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杨明臣 - 李铎杨明臣就军队书法的有关情况答

2022-03-11 17:40:18




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 杨明臣,1955年生,河南安阳人 ,空军大校,空军政治部文艺创作室书法组组长,中国书法家协会理事,楷书专业委员会副主任,解放军美术书法研讨 院艺委会委员,清华大学美术学院特聘教授,慕鸿书法研讨 社社长。

作品曾入选全国第八届书法展、第二届中国美术馆当代名家提名展、全国第5 届楹联书法展、第二届中国书法兰亭奖。获纪念邓小平诞辰100周年全国书法展二等奖、全国第四届正书大展提名奖、“高恒杯”全国书法大赛二等奖、“盛世国风”第二届书法年展金奖、北京电视书法大赛正书组金奖。在地方 电视台作小楷专题讲座。作品被中国国家博物馆、军事博物馆、民族文明 宫、中南海、军委办公大楼等收藏。分别在《光明日报》、《解放军报》、《中国书法》、《中国书画报》、《书法报》、《书法导报》等数十种报刊发表作品或专题介绍。

出版有《杨明臣书法作品集》、《中国书法名家研讨 。杨明臣卷》、《杨明臣小楷作品集》、《杨明臣书画小品》、《中国书画名家---杨明臣卷 》、《新中国美术馆当代名家系列作品集。书法卷。杨明臣》。


 2001年与孟繁锦先生等人在军事博物馆举办“空军八人书法展”、2002年与张富华先生在鄂州艺术节举办作品联展,2003年在民族文明 宫举办空军10人书法展,多次参加国家有关部委和社会团体组织的公益性书画捐赠活动,出版有硬笔书法集《古文集萃》(蓝天出版社)、毛笔小楷册页《洛神赋》、《杨明臣书法作品集》、《中国书法名家研讨 .杨明臣书法集》,《杨明臣小楷.华章萃钞》。

近年来,书法作品获奖入展情况: 2001年获“二十1 世纪首届中国书画艺术精品展”金奖;2002年获纪念港澳回归祖第5 届“回归杯”金奖;获《当代中国书画中名家经典》金奖;获纪念中日邦交正常化30周年书画大展中青组金奖;获全国书画院作品联展优秀奖;获建军75周年书画大展三等奖;2003年获中国文明 部“情系西部国际书画摄影大展”特别荣誉奖;获“锦绣河山--当代中国书画名家约请 赛”金奖;首届“环球翰墨杯”书画艺术大展成年组金奖;入展全国第八届书法篆刻展;入展《中国书画报》“盛世国风”书画大赛;2004年获纪念邓小平诞辰100周年全国书法大展二等奖;获《人民日报》社举办的纪念邓上平诞辰100周年全国书画大赛优秀奖;获国家林业部主办的“关注森林”全车书画大赛银奖;获中国书画报举办的“盛世国风”第二届年展金奖;获“林散之大奖”全国书法大赛佳作奖;入展全国第5 届楹联展;入展“羲之杯”全国书法大赛;入展《书法导报》2004年展;入展中日书法约请 展;入展京津沪渝四直辖市书法约请 展;入展“民族团结进步杯”全国书法约请 展。



 界内同道大概都清楚,分量 级的军旅书家里头,杨明臣君算是1 号。明臣写字,不断 遵守 “二王”1 路,擅长 楷书及行草,而给人们印象尤深者,乃是他的小楷写的棒。

我跟明臣交情不赖。明臣人朴实,居京多年而河南乡音未改,办事干练,不愧军人出身。我长他十多岁,他也5 十开外了。他的夫人夏巧云女士,去年作为访问学者上了我的工作室办的班,端正娴静,人貌好的不得了,我习以“小夏”呼之,班里年轻的同学则亲切地称她“夏大姐”,字书更是专心致志,用功甚勤,1 年上去 ,上进 特快。由于 又有了这么1 层关系,我们两家走动也就越发 多了起来。

明臣痴迷于出道,历有年所。他的学书之旅艰苦而漫长。他有明确的艺术寻求 ,1 路上去 他的表现很是沉稳,很有定力,不慌不忙,坚持不懈,1 步1 个脚印,积之日久,乃克其功。这就是跟某些急功迫利,·三暮风弄巧热中于躁进之辈,构成 很大的反差。

古时候“二王”贴1 路大家,多是楷书及行草兼擅,楷书根底非常过硬,而且普通 都是小字比大字好。古人收藏名家墨迹,同1 书家的楷书特别是小楷精品,价值要远远高于行书和草书。唐张怀催《书估》曾以王羲之为例,“如大王草书字直1 百,5 十字乃敌1 行行书,三行行出敌1 行真正(楷书)。”又云:“至如《乐毅》、《黄庭》、《大师·》、《画·》、《累表》、《告誓》等,但得成篇,即为国宝,不可计以字数,或千或万,惟鉴别之精粗也。”其中《乐毅》、《黄庭》请贴皆为大王小楷巨迹,可知唐时已价值连成。小楷何以尤贵?难度大而不易耳。


