite different, belong to the rampage of the painting, painting, Zhao Wangyun northwest later saw the works of Shi Lu, then you know how old the painting is not exactly like Zhang Daqian, and Shi Lu, Zhao Wangyun's paintings have a blood gas, go home, I took a few pieces of their compositions, please advice what the old I recognized him at a glance, is Li Keran, he is very happy to say: "you don't light a person, I don't agree with you fully learn from me." At that time, the old house is large, there is a fifty or sixty meters of the studio, where the old patiently watching, and took out his own work to me, how old paintings are very hard, indeed, I did not understand, nor love. But he kind of overall situation, structure, composition and I looked at the very boldness of vision, to absorb to his painting, after some time I go to his home, just to catch up with the Hebei people's publishing house as he published a eight album, when there is little press as a personal album, he was very happy in the more than and 200 picture he kept inside, spread all over the room, we pick a little bit, a picture of the election, probably got before and after more than a week, and now this is a very ordinary of that time, even Li Keran, like He Haixia.



