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博采众长,师古创新,坚持继承优秀传统与创新相结合其书法厚重稳健,萧洒 飘逸,前后 得到蒋维崧、魏启后等老前辈的指导 ,并首肯。特别 对小篆情有独钟,近年来前后 创作了《七十二名家》长卷、《毛泽东诗词》长卷、《辛弃疾词》长卷、《李清照词》长卷、《金刚经》长卷。《论语全文》册页、《道德经》全文册页、《金刚经》全文册页、《药师经》全文册页、《弟子规》手卷、《滕王阁序》手卷等。

作品前后 入选参加全国及省内外书法大展并多次获奖,其中2010年全国私营企业书法大赛中获二等奖。2011年兰亭杯全国书画摄影大展赛中获金奖。2011年鄱阳湖杯“中国南昌第七届文学艺术”大奖赛中获1 等奖。2011年中国青年书画家协会,举办的首届中国历史文明 名城美术书法作品大赛中获1 等奖等。并出版有《殷实书法作品集》等。


Introduction in English

 Zhang Yinshi, born in 1960 in Jinan, Shandong Province, is a member of Shandong Calligrapher's Association. He was born into a family of calligraphers. He was deeply influenced by his family since he was a child. He studied calligraphy and kept his pen. He studied Wang Xizhi, Zhiyong, Taishan stone carving, Zhang Qian, Huashan, Shimen song and other inscriptions. He loved seal script.


He has learned from others' strengths and innovated in ancient times. He adheres to the combination of excellent tradition and innovation. His calligraphy is thick, steady, unrestrained and elegant. He has received the guidance and approval of his predecessors such as Jiang Weisong and Wei Qihou. Especially for Xiaozhuan, in recent years, he has successively created the long volume of seventy-two masters, the long volume of Mao Zedong's poetry, the long volume of Xin Qiji's poetry, the long volume of Li Qingzhao's poetry, and the long volume of the Diamond Sutra. "The Analects of Confucius" album, the "Tao Te Jing" album, the "King Kong Jing" album, the "pharmacist Jing" album, the "Di Zi Gui" scroll, the "preface to Tengwang Pavilion" scroll, etc.


His works have been selected to participate in the national and provincial calligraphy exhibitions and won many awards, including the second prize in the 2010 national private enterprise calligraphy competition. In 2011, Lanting cup national calligraphy and painting photography exhibition won the gold medal. In 2011, Poyang Lake Cup won the first prize in the 7th Nanchang literature and art competition. In 2011, China young calligraphers and Painters Association won the first prize in the first art and calligraphy competition of China's famous historical and cultural city. He also published a collection of Zhang Yinshi's calligraphy works.



