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孙海晨,男,蒙古族,1949年生。国家1 级美术师,中国美术家协会会员,现居北京。任职弘正画院副院长,中国古代 绘画艺术研讨 院副院长。中国佛学书画院高级院士。北京元都画院院长。北京市道教协会艺术委员会委员,副秘书长。兼职内蒙古师范大学美术学院客座教授,内蒙古大学艺术学院客座教授。
孙海晨曾在内蒙古草原生活、工作三十余年,对蒙古马做过长时间 、大量的写生和研讨 。他笔下的蒙古马不沿袭 守旧,不因循 前人的旧路。他以深厚的生活体验为基础,依托学院坚实的写实技巧和深厚的笔墨功底,创作出独具个人思想和风格的蒙古马。画家笔下的蒙古马外型 扎实,结构严谨,笔墨传神,画风飘逸,格调高雅,意境深远。孙海晨对蒙古马创作这1 题材倾注了大量血汗 ,他笔下的蒙古马1 改前人画风,创作出有思想,有感情,与人更加亲近,眼神与心灵能与读者沟通的蒙古马。他以独到的学术成就开创了前无古人的1 代画风,他以人物肖像画的情势 为蒙古马造像,用传神的笔墨表现出蒙古马的不同性情 角色和岁月的沧桑,内涵丰富深远。那是画家和蒙古马心灵沟通后有感而发的传神之笔。孙海晨先生因对画马的独到学术见解和艺术成就而独树一帜 ,在中国画坛独树1 帜,并由此确立了他在画马这1 领域的领军地位,堪称独步。
孙海晨的作品已多次参加国内重要美术展览并获奖。国画《苏尼特牧马人》入选《第八届全国美术作品展览》,《漠上牧马人》入选1995年《全国第二届民族百花美术作品展览》获银牌奖,《漠上风》入选1997年由文明 部、中国艺术研讨 院、中国美术家协会、中国书法家协会共同主办的《世界华人书画展》,在中国美术馆展出,《蒙古马---草原之魂》获由中国美术家协会1999年4月主办的《庆祝澳门回归书画展》获银奖,《中华龙马》〈写意〉2000年特邀参加《中华魂─全国书画大展》,王光英先生为画作题词《中华龙马》,此画作为开幕式背景画展出,获组委会特别奖。1996年参展日本东京举办的《第三世界和我们JAALA》第十四回展等。刘大为先生前后 两次热情著文在《美术》和《中国书画报》向广大读者推荐:《孙海晨和他笔下的蒙古马》文载《美术》2001年第4期。《严谨而洗炼 、清新而飘逸--孙海晨和他笔下的蒙古马》文载2005年11月24日《中国书画报》第94期。专题访谈节目《中国国画家孙海晨》2009年9月17日地方 电视台10套《人物》栏目播出。
孙海晨的作品及简历近年来前后 入编2005年人民美术出版社编撰出版的《当代中国画优秀作品选》。2006年香港《世纪画坛》杂志,中国美术出版社出版。2006年出版个人画集《孙海晨写意骏马》,北京工艺美术出版社出版。2007年入编由中国画研讨 院编撰的《中国当代书画家翰墨精品集》,中国文联出版社出版。2008年入编中国书画收藏家协会编撰的《中国艺术名家》,文物出版社出版。2008年作品入编《中国书画博览》,并出版个人画集,《时代文学杂志社出版》。2009年作品入编《画艺》。中国画报出版社出版。2010年作品入编《新版传世名画》人物卷。大众文艺出版社出版。2011年1月出版个人画集《孙海晨写意骏马》,天津人民美术出版社出版。2012年3月,作品入编北京工艺美术出版社出版的庆祝 十1 届全国人大四次会议,全国政协十1 届四次会议四级精装《中国画名家作品集》。
孙海晨曾在内蒙古草原生活、工作三十余年,对蒙古马做过长时间 、大量的写生和研讨 。
画家笔下的蒙古马外型 严谨,意境深远,笔墨功底深厚,具有强烈的视觉冲击力和震动 力。那是画家和蒙古马心灵沟通后有感而发的传神之笔。孙海晨因对画马的独到见解和成就而独树一帜 ,在中国画坛独树1 帜。也因而 被内蒙古两所资深美术学院聘为客座教授。
孙海晨的作品已多次参加国内重要美术展览并获奖。《严谨而洗炼 、清新而飘逸__孙海晨和他笔下的蒙古马》文载2005年11月24日《中国书画报》第94期。

次要 代表作品
国画《漠上风》〈工笔〉入选1997年由文明 部、中国艺术研讨 院、中国美术家协会、中国书法家协会共同主办的《世界华人书画展》,在中国美术馆展出。
国画《神骏》〈写意〉入选2002年10月由国家人事部中国人才研讨 会、中国人才专业委员会主办的《当代中国画杰出人才作品展览》并入编《当代中国画杰出人才作品集》,同时获《当代中国画杰出人才奖》。
2005年,国画《苏尼特牧马人》,《伯乐相马图》被地方 党校收藏。
2007年,国画《八骏图》被地方 军委大楼收藏。

Introduction to the artist

Sun Haichen, male, the Monggol nationality, unripe 1949. Country division of one class art, chinese artist academician, reside Beijing now. Hold a post great assistant dean of imperial art academy, assistant dean of academy of art of Chinese contemporary brushwork. Courtyard of Chinese Buddhism painting and calligraphy is advanced academician. Beijing yuan dean of imperial art academy. Committee member of committee of art of Beijing Taoism association, deputy secretary-general. Visiting professor of academy of fine arts of Normal University of pluralistic Inner Mongolia, visiting professor of college of art of Inner Mongolia university.
