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徐静蕾1974年4月出生于北京三里屯附近的1 个居民区,父亲徐子健和母亲于淑荣都是普通工人。徐静蕾上面 还有1 个弟弟。
求学时期因书法特长 ,被保送进北京朝阳区的1 间中学。小时候并没有光环和自信,演员或者导演还都不在她的词典当中,她只是1 个又瘦又黑的小女孩,小时不喜欢写字,却被父亲“逼着”在市少年宫书法班学习,每日里练习书法,在父亲严厉 的教育下背诵唐诗。
徐静蕾上学后,父亲徐子健就从工厂辞职,本身 开了1 个做霓虹灯的工厂。工厂开起来当前 ,接来很多制造 霓虹灯箱的业务。受当时技术条件限制,灯箱上的字都要靠人来写。可是找书法家费用又太高,为节约成本,父亲徐子健决定让本身 的女儿来写。
后来徐静蕾看人家画画,本身 也喜欢上了画画。17岁的她骑着自行车穿梭于偌大的北京城中,走很远的路去学画,1 年的时间,她二心 要考中戏的舞美系和工艺美院,却名落孙山。当年报考地方 戏剧学院舞美系化妆专业,但没有录取。以后 考上北京电影学院表演系。
1999年徐静蕾以位居第二的选票,当选为北京大先生 评选的最受欢迎的时代女星,与当选第一位 的徐帆仅差了100票,成为美国运动品牌CONVERSE(匡威)在中国区的品牌代言人。
2002年主演古代 都市题材电影《开往春天的地铁》。2003年凭借电影《我爱你》获得了华表奖最好 新人奖、优秀新人女演员奖。凭《开往春天的地铁》获第26届大众电影百花奖最好 女配角 。凭《我的美丽乡愁》获得第23届中国电影金鸡奖最好 女配角。
2004年自编、自导、自演的电影《我和爸爸》获得第四届华语电影大奖最好 编剧、最好 新导演提名、内地最受欢迎女演员奖、金鸡奖最好 处女作奖。9月由徐静蕾自编、自导、自演的电影《1 个陌生女人的来信》获得第52届西班牙圣塞巴斯蒂安电影节最好 导演奖。
2005年6月,美国《时代周刊》在其名为《中国新革命》1 文中,将徐静蕾作为中国独一 一名 导演及演员入选,并称其为“中国电影界有革命性的代表人物”。2006年6月徐静蕾导演电影《梦想照进理想 》。
2007年4月16日独立投资创办北京鲜花盛开网络科技无限 公司,同时出版互动电子杂志《开啦》。4月27日,方正电子携手徐静蕾发布了其个人书法计算机字库产品,这款被命名为“方正静蕾简体”被方正方面称为中国第1 款真正意义上的个人书法计算机字库产品,声称 标志着“计算机字库”将进入个性化时代。
2009年创刊《开啦职场》系列杂志。2010年7月20日自导自演的第四部影片《杜拉拉升职记》在中国大陆票房突破1 亿,成为大陆首个票房破亿的女导演。


2006年徐静蕾在新浪上的博客仅仅开通112天,点击量就突破了1000万大关。徐静蕾因而 而被称为2006年“中国博客第1 人”。5月4日徐静蕾的博客登上了博客搜索引擎Technorati的排行榜首,成为第1 个登上该搜索引擎榜首地位 的中文博客。12月23日徐静蕾博客首页左下角的数字显示,其点击量已 超过了6800万。
2011年4月27日开通腾讯微博。4月27日19点22分,徐静蕾腾讯微博的听众数已 逼近12万。6月底,徐静蕾腾讯微博听众数超过千万。
2010年,徐静蕾自导自演电影《杜拉拉升职记》,并找来黄立行与其搭档。当时徐静蕾刚好碰上感情空白期,有传闻称当时徐静蕾与男友黄觉在交往了四年以后 ,已 到了谈婚论嫁的阶段时,却传来黄觉另结新欢。表情 失落的徐静蕾在拍摄时碰到黄立行,两人在片中爱得火热,戏外也被传戏假情真,爱火慢慢地燃烧。1 年后两人再度合作《亲密敌人》,此后两人恋爱的迹象愈来愈 明显。
2014年8月,徐静蕾说:“5 年没红过脸更没吵过架,也算是不得了了吧。对的人,就是让你变得更好的人”。对于婚姻,她没有感受到来自黄立行本人的压力。暂时不想结婚、生孩子。


2011第5届真维斯文娱 大典年度最具影响力电影女演员(获奖)
2010第6届中美电影节最好 导演奖杜拉拉升职记(获奖)
2010第3届公众抽象 满意度调查颁奖(华鼎奖)年度中国影视最好 表现女导演称号(获奖)
2007第14届北京大先生 电影节并获最受欢迎导演奖1 个陌生女人的来信(获奖)
2005sohu2004年度十大旧事 评选之“当红不让特别奖”(获奖)
2005影响2004时尚盛典之影响2004中国文娱 风云人物(获奖)
2004第52届圣塞巴斯蒂安国际电影节最好 导演奖(银贝壳奖)1 个陌生女人的来信(获奖)
