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曙光 - 金银币调整中迎来黎明曙光

2022-03-11 17:39:29




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2015年1月中山《南北水韵—首届纸上艺术水彩作品约请 展》入选。
2015年8月济南齐鲁美术馆《景象 ·理想 ——中国水彩名家作品展》入选两幅作品。
2014年作品《故乡的小路》获内蒙古第二届写生展1 等奖。
2014年作品《勿布林旱季 》入选台北举办的《5 洲华阳台湾水彩展》。
2014年12月《中韩国际文明 (美术·摄影)作品展获银奖。
2012年作品《高原风》获喜迎十八大及庆祝内蒙古自治区成立65周年获1 等奖。
2011年水彩作品《三月的呼热图》获庆祝建党90周年内蒙古美术作品展》获1 等奖,并代表内蒙古美术作品选送到全国庆祝建党90周年美术作品展。
2009年水彩作品《静静的胡热图》入选第十1 届全国美术作品展览
2009年水彩作品《静静的胡热图》获庆祝中华人民共和国成立60周年内蒙古美术作品展1 等奖
2009年获首届我爱水彩网络画展1 等奖
2009年水彩作品《我的阳光画室》获内蒙古第二届写生展1 等奖
2002年作品《秋实》《干花静物》《画室系列之1 》入选在内蒙古首届水粉写生展;其中《画室系列之1 》获铜奖。
2014年出版专著《水彩画技法原理与创作研讨 》。
作品《画室系列之1 》、《休闲的空间》发表于《中国水彩》第28期
除此以外 在全国各大期刊发表多篇论文。

Introduction to the artist

Dawn (Ever used a Zhang Shuguang) , male, chinese artist academician, dean of academy of fine arts of university of Inner Mongolia nation, associate professor. Was graduated from art of academy of fine arts of Inner Mongolia Normal University to teach major 1997, was graduated from major of watercolour of academy of fine arts of Inner Mongolia Normal University 2010, obtain master's degree. In August 2014 complete a course at " a person of academic or artistic distinction of first Xi'an watercolour grinds high class " .
Ginseng exhibit reach bear the palm:
2015 In January Zhongshan " charm of water of north and south, artistic watercolour work invites on first paper exhibit " selected.
2015 Attended in April " the 2nd Home Ma Zhongming communicates art exhibition " .
2015 Attended in August " Gong Touqing island, 2015 in Home Ma Ming communicates art exhibition "
2015 Jinan is neat in August house of Lu Mei art " phenomenal · reality -- work of Chinese watercolour a person of academic or artistic distinction is exhibited " selected two work.
2014 Work " the alley of birthplace " obtain the 2nd paint from life of Inner Mongolia to exhibit first prize.
2014 Work " not cloth forest monsoon " selected Taipei holds " 5 continent Taiwan watercolour exhibits Hua Yang " .
2014 In December " culture of Sino-South Korean international (art · photographs) work exhibits the award that obtain silver.
2012 Work " downy wind " obtain happy event greet 18 reach congratulatory Nei Monggol Autonomous Region to hold water 65 years to win first prize greatly.
2011 Watercolour work " March breathe out hot graph " obtain congratulatory found a party 90 years work of Inner Mongolia art is exhibited " win first prize, choose on behalf of work of Inner Mongolia art send complete National Day to wish found a party art work is exhibited 90 years.
2010 Watercolour work " Abuha's morning " obtain 2010 " nation 100 beautiful award " work of countrywide minority art exhibits outstanding award
2009 Watercolour work " silent Huretu " selected eleventh exhibition of countrywide art work
2009 Watercolour work " silent Huretu " obtain congratulatory People's Republic of China to establish work of Inner Mongolia art 60 years to exhibit first prize
2009 Win first prize of art exhibition of network of watercolour of first my love
2009 Watercolour work " my sunshine atelier " obtain the 2nd paint from life of Inner Mongolia to exhibit first prize
2008 Watercolour work " person and bird " obtain Inner Mongolia reforming and opening 30 years art work exhibits outstanding award
2008 Canvas work " small Angeer " obtain first small oil exhibition of paintings of Inner Mongolia outstanding award
2005 Watercolour work " I and my work " obtain first watercolour of Inner Mongolia to exhibit silver-colored award.
2003 Watercolour work " still life " communication of work of art of selected Sino-South Korean is exhibited.
2002 Work " Qiu Shi " " Gan Huajing content " " one of atelier series " selected in Inner Mongolia paint from life of first soaked noodles made from beans or sweet potatoes is exhibited; Among them " one of atelier series " the award that obtain copper.
2001 Watercolour work " Abuha's morning " found a party of selected the Communist Party of China outstanding work exhibits art of 80 years of Inner Mongolia, photography, calligraphy
1999 Watercolour work " annual ring " selected Inner Mongolia establishs Daqing art work 50 years to exhibit.
1997 Watercolour work " rubiginous color " in Inner Mongolia Normal University graduate work exhibits the academy of fine arts to exhibit and be collected
1996 Watercolour work " still life " work of art of 100 beautiful award exhibits minority of selected whole nation.
Work publishs etc:
2014 Publication monograph " principle of aquarelle ability law and creation study " .
2008 Work " watercolour still life 1 " publish at " artistic comment " the 12nd period
2006 Publication an album of paintings " collect of paint from life of head portrait of character of soaked noodles made from beans or sweet potatoes " with " collect of character literary sketch "
1997 Work " tower dam village " publish at " Inner Mongolia is taught "
1997 Work " snow " publish at " Inner Mongolia pictorial "
Work " mother " publish at " art of Chinese painting and calligraphy reads extensively " (roll 2)
Work " still life of soaked noodles made from beans or sweet potatoes " (2) publish at " collect of Chinese sketchy work "
Work " one of atelier series " , " recreational space " publish at " Chinese watercolour " the 28th period
Be in besides the whole nation each are big periodical publishs many paper.



