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 王庆元,男,字深伏,号龟泉子,临朐县冶元镇上国家峪村人。早年参军,前后 任打字员、保密员、干事、秘书、政治处主任、副政委、企业党委书记等职。现为青海省文联副巡查 员,青海省书协主席,中国书协理事,中国书协产业发展委员会副主任。



 近几年,多次入选由中国文联、中国书协主办、承办的各种书法展览,多次参加全国西部十省区书法作品展、七省区书法联展、全国中西部党政领导干部书画展、天津艺术节、敦煌艺术节等跨省区书法展览。在以上各项展览中,曾多次获得二等奖、优秀奖等。在省级以上报刊上发表书法评论文章二十余篇,书法论文入选全国性书法理论研讨会2次。在省内外报刊发表作品十余 。书法作品曾被中国书法家协会、香港新风出版社、青海省档案馆、青海省美术馆等收藏。2002年被中国书法家协会评为“德艺双馨”会员。2004年获青海省政府文艺评奖创作奖。曾多次组织省级以上书法展:如青海省“建党八十周年书画展”、“河南书法西部展”来青展、“青海省书代会代表作品展”、“中西部6人书法作品展”、“青海省庆祝建国周年书法美术展”、“青海省国税杯书法美术摄影展”等。主编了《风雅三江源》青海省书法、美术、摄影作品集。


Introduction in English

 Wang Qingyuan, male, the word deep Fu, No. guiquanzi, national Yucun people in Yeyuan Town, Linqu County. In his early years, he joined the army and successively served as a typist, Secret Keeper, secretary, director of the political office, deputy political commissar, Secretary of the Party committee of the enterprise, etc. Now he is the deputy inspector of Qinghai Federation of literary and art circles, chairman of Qinghai Book Association, director of China Book Association, and deputy director of Industry Development Committee of China Book Association.


Calligraphy works have been selected into calligraphy exhibitions organized by China Federation of literary and art circles and China Calligraphy Association for many times. Many calligraphy works have been published in newspapers and magazines in and out of the province. Many calligraphy works have been collected by China Art Museum, Hong Kong new style press, Guizhou Museum, Qinghai archives, etc., and many of them have been engraved with steles and stones. He has published more than 20 calligraphy review articles in newspapers and magazines at or above the provincial level, and his calligraphy papers have been selected into two national calligraphy theory seminars. In 2002, he was honored as a member of "double happiness of virtue and art".


In recent years, it has been selected into various calligraphy exhibitions sponsored and undertaken by China Federation of literary and art circles and China Calligraphy Association for many times. It has participated in many cross provincial calligraphy exhibitions, including calligraphy works exhibition of ten provinces and regions in the west of China, calligraphy exhibition of seven provinces and regions, calligraphy and painting exhibition of Party and government leaders in central and Western China, Tianjin Art Festival, Dunhuang Art Festival, etc. In the above exhibitions, he has won the second prize and excellent prize for many times. He has published more than 20 calligraphy review articles in newspapers and magazines at or above the provincial level, and his calligraphy papers have been selected into the national calligraphy theory seminar twice. He has published more than ten works in newspapers and magazines in and out of the province. Calligraphy works have been collected by Chinese Calligrapher Association, Hong Kong new wind press, Qinghai Provincial Archives, Qinghai Provincial Art Museum, etc. In 2002, he was elected as a member of the Chinese Calligrapher Association. In 2004, he won the literary and Art Award of Qinghai provincial government. He has organized calligraphy exhibitions at or above the provincial level for many times, such as "calligraphy and painting exhibition for the 80th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China" in Qinghai Province, "Henan calligraphy Western Exhibition" in Qinghai Province, "representative works exhibition of Qinghai calligraphy Congress", "calligraphy works exhibition for six people in the Midwest", "calligraphy and Art Exhibition for celebrating the anniversary of the founding of the people's Republic of China in Qinghai Province", "calligraphy and art photography exhibition of Qinghai national tax Cup", etc. Edited the collection of calligraphy, fine arts and photography works of Qinghai Province.


China Art Evaluation and appraisal center organizes professional and industry experts to evaluate and appraise Wang Qingyuan's calligraphy works, 4500 yuan per square foot



