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查寿兴(1938.12—)江苏人。擅长水彩画。1979年结业于上海教育学院艺术系。1957年后前后 在上海市普陀区光彩路第1 小学、延河中学、云岭中学担任专职美术教师,上海市中西美术进修学院教授。作品《家》入选首届全国水彩、粉画展览;《晨曦》入选第二届全国水彩、粉画展览;《周庄双桥》入选时代风采——全国写生画展。
查寿兴在50年代报考地方 美术学院通过了初试,复试没有通过。挫折没有使他知难而进 。不能进地方 美院,并没有堵死了进入艺术殿堂的大门。
勇气减轻了命运对他的打击。一名 老师对他说:“你去读师范,将来当美术老师,照样可以画画。”他接受了这位启蒙老师的指导 。读了1 年的速成师范,1957年被分配到上海市普陀区光彩路第1 小学,当上了一位 专职美术教师。暂时不能高攀,也不妨 低就。当小学教师,1 面教孩子们学画,1 面继续朝本身 的理想努力,也是1 种不错的选择。
查寿兴后来又担任延河中学、云岭中学的专职美术教师、上海市中西美术进修学院的教授。从教小先生 作画到教大先生 作画,又是1 个飞跃。他1 面教学,1 面坚持创作,两者互补。查寿兴是荣幸 的。他又遇到了高人的指导 。她就是上海市美术家协会理论研讨 室主任何振志何振志在1981年对查寿兴说过1 句话,使他至今刻骨铭心。何振志说:“你可以按照你本身 的想法去画,不必听别人说应当 怎样 画。每个人都可以这样,只需 你认为这样好,就行了。”这几句话,使查寿兴茅塞顿开、豁然开朗。本来 “在写生过程中可以加进本身 的想法,也能够 不必和对象如出一辙 ,更可以画所见、所知、所想”。从此他作水彩画,摆脱了被描绘对象束缚的困境,在创作上进入到1 个能够自在 发挥的艺术境地。他像海绵吸水那样汲取 各种画派的技法,因而 佳作日滋月益,作品屡屡入选全国水彩画展和全国写生画展。《家》、《晨曦》入选1986年、1992年全国水彩画展。《周庄双桥》1998年入选“时代风采——全国写生画展”。2001年9—11月应邀访问澳大利亚墨尔本莫那西大学美术设计学院,从事写生创作并举办个人画展。三年不飞,1 飞冲天,查寿兴实现了本身 的夙愿。
查寿兴的水彩画,融合了中西的各种画法,使他的创作有本身 的特色。特别值得留意 的是,他将法国印象派的技法融入到水彩画中,令人耳目1 新。1974年,查寿兴参观了1 个法国的印象派大师的画展,法国画家莫奈推翻了色彩王国内被确定的次序 ,帮助他找到了1 条水彩画的创新之路。印象派画家认为,1 切物体都是由于光的照耀 ,才现出了它的物体。离开了光和色彩,便没有这个世界。印象派画家强调1 刹那印象之重要。在1 切情势 要素中,他们更多地借重于光的变幻、颤动和色调的奥妙 关系。澳大利亚当代著名美术理论家奥班恩指出,法国的印象主义画派“打开了创造领域的大门”。我想借用奥班恩的话,查寿兴的水彩画盲目 地融化印象派的技法,化入有化出,同样帮助他“打开了创造领域的大门”。
作于1978年《杨湾秋熟》,既是1 幅水彩画,又是1 幅具有强烈的印象派色彩的作品。这幅作品作于画室以外 ,刻画了在阳光下,稻穗、树木、农舍、天空中的云彩,都披上了1 层灿烂的金黄色。稻穗在明媚的阳光的照耀 下,色彩鲜明强烈,因此 大大加强了秋熟的表现力。诚如作家左拉在小说《创作》中借柯罗特(以莫奈为模特儿写成)之口说过:“太阳、空气和光是我们绘画所寻求 的,我们描写的物体要和白昼阳光下见到的1 样。”《乍浦海边》则应用 了新的技法,画家把小船、天空和大海,都放到了明媚的阳光下,作品以海天作背景,天空在蓝色的主调两头 以黄色和淡红色,大海则以蓝色为主,六条灰黑色小船有序地排列海边,使全画的色彩极为和谐 。画家充分利用了透视的原理安排近景的船只和中景的海岸线,使得画面具有强烈的纵深感。虽然作品是天涯 小幅,却有海阔天空的艺术效果。《乍浦海边》在1982年参加北京天津上海水彩画联展引发 了人们的留意 ,就不是偶然的了。
查寿兴在1979年到上海教育学院艺术系进修,结业的是油画专业。因而 ,他在作水彩画时,常常盲目 地将油画的技法融入其间。他的许多水彩画作品,看上去酷似油画。《有糕点的静物》、《酒具与水果》、《菖兰与夹竹桃》等作品,笔触之细腻、色彩之厚重,又疑似油画。《有糕点的静物》明暗分明,色彩层次、对比鲜明,是1 幅很有特色的作品。他的油画《俄罗斯风光》、《金色的夜》、《红叶谷》、《威尼斯》等作品,也有水彩画的余韵。但是,要将水彩画与油画的技法结合起来,难度不小,由于 油画的用色是固定的,而水彩画的色彩 则是流淌的。查寿兴费了许多功夫,才使两者和而不同,终究 在水彩画的领域内独树一帜 。

Introduction to the artist

Cha Shouxing (1938.12, ) Jiangsu person. Be good at aquarelle. Complete a course taught academic art to fasten at Shanghai 1979. Shanghai is in early or late after 1957 road of glorious of general Tuo area learns to hold the position of full-time art teacher in the first elementary school, middle school that delay a river, Yun Ling, institute of attend in a advanced studies of art of Shanghai Chinese and Western is taught. Work " " selected watercolour of first whole nation, pink draws an exhibition; " first sun rays in the morning " selected watercolour of the 2nd whole nation, pink draws an exhibition; " week Zhuang Shuangqiao " selected times elegant demeanour -- countrywide drawing from nature is exhibited.