Sun Haichen ever lived in Inner Mongolia prairie, work more than 30 years, had done long-term, many paint from life and research to Mongolia horse. The Mongolia horse of his the wording and purpose of what one writes not lockstep, not the old way of follow forefathers. He is a foundation with deep life experience, rely on an institute solid realistically skill and deep writing strength, creation goes out to have the Mongolia horse of case of individual thought zephyr alone. The Mongolia horse modelling of painter the wording and purpose of what one writes is solid, the construction is strict, writing lifelike, picture wind is elegant, style is decorous, artistic conception is far-reaching. Sun Haichen creates pour into of this one subject matter to Mongolia horse a large number of painstaking effort, the Mongolia horse of his the wording and purpose of what one writes changes forefathers to draw wind, creation goes out have an idea, sentient, more as close as the person, the Mongolia horse that the eyes and heart can communicate with the reader. He initiated the generation of unprecedented to draw wind with original scholarship, he is Mongolia horse statue with the form of character portraiture, the pen and ink that uses lifelike shows the vicissitudes of life of the different disposition part of Mongolia horse and years, connotation is rich and far-reaching. That is the pen that there is the lifelike that feel and sends after painter and Mongolia horse heart are communicated. The original learning view that Mr Sun Haichen paints a horse because of be opposite and art are accomplished and be unique in one's style, altar is drawn in China develop a school of one's own, and from this establish he is drawing a horse of this one domain get army position, can says alone pace.
Sun Haichen's work already entered country for many times important art is exhibited and bear the palm. Traditional Chinese painting " person of horse of herd of Su Ni spy " selected " work of art of the 8th whole nation is exhibited " , " person of horse of the herd on desert " selected 1995 " work of 100 beautiful art exhibits the 2nd nation of countrywide " win silver medal award, " desert is windward " selected by art of culture ministry, China association of artist of academy, China, Chinese calligrapher association sponsorred jointly 1997 " world Chinese painting and calligraphy is exhibited " , exhibit in Chinese art gallery, " Mongolia horse---The fetch of the prairie " obtain what sponsorred in April 1999 by Chinese artist association " art exhibition of book of congratulatory Macao regression " the award that obtain silver, " China dragon horse " < enjoyable > specially invite attended 2000 " painting and calligraphy of whole nation of China fetch ─ is exhibited greatly " , mr Wang Guangying makes epigraph for the picture " China dragon horse " , this picture goes out as art exhibition of opening ceremony setting, win an organizing committee special award. Joined those who exhibit Japanese Tokyo to hold 1996 " the third world and our JAALA " exhibit the 14th times etc. Mr Liu Dawei writes enthusiasticly twice early or late civil in " art " and " Chinese book pictorial " recommend to wide readership: " the Mongolia horse of Sun Haichen and his the wording and purpose of what one writes " Wen Zai " art " 2001 the 4th period. " rigorous and wash experienced, pure and fresh and elegant- - the Mongolia horse of Sun Haichen and his the wording and purpose of what one writes " Wen Zai on November 24, 2005 " Chinese painting and calligraphy signs up for " the 94th period. Program of special subject interview " Sun Haichen of home of Chinese traditional Chinese painting " on September 17, 2009 CCTV 10 " character " the column broadcasts.
