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画家杨珺博士,湖南湘阴人,我国著名的水墨画家,学院艺术的代表性人物,地方 美术学院中国画学科学术带头人,新彩墨花卉画风开创者。现为地方 美术学院教授。

1997年—2001年本科毕业于地方 美术学院国画系,获学士学位。
2004年—2007年毕业于地方 美术学院,获硕士学位,
2007年—2010年毕业于地方 美术学院,获博士学位,
现为地方 美术学院中国画教师,中国美术家协会会员,地方 国家机关青联委员,深圳大学客座教授。
杨珺博士学术方面侧重中国画古代 水墨画创作和 20世纪中国美术古代 性研讨 ;掌管 文明 部国家文明 艺术类重点课题,《构成对20世纪水墨画言语 的古代 性推进》。水墨代表作品有《百年印象》组画,《大吉祥》花卉组画,《忘忧》组画,珺瓷系列,水墨肖像写生系列。出版个人专著有《中国艺术年鉴——杨珺卷》、《2012中国艺术家年鉴杨珺卷》、《杨珺水墨画集》等。

Introduction to the artist

Painter Dr. Yang , person of Hunan Hunan shade, our country's famous wash home, the representative character of academic art, china of central academy of fine arts draws course learning leader, flowers of new variety Chinese ink draws wind inaugurator. It is professor of central academy of fine arts now.

1997, undergraduate course was graduated from traditional Chinese painting of central academy of fine arts 2001 is, obtain bachelor's degree.
2001, taught 2004 at Guangxi art institute.
2004, was graduated from central academy of fine arts 2007, obtain master's degree,
Division is taught from Tian Liming, stay school teach.
2007, was graduated from central academy of fine arts 2010, obtain a doctor's degree,
Draw a teacher for China of central academy of fine arts now, chinese artist academician, committee member of green couplet of central state office, shenzhen college visiting professor.
Respect of learning of Dr. Yang emphasizes particularly on China paints contemporary wash creation and painting of 20 centuries China modernistic research; Chair art of culture of culture ministry country kind key task, " those who make languages of pair of 20 centuries wash is modernistic advance " . Water Chinese ink has on behalf of work " hundred years impression " group picture, " big lucky " flowers group picture, " forget worry " group picture, porcelain series, shui Moxiao resembles sketchy set. Publish a person monograph to have " Chinese artistic almanac -- Yang coils " , " Yang of almanac of 2012 China artist coils " , " Yang wash collect " etc.



