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2022-03-11 17:38:54




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生于北京,香港大学事业进修学院导师、香港水彩画研讨 会员和香港画家联合副会长,1963年任兵团俱乐部美术员,1974年中国美术学院连环画进修班学习,1980年到香港定居。沈平是1 个富于感情的艺术家,又是1 个全方位的书家,除水彩外,油画、板书、钢笔书、水墨书及平面设计等无所不能。他以中国毛笔书水彩,用色的同时强调用笔。1995年,他策划组织了十多次大型的水彩和油画展览,获得香港及中国美术界的尊重和推崇。他的作品多次入选全国美展,全国水彩粉画展。作品曾入选中国水彩画展,上海朱家角国际水彩画双年展和第四届北京国际双年展,并入中国美术馆、香港艺术馆和香港文明 博物馆收藏。

Introduction to the artist

Be born at Beijing, aquarelle of teacher of college of take a refresher course of facilities of Hong Kong university, Hong Kong studies member and Hong Kong painter combine vice-chairman, the member that held the post of corps club art 1963, class of attend in a advanced studies of comic of Chinese academy of fine arts learned 1974, settled to Hong Kong 1980. Shen Ping is one abounds emotive artist, it is an all-around book home, outside dividing watercolour, book of book of canvas, writing on blackboard, pen, water Chinese ink and planar design omnipotent. He with watercolour of Chinese brush book, coloring while emphasize using a pen. 1995, his plan organized large watercolour and canvas exhibition more than 10 times, obtain the esteem of Hong Kong and Chinese art group and praise highly. His work for many times beauty of selected whole nation is exhibited, art exhibition of countrywide watercolour pink. Work ever entered pitch on country watercolour art exhibition, aquarelle of international of horn of Shanghai Home Zhu double year exhibit and international of the 4th Beijing double year exhibit, merge into artistic house of Chinese art gallery, Hong Kong and museum of Hong Kong culture are collected.