Cha Shouxing enters oneself for an examination in 50 time the academy of fine arts central passed preliminary examination, the second-round exam was not passed. The setback did not make his shrink back from difficulties. Cannot enter central beautiful courtyard, did not block the gate that enters artistic hall up dead.
Courage reduced a destiny to be hit to his. A teacher says to him: "You go reading normal school, become art teacher in the future, can draw all the same. " he accepted this illuminative teacher give directions. Read crash normal school of a year, was allocated 1957 road of glorious of area of Shanghai general Tuo the first elementary school, became teacher of art of a full-time. Temporary cannot make friends with a man of higher position, also just as well is low. When elementary school teacher, teach children to learn a picture at the same time, continue to try hard toward oneself ideal at the same time, also be a kind of right choice.
The professor of institute of attend in a advanced studies of art of Chinese and Western of the full-time art teacher that Cha Shouxing holds the position of the middle school that delay a river, cloud mountain middle school again later, Shanghai. From teach pupil to make a picture arrive teach an undergraduate to make a picture, it is a leap. Education of his one side, insist to create at the same time, both and complementary. Cha Shouxing is lucky. He encountered tall person again give directions. She is He Zhenzhi of director of lab of theory of Shanghai artist association. He Zhenzhi had said a word to Cha Shouxing 1981, make he remembers to the end of his life up to now. He Zhenzhi says: "You can be drawn according to yourself's idea, need not listen to others to say how to should be drawn. Everybody is OK such, it is so good to want you to think only, went. " these a few words, make check birthday to start suddenly see the light, suddenly see the light. So " the think of a way that can be added into oneself in sketchy process, also need not need and object exactly like, can draw place to see more, be known, be thought " . From now on he makes aquarelle, cast off be depicted the predicament that the object manacles, an artistic condition that can develop freely is entered on creation. He is bibulous like sponge the ability law that absorbs all sorts of drawing styles in that way, then increase of month of grow of day of an excellent work, work time and again art exhibition of watercolour of selected whole nation and countrywide sketchy art exhibition. " " , " first sun rays in the morning " selected 1986, countrywide aquarelle was exhibited 1992. " week Zhuang Shuangqiao " selected 1998 " times elegant demeanour -- countrywide drawing from nature is exhibited " . 2001 9, will visit Australian Melbourne on invitation in November Monaxi institute of university artistic design, be engaged in sketchy creation and hold individual art exhibition. Do not fly 3 years, fly towering, cha Shouxing realized his long-cherished wish.