2004第04届华语电影传媒大奖最好 编剧、最好 新导演、内地最受欢迎女演员银奖我和爸爸(获奖)
2003第26届大众电影百花奖最好 女配角 奖开往春天的地铁(获奖)
2003第23届中国电影金鸡奖最好 导演处女作奖我和爸爸(获奖)
2003第23届中国电影金鸡奖最好 女配角奖我的美丽乡愁(获奖)
2003第09届中国电影华表奖最好 新人奖我爱你(获奖)
2002第9届北京大先生 电影节最受大先生 欢迎的女演员开往春天的地铁(获奖)
2002第1届北京大先生 女生节抽象 大使(获奖)
2002申江服务导报杯电影观众奖的评选活动中,荣获“最好 国产片女演员奖”(获奖)
2002《成都日报》读者和《激动网》网友评选为“最好 公众抽象 女明星”(获奖)
2001第1届中国大先生 电视节最受欢迎的女演员(获奖)
2001中国儿童青年基金会安康计划西部行抽象 大使(获奖)
2000e龙-CCTV奥运网站抽象 特使(获奖)
1998第3届大先生 最受欢迎的当代女星(获奖)


外形漂亮,除了会拍电影。写博客外,还可以写出1 手好的钢笔字,是1 个多才多艺的才女。她所写的字体被称为“方正静蕾简体”。这是1 款影视明星徐静蕾的手写体,字体骨骼清秀、遒劲无力 ,清冽而又优雅、从容,令人赏心顺眼 。字如其人,心素如简,人淡如菊,清新怡人。(北方网、第七届电影表演艺术学会评价)
徐静蕾自成名以来,抽象 清丽、清淡如菊,芳雅似兰,是许多人心目中的偶像。对比当年她被地方 戏剧学院舞美系化妆专业拒之门外来说,没成想出来的时候遇上1 导演,错把冯京当马凉,这样鬼使神差 给影视圈培养 出个人物来。(网易文娱 评价)她是“让人感觉很舒服”的“98年十大惊艳”之1 。(新浪网评价)
徐静蕾已不再是当年入学时懵懵懂懂的先生 ,而是集众多奖项和荣誉于1 身的女演员和青年女导演。开始被大众称为“老徐”,也是由于 她在博客上的名字,成为史上最快具有 千万粉丝的微博名人。(腾讯教育评价)

English Introduction

Xu Jinglei was born in Beijing in April 1974 near a residential area in Sanlitun, father Xu Zijian and his mother, both ordinary workers are the workers of the city of. Xu Jinglei also has a brother under.
The study period for calligraphy expertise, is a middle school in Beijing Chaoyang District walks into. When I was young and has no aura and self-confidence, actor or director was not in her dictionary, she is just a thin dark little girl, love is not office hours, father "force" in the city's children's learning calligraphy class, every day practicing calligraphy, in his father's strict education under. Tang.
Xu Jinglei after school, his father Xu Zijian resigned from the factory, he opened a neon factory. After the factory opened up to a lot of production neon lamp box business. Restricted by the technical conditions at that time, the words on the light box must rely on people to write. But looking for calligrapher cost is too high, in order to save costs, father Xu Zijian decided to let his daughter to write.
