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姜宝林 - 理性精神和浪漫激情--简论姜宝林中

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山东平度人,1942年生于蓬莱。1967年毕业于浙江美术学院,由顾坤伯陆俨少陆维钊亲授。1981年毕业于地方 美术学院山水研讨 班,是李可染的研讨 生。中国艺术研讨 院博士生导师;中国国家画院院委、研讨 员;中国画学会创会常务理事;李可染艺术基金会艺委会委员;地方 文史馆书画院艺委会委员;浙江画院艺委会毕生 委员;国家1 级美术师,享用 国务院特殊津贴。历任地方 美术学院客座教授、清华大学美术学院博士生教学指点 教授、浙江画院院委、杭州画院院长。2004至2009年出任中国国家画院姜宝林艺术工作室导师。第十届、第十1 届全国美展中国画评委。
专山水、擅花卉大写,原创白描古代 山水。
曾在北京、台北、高雄、香港、波恩、巴黎、汉城、佛尔蒙特(美国)、杭州、济南、烟台、青岛等地举办个展。多次参加国内、国际严重 展览,荣获“1992蒙特卡洛古代 绘画世界大奖赛”大公政府奖;获1999年美国佛尔蒙特国际艺术创作中心富瑞曼基金会艺术创作1 等奖;获第九届全国美展银奖。
出版有:1989年《姜宝林水墨画集》(台湾)、1991年《姜宝林签名画册》(德国)、1991年《姜宝林》画册(法国)、1994年《姜宝林》画册(香港)、1996年《姜宝林艺术世界》(韩国)、2000年《当代中国画家丛书——姜宝林》(河北教育出版社)、2005年《姜宝林花卉大写》(河北教育出版社)、2006年《中国近古代 名家画集·姜宝林》(人民美术出版社)、2009年《中国美术家作品集·姜宝林》(人民美术出版社)、2010年《姜宝林走进千年香榧林》、《超以象外——姜宝林条幅专辑》、《姜宝林四大家四高僧作品赏析》(河北教育出版社)等个集和多种合集。

作品被北京人民大会堂、毛主席纪念堂、中国海勤政殿、国务院办公厅、中国美术馆、中国国家画院、地方 美术学院、中国美术学院、天津博物馆、江苏美术馆、汉城亚洲美术馆、香港博物馆等单位和个人收藏。


1979年考入地方 美院山水研讨 班,是李可染的研讨 生。

Introduction to the artist

Shandong averages degree of person, was born at a fabled abode of immortals 1942. Was graduated from Zhejiang academy of fine arts 1967, by Gu Kunbai, Liu Yan little, Liu Weizhao is awarded in person. Was graduated from landscape of central academy of fine arts to study a class 1981, it is the graduate student that Li Ke catchs. Adviser of doctoral student of Chinese artistic academy; Courtyard of Chinese country imperial art academy appoint, researcher; Traditional Chinese painting learns to achieve can standing director in; Li Ke catchs artistic foundation art appoint conference committee member; Courtyard of painting and calligraphy of central Rearch Institute of Culture and History art appoint conference committee member; Zhejiang imperial art academy art appoint meet a committee member all one's life; Country division of one class art, enjoy the State Council special allowance. Have successively held the posts of courtyard of imperial art academy of adviser of education of doctoral student of academy of fine arts of university of visiting professor of central academy of fine arts, Tsinghua, Zhejiang appoint, dean of Hangzhou imperial art academy. 2004 come to took up the post of Baolin of ginger of Chinese country imperial art academy 2009 artistic atelier adviser. The 10th, eleventh countrywide beauty exhibits China to draw a commissioner.
Only painting of flowers and plants in traditional Chinese style of landscape, arrogate to oneself is great, start line drawing in traditional ink and brush style formerly contemporary landscape.
Ceng Zaibei Beijing, Taipei, Kaohsiung, Hong Kong, Bonn, Paris, Seoul, Foermengte (the United States) , and other places of Hangzhou, Jinan, Yantai, Qingdao is held exhibit. Attend home, international for many times major exhibition, have the honor to win " large award of contemporary and painterly world surpasses 1992 Monte Carlo " award of big general government; Obtain American Buddha Er is unconscious 1999 special international art creates a center art of Fu Ruiman foundation produces first prize; Obtain beauty of the 9th whole nation to exhibit silver-colored award.
Publish have: 1989 " ginger treasure Lin Shuimo draws volume " (Taiwan) , 1991 " an album of paintings of autograph of ginger Bao Lin " (Germany) , 1991 " Jiang Baolin " an album of paintings (France) , 1994 " Jiang Baolin.

Work by hall of Beijing people congress, Chairman Mao memorial hall, China the unit such as museum of art gallery of Asia of art gallery of museum of the imperial art academy of country of art gallery of general office of hall of Hai Qin politics, the State Council, China, China, academy of fine arts central, China academy of fine arts, Tianjin, Jiangsu, Seoul, Hong Kong.