Introduction in English

 Yang Mingchen, born in 1955 in Anyang, Henan Province, is a member of the calligraphy group of the literature and art creation Office of the Political Department of the air force, director of the Chinese Calligrapher Association, deputy director of the regular script professional committee, member of the Art Committee of the Academy of fine arts and calligraphy of the PLA, distinguished professor of the Academy of fine arts of Tsinghua University, and President of the Muhong Calligraphy Research Society.


His works have been selected into the 8th national calligraphy exhibition, the 2nd Nomination Exhibition of contemporary famous artists of China Art Museum, the 5th National couplet calligraphy exhibition and the 2nd Chinese calligraphy Lanting award. He won the second prize of the national calligraphy exhibition commemorating the 100th anniversary of Deng Xiaoping's birth, the nomination prize of the fourth national calligraphy exhibition, the second prize of the national calligraphy competition of gaoheng cup, the gold prize of the second calligraphy annual exhibition of the prosperous age and the gold prize of the calligraphy group of the Beijing TV calligraphy competition. Give a special lecture on Xiaokai in CCTV. The works are collected by the National Museum of China, military museum, national culture palace, Zhongnanhai, military commission office building, etc. He has published works or special introductions in dozens of newspapers and magazines, including Guangming Daily, PLA Daily, Chinese calligraphy, Chinese calligraphy pictorial, calligraphy daily and calligraphy guide.


He has published the collection of yangmingchen's calligraphy works and the research of famous Chinese calligraphers. Yangmingchen volume, yangmingchen Xiaokai works collection, yangmingchen calligraphy and painting pieces, yangmingchen volume, a famous Chinese calligrapher and painter, and a series of works of contemporary famous artists of new China Art Museum. Calligraphy volume. Yang Mingchen.


In 2001, he and Mr. Meng Fanjin held the "eight people calligraphy exhibition of the air force" in the Military Museum, in 2002, he and Mr. Zhang Fuhua held the joint exhibition of works in Ezhou Art Festival, in 2003, he held the 10 people calligraphy exhibition of the air force in the National Cultural Palace, participated in many public welfare calligraphy and painting donation activities organized by the relevant ministries and commissions and social organizations of the state, and published the collection of ancient Chinese calligraphy (Blue Sky Press) ), calligraphy works collection of Yang Mingchen, calligraphy collection of Yang Mingchen, calligraphy collection of Yang Mingchen, research on famous Chinese calligraphers, and collection of Yang Mingchen's Xiaokai, Huazhang and notes.


In recent years, the calligraphy works won the gold medal of "the first fine art exhibition of Chinese calligraphy and painting in the 21st century" in 2001; the fifth "return Cup" in commemoration of the return of Hong Kong and Macao in 2002; the gold medal of "classic of contemporary Chinese calligraphy and painting masters"; the gold medal of Zhongqing group in the calligraphy and painting exhibition commemorating the 30th anniversary of the normalization of China Japan diplomatic relations; the outstanding award of the joint exhibition of works of the National Academy of calligraphy and painting; and The third prize of the 75th anniversary of the founding of the army; the special honorary award of "love western international calligraphy and painting photography exhibition" of the Ministry of culture of China in 2003; the gold prize of "splendid rivers and mountains -- Invitation Competition of contemporary Chinese calligraphy and painting masters"; the gold prize of the adult group of the first "global calligraphy and painting Cup" calligraphy and painting art exhibition; the Eighth National Calligraphy and seal cutting exhibition; the "flourishing national style" calligraphy and painting competition of "Chinese calligraphy and painting newspaper" In 2004, he won the second prize of the national calligraphy exhibition commemorating Deng Xiaoping's 100th birthday, the excellent prize of the national calligraphy and painting competition commemorating Deng Shangping's 100th birthday, the silver prize of the whole car calligraphy and painting competition "focusing on the forest" sponsored by the Ministry of forestry, the gold prize of the second annual exhibition of "prosperous world and national style" held by the Chinese calligraphy and painting newspaper, and the national calligraphy competition of "Lin Sanzhi prize" Excellent work Award; exhibition of the fifth national couplet exhibition; exhibition of "Xizhi Cup" national calligraphy competition; exhibition of "calligraphy guide" 2004; exhibition of invitation of Chinese and Japanese calligraphy; exhibition of invitation of calligraphy of four municipalities directly under the central government of Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai and Chongqing; exhibition of invitation of national calligraphy of "national unity and progress Cup".