Later Xu Jinglei see others painting, he also likes painting. She is 17 years old, riding bicycles in the big city of Beijing, go a long way to study painting, a year's time, wasgraduated and arttechnology she bent to test in a play, but failed. When applying for the Central Academy of Drama wasgraduated professional makeup, but no admission. After the Beijing Film Academy performance department.
In 1999 Xu Jinglei was second votes, was elected to the Beijing college students' selection of the most popular era actress, and was elected the first name of Xu Fan only 100 votes, becoming American sports brand CONVERSE (CONVERSE) in the Chinese district brand spokesmen.
2000 won the Seventh National Academy of film awards. She and Pu Cunxin tied for the title of DeYiShuangXin artists.
2002 starring modern urban theme film "bound for the spring subway". 2003 with the movie "I love you" won awards Best Newcomer Award, best new actress award. With "spring subway" won the twenty-sixth Hundred Flowers Award for best actress. Was the twenty-third Chinese Golden Rooster Award for best supporting actress with "my beautiful nostalgia".
2004 wrote, directed and starred in the film "I and father" was the fourth Chinese Film Award for best screenplay, best new director, the mainland's most popular actress award, the Golden Rooster Award for best debut award. By September Xu Jinglei wrote, directed and starred in the film "letter from an unknown woman" was the fifty-second best director of the Spanish San Sebastian Film Festival award.
In June 2005, the United States "Time" in its name as "China new revolution" in an article, Xu Jinglei as a director and actor Chinese only selected, and called it "China representative revolutionary cinema". June 2006 directed by Xu Jinglei film dream into reality.
April 16, 2007 independent investment founded Beijing flower Network Technology Co., Ltd., while publishing interactive electronic magazine "open". In April 27th, the founder Xu Jinglei released its personal computer calligraphy font products, this is named "founder Lei simplified static" is known as the founder of calligraphy personal computer font products Chinese first true sense, that marks the "computer font" will enter the era of personalized.
The journal opened in May 12, 2008 to open "street".
Founded in 2009, "open" series of workplace magazine. The fourth film directed by Du Lala in July 20, 2010 "promotion" in China, exceeded one hundred million at the box office, and became the first female director at the box office breaking 100 million.
Directed and starred in the movie "intimate enemy" in December 23, 2011. November 2012 as the fourth season China's Got Talent observer.

2006 Xu Jinglei in Sina blog just opened 112 days, click on the break through the 10 million mark. Xu Jinglei is therefore known as the 2006 Chinese blog first person". May 4th Xu Jinglei's blog boarded the blog search engine Technorati topped the list, becoming the first to board the search engine on the top of the Chinese blog. December 23rd Xu Jinglei blog home bottom left corner of the figures show that its hits have exceeded 68 million.
April 27, 2011 opened Tencent micro-blog. April 27th 19:22, Xu Jinglei Tencent micro-blog audience has approached 120 thousand. At the end of June, Xu Jinglei Tencent micro-blog more than ten million listeners.
Xu Jinglei after his debut had been rumored with Huang Jue and the scandal, but the parties are not positive recognition of the incident, but also the right to admit the incident, but not the right to admit the incident, but not the positive recognition of the parties, but not the.
July 2005 Zhang Yadong open triangle love. Zhang Yadong and Xu Jinglei in Beijing street was photographed hand close shopping.
In 2010, Xu Jinglei directed the movie "Du Lala promotion", and to find their partner Stanley Huang. At that time, Xu Jinglei just hit the feelings of the blank period, there are rumors that Xu Jinglei and her boyfriend Huang Jue after four years, has reached the stage of marriage, but came Huang Jue lingjiexinhuan. The mood of the lost in the shooting of Xu Jinglei met Stanley Huang, two people in the fiery love, off screen also called false love true love, slowly burning. A year later two people cooperate again intimate enemy, since the signs of the love of the two people more and more obvious.
August 2014, Xu Jinglei said: five years no red face no more noisy, it is not a bar. The right people are the ones who make you better ". For marriage, she did not feel the pressure from Stanley Huang himself. Temporarily do not want to get married, have children.