Examine Shou Xing's watercolour painting, shirt-sleeve all sorts of brushwork of Chinese and Western, make his creation has his distinguishing feature. Particularly notable is, he blends in the ability law of French impressionist school aquarelle in, your person finds everything new and fresh. 1974, cha Shouxing visited the art exhibition of the impressionistic Great Master of a France, french painter Mo Nai cancelled the order that is decided inside colour kingdom, helped him find the way of the innovation of an aquarelle. Impressionistic painter thinks, all objects are the illuminate as a result of light, just revealed its object. Left light and colour, do not have this world. What impressionistic painter underlines one instant impression is important. In all formal element, the irregular change that they lend overweight morely light, vibratile with tonal delicate concern. Australia is contemporary and famous Aobanen points out art egghead, impressionistic picture of France is sent " the entrance door that opened creation field " . I want to use Aobanen's word, cha Shouxing's aquarelle melts self-consciously impressionistic ability law, dissolve has change piece, help him likewise " the entrance door that opened creation field " .
Make 1978 " Yang Wan autumn is ripe " , since an aquarelle, it is one has intense impressionistic colorific work. This work is made at atelier besides, depict fall in sunshine, cloud of aerial of spike of rice, arboreous, farmhouse, day, draped a bright golden yellow. Spike of rice falls in the illuminate of beautiful sunshine, flaming intense, strengthened greatly consequently autumn familiar expressional force. Sincere if writer Zun La is in novel " creation " in borrow Keluote (write into for model with Mo Nai) the mouth has said: "We draw the sun, air and light place is gone after, what the object of our depict wants and see below daytime sunshine is same. " " suddenly by the side of Pu Hai " used new ability law, the painter mixes boat, sky the sea, put beautiful sunshine, work makes background with sea day, the sky is in of blue advocate mix with yellow among tone damask, the sea is given priority to with blue, boat of 6 grey black arranges a seaside in order, the colour that makes be drawn completely very concordant. The painter made full use of the coasting of the ship of clairvoyant principle arrangement close shot and medium shot, make the picture has intense depth to feel. Although work is small to very close, have the artistic effect of unrestrained and far -ranging however. " suddenly by the side of Pu Hai " aquarelle couplet of Beijing Tianjin Shanghai attended to exhibit the attention that caused people 1982, not be accidental.
Cha Shouxing taught academic art to tie take a refresher course to Shanghai 1979, of complete a course is canvas major. Accordingly, when he is making aquarelle, often blend in the ability law of canvas self-consciously meantime. A lot of his aquarelle work, look be exactly like canvas. " the still life that has cake " , " wine is provided with the fruit " , " Chang orchid and oleander " wait for work, the massiness of the exquisite, colour of brush stroke in Chinese painting and calligraphy, doubt is like canvas. " the still life that has cake " light and shade is trenchant, colour administrative levels, contrast is bright, be very distinctive work. His canvas " Russia scene " , " aureate night " , " cereal of red autumnal leaves " , " Venice " wait for work, also have the Yu Yun of aquarelle. But, want to rise the ability law union of aquarelle and canvas, difficulty is not little, because the coloring of canvas is fixed, and the color of aquarelle is to flow those who drip. Cha Shouxing expended a lot of kongfu, just make both mix and differ, it is eventually inside the domain of aquarelle be unique in one's style.