Sun Haichen's work and resume are entered early or late in recent years make up people art publishing house was made up 2005 write those who publish " outstanding work picks the traditional Chinese painting in now " . 2006 Hong Kong " the century draws altar " magazine, chinese art publishing house is published. Published an individual to draw volume 2006 " courser of Sun Haichen freehand brushwork in traditional Chinese painting " , press of Beijing arts and crafts is published. Entered 2007 make up by China picture academy is made up write " collect of high-quality goods of brush and ink of home of Chinese contemporary painting and calligraphy " , press of Chinese article couplet is published. Into make up association of credential picture collector was made up 2008 write " Chinese artistic a person of academic or artistic distinction " , cultural relic press is published. Work was entered 2008 make up " Chinese painting and calligraphy reads extensively " , publish an individual to draw volume, " company of times literature magazine is published " . Work was entered 2009 make up " picture art " . Chinese pictorial press is published. Work was entered 2010 make up " name of new edition be handed down from ancient times is drawn " the character coils. Literary press publishs the masses. Published an individual to draw volume in January 2011 " courser of Sun Haichen freehand brushwork in traditional Chinese painting " , publishing house of Tianjin people art is published. In March 2012, work congratulates National People's Congress of 11 whole nations 4 times into what make up press of Beijing arts and crafts to publish the conference, countrywide the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference 11 4 second conferences 4 class clothbound " collect of work of Chinese picture a person of academic or artistic distinction " .
Sun Haichen ever lived in Inner Mongolia prairie, work more than 30 years, had done long-term, many paint from life and research to Mongolia horse.
He is a foundation with deep life experience, rely on solid realistically strength, creation goes out to have the Mongolia horse of case of individual thought zephyr alone.
The Mongolia horse model of painter the wording and purpose of what one writes is compact, artistic conception is far-reaching, writing strength is deep, have intense visual wallop and shock power. That is the pen that there is the lifelike that feel and sends after painter and Mongolia horse heart are communicated. Sun Haichen because to drawing original understanding of the horse and achievement be unique in one's style, altar is drawn in China develop a school of one's own. Also accordingly by Inner Mongolia two senior academy of fine artses are hired for the visiting professor.
Sun Haichen's work already entered country for many times important art is exhibited and bear the palm. " rigorous and wash experienced, pure and fresh and elegant the Mongolia horse of __ Sun Haichen and his the wording and purpose of what one writes " Wen Zai on November 24, 2005 " Chinese book pictorial " the 94th period.

Basically represent work
Traditional Chinese painting " person of horse of herd of Su Ni spy " > of < traditional Chinese realistic painting characterized by fine brushwork and close attention to detail is selected " work of art of the 8th whole nation is exhibited " , work is collected now at Inner Mongolia art gallery.
Traditional Chinese painting " person of horse of the herd on desert " < traditional Chinese realistic painting characterized by fine brushwork and close attention to detail > selected 1995 " work of 100 beautiful art exhibits the 2nd nation of countrywide " , win silver-colored award. Joined those who exhibit Japanese Tokyo to hold 1996 " the third world and our JAALA " exhibit the 14th times.
Traditional Chinese painting " divine fine horse " < enjoyable > selected by Macao east international picture can sponsor 1996 " Chinese wash seal cutting is exhibited " , exhibit in Taipei.
Traditional Chinese painting " desert is windward " < traditional Chinese realistic painting characterized by fine brushwork and close attention to detail > selected by art of culture ministry, China association of artist of academy, China, Chinese calligrapher association sponsorred jointly 1997 " world Chinese painting and calligraphy is exhibited " , exhibit in Chinese art gallery.
Traditional Chinese painting " Mongolia horse---win silver-colored award.
Traditional Chinese painting " Dai Yue goes " < traditional Chinese realistic painting characterized by fine brushwork and close attention to detail > selected sponsor by Chinese artist association " China draws 300 " art exhibition, win cupreous award.
Traditional Chinese painting " desert is windward " < traditional Chinese realistic painting characterized by fine brushwork and close attention to detail > selected in December 1999 " work of art of the 9th whole nation is exhibited " .
Traditional Chinese painting " China dragon horse " < enjoyable > specially invite attended 2000 " painting and calligraphy of whole nation of China fetch ─ is exhibited greatly " , mr Wang Guangying makes epigraph for the picture " China dragon horse " , this picture goes out as art exhibition of opening ceremony setting, win an organizing committee special award.
Traditional Chinese painting " divine fine horse " < freehand brushwork in traditional Chinese painting > selected by seminar of talent of China of ministry of national occurrences in human life, Chinese ability major committee sponsorred in October 2002 " work of phenom of the traditional Chinese painting in now is exhibited " merge into make up " contemporary China, obtain at the same time " award of phenom of the traditional Chinese painting in now " .
2005, traditional Chinese painting " person of horse of herd of Su Ni spy " , " Bai Lexiang horse pursues " be collected by central Party school.
2007, traditional Chinese painting " 8 fine horse pursue " be collected by building of central the Central Military Commission.