  The 2011 session of the sixth Tencent annual star ceremony Director Award (award)
2011 of the fifth JEANSWEST JeansWest entertainment annual most influential film actress (award)
The second China Film Directors Association Annual youth director Du Lala promotion record (winning) (the award) of the Chinese Film Directors Association of the year (the award) in the promotion of young directors of the year (award) of the 2011 China Film Directors Association
The 2010 Chinese American Film Festival Best Director Du Lala promotion (winning) (remember) Award for the promotion of the Chinese Film Festival in the sixth
2010 the third public image satisfaction survey Awards (China prize) annual Chinese film and television best performance female director title (award)
2010 California will be October 30, 2010 as Xu Jinglei day (award)
In 2010 COSMO annual festival the year female fashion director (award)
2010 Chinese Fashion Award annual fashion female star (award)
2007 Beijing University Students Film Festival and received the most popular director award a letter from an unknown woman (award)
2007 Hongkong professional photographers professional photographers in the eyes of the most attractive actress (award-winning)
Brand China Annual Awards of the year 20072006
2006 Sina 2006 annual festival network blog Award (award)
2005 Chinese fashion award ceremony of the Beijing Youth Weekly fashion Breakthrough Artist Award (award)
2005sohu2004 ten annual news "red does not make special award (award)
2005 2004 2004 China Fashion Festival Entertainment influential man (award)
2005TOGH05 Yi Man Wang figure (award)
2004 the best director of the San Sebastian International Film Festival (silver shell Award) a letter from an unknown woman (winning)
The 04 session of the 2004 Chinese Film Media Award for best screenplay, best new director, China's most popular actress award I and father (award)
2003 the twenty-sixth session of Hundred Flowers Award Best Actress Award (winning) spring subway
2003 of the twenty-third Chinese Golden Rooster Award for best director prize I and father (award)
2003 of the twenty-third China Golden Rooster Award for Best Supporting Actress beautiful nostalgia I (winning)
The 09 session of the 2003 Chinese Film Awards Best Newcomer Award (winning) I love you
2003 the 03 Chinese film media awards the most popular mainland actress gold medal I love you, bound for the spring subway (award-winning)
2002 the most popular actress of the ninth Beijing University Students Film Festival is the spring subway (award)
2002 Ambassador of the first Beijing university girls' Day (award)
2002 Shanghai Times cup movie audience Award contest, won the "best domestic actress award" (award)
2002 "Chengdu daily" reader and "excited net" netizen is chosen "best public figure female star" (award)
2002 "new weekly" as "her century spokesman" (award-winning)
2001 the most popular actress of the first China University Students' TV Festival (Awards)
2001 China children's Youth Foundation Ankang plan west line Ambassador (award)
2001 China Women's activity center honorary Health Ambassador (award)
2000 eLong -CCTV Olympic website image envoy (award)
The seventh China Academy of performing arts of the Golden Phoenix Awards (award), the 1999
1999 "popular TV" "youth star" (award-winning)
1998 the most popular contemporary actress of the third college students (award)
1998 "new weekly" top ten stunning (award-winning)
Beautiful appearance, in addition to making movies. Write a blog, you can also write a good hand of the pen, is a versatile girl. She wrote the font known as founder static bud simplified". This is a movie star Xu Jinglei handwritten font, handsome, strong bones, strong and elegant, calm, it is good to hear or see. Words such as their people, heart, such as Jane Jane, people light as chrysanthemum, fresh and pleasant. (Northern network, the seventh Film Performing Arts Society Evaluation)
Xu Jinglei has since become famous, elegant image and light as chrysanthemum, Fang ya like orchid, is many people's idol. Compared to the year she was Central Academy of Drama wasgraduated professional makeup to the door outside, when not to come out in a director, mistake Feng Jing when the horse is cool, so to create a circle of a strange combination of circumstances and characters. (NetEase entertainment evaluation) she is "people feel very comfortable," 98 years, one of the ten amazing. (Sina network evaluation)
Xu Jinglei is no longer a student unsuspectingly when the entrance, but many awards and honors in a young female actress and director. The public began to be called "Xu", but also because of her blog's name became the fastest micro-blog celebrity has millions of fans. (Tencent education evaluation)



